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View Full Version : How "rusty" do other pilotsfeel after not flying for two full months?

Ignition Override
22nd Jun 2002, 05:29
Just curious. It might be interesting to have a Microsoft version of my old plane (doubt it is available) in order to warm-up with a synthetic takeoff then instrument approach, however oversimplified.

Of course with no flow-patterns, checklists and procedures, machine-gun delivery of broken clearances, "was that us?", (or malfunctions) to coordinate with the other tired pilot, or weather and many other things to deal with, it still might have some value.

24th Jun 2002, 00:31
At one company I worked for, received 103 continuous vacation days, and when I returned from leave was immediately assigned to a flight....the First Officer did the first leg...and no particular rusty feelings. The next year, 97 continuous vacation days...not rusty then either.
Must say however that I had been on the aeroplane for over 12 years at that time.

24th Jun 2002, 09:35
These days quite a few companies have a requirement to have carried out a landing in the aircraft OR simulator not more than, say, 28 days apart so two months away would probably mean a trip to the simulator before going back on line, again, it depend on each different authorities rules though.

24th Jun 2002, 11:44
I must admit, my landings in particular are not as smooth after I haven't flown in a while.

24th Jun 2002, 13:31
2,5 years without IFR (and actually much flying at all). First IFR
flight two weeks ago (after a few sessions of FRASCA). Disorientated like the first time and behind the plane. Now four flights further I am almost on my old level. Few items to be worked yet but all and all it's getting "normal" with time.

Hope it helped.

PS : Used FS :o to at least have the idea still in mind.(It is just a game after all)

8th Jul 2002, 21:21

Don't feel alone, controllers feel rusty too after a long periods of slow traffic (like during the winter). Oh yea, nothing like several weeks of low ceilings and visibility, then all of a sudden a beautiful clear day appears and every pilot who has access to a plane takes to the skies.:D

Rust doesn't just accumulate on Pilots,


11th Jul 2002, 12:27
Honestly? Rusty :)

25th Jul 2002, 16:28
hi ignition override,
sure one feels rusty after a long break, about myself my hands move a bit slow so i let the f/o do the 1st sector by the end of it i am back to my normal speed. not to worry about it happens to all of us.

5th Aug 2002, 08:27
It does get a bit rusty and the reactions sometimes are slower , even with a month's gap, so 2 months are bound to have some change and the first flight might not be that satisfactory.

Ignition Override
9th Aug 2002, 05:54
Thanks-it was my first rusty period as captain. It helped a lot just sitting at the gate and practicing flows and takeoff/climb callouts on the day before the trip, plus suggesting that the FO start by flying about half of the "spoke" legs, as usual.

Boy, it sure has been nice to be able to sit (even go on horse ride/whitewater raft at a dude ranch in beautiful Montana) with no problems-what a worthwhile operation! I highly recommend it-but you absolutely must follow the doc's and nurses' main advice. Some of us are very fortunate. Not that life always offers us a real choice on how to treat a problem.

Y'all be safe. Good luck with weather radars and APU's this summer.