View Full Version : AirVenture Oshkosh 2016

21st Feb 2016, 20:41
Is anyone in need of a place to stay during AirVenture in Oshkosh this year? A few years back I traveled to the UK and exchanged some flying time from Stapleford for lodging in my home, which is about 7 miles from the airport or 1 mile south of the seaplane base on Lake Winnebago. We have had guests stay with us during AirVenture for many of the last 15 years and have always enjoyed opening up our home and meeting new people.

22nd Feb 2016, 15:51
What a great gesture Sir, :ok: I'm sure someone will soon take up your offer.

I'll be at Osh but I'm already sorted for accommodation.

Russell Gulch
25th Feb 2016, 22:17
I'd echo alland2012's sentiment: a very generous offer.I am going but have booked my accommodation already

It's been a few years since a really hot and sweaty Oshkosh, so if it is one this year, can we use your pool for a day? :} :cool: :ouch:


29th Feb 2016, 01:23
Russell, I don't have a pool to offer you but I could take you out waterskiing or tubing on lake Winnebago in the heat. That's where I will likely be if the temperature rises.