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View Full Version : EASA ops - is an alternate always required ?

22nd Feb 2016, 15:53
Ok, at the risk of making myself sound stupid ;

Under EASA ops, can you dispatch on an IFR plan with no alternate (not talking isolated aerodrome here) ?

On one hand, fuel planning minima says you take alternate fuel. On the other hand, there is a bit in the rules that says no alternate needed if destination has 2 separate runways, wx above circling minima + a bit etc etc
I've never been dispatched without an alternate. However, in FAA land it's quite common. Do any EASA operators do it ?

Sorry for the dumb question but theory and actual experience don't match.

22nd Feb 2016, 16:14
Yes, you can.

FE Hoppy
22nd Feb 2016, 16:58
It's done frequently when conditions allow.