View Full Version : Does Boeing have Payload-Range Gap in Widebodies?

23rd Dec 2015, 15:53
Airbus seems to have problems getting the A350 production ramped up. They seem to fall short of scheduled deliveries this year.

Looking at where both Boeing and Airbus are going in the next few years, it seems Boeing will fight the new A350s in the middle of the segment with their 787-10, 777-8 and 777-300ER.

Lufthansa says the 787-10 doesn't go far enough at MTOW, the 777-8 can, but is very heavy. The 777-300ER is an excellent aircraft, but seems questionable investment for the next 25 years.


Does Boeing need something new for 300-350 seats / 8000nm (passengers only / still air), the middle of the market?

The 777-200ER and -300ER ruled that segment for the last 15 years.

Heathrow Harry
24th Dec 2015, 09:48
Boeing are only short inthe Supersize category

Both Boeing & Airbus are short of LR 757 replacement

24th Dec 2015, 11:04
The 777-8 and 787-10 are no fast sellers, Boeing is reducing 777-300ER production already.

The 787-10 won't fly from Asia with cargo & the 777-8 OEW will be ~25 tonnes (!) above the A350s.

I see no Boeing strategy emerging to handle this big(gest) WB segment.

Denying / napping again?

