View Full Version : Man fined after flying drones over Premier League stadiums

15th Sep 2015, 16:31
Apologies if this in the wrong section.

But i have to say that this guy has gotten off lightly £1800 for nine breaches is not a deterrent to others.

you can read the story here

Man fined after flying drones over Premier League stadiums - BBC News (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-34256680)


Jan Olieslagers
15th Sep 2015, 19:56
Perhaps the good thing is that at least someone has been convicted - not just fined, but really convicted!- that ought to serve as a deterrent, I should think. Next step step should be confiscation of the gear, but perhaps UK law is too lax for that.

15th Sep 2015, 20:22
It's a bit odd that the BBC has used his pictures to illustrate the article.

Hey that's not a bad view, one or two readers might think, and be tempted to try it themselves.

15th Sep 2015, 20:30
I wonder what he charged the BBC as a fee, perhaps £1800 !

Weeds round the prop
16th Sep 2015, 13:05
I'm not sure whether to be impressed or appalled by this product. I cannot imagine where this technology will be in 20 years time, and the grief that it will be causing.

16th Sep 2015, 15:01
Hmm.. it does sound as if he got all his equipment confiscated which will add a fair amount to the blow.

17th Sep 2015, 11:52
You'd think after being given "several warnings from the police", and getting arrested, he'd start to understand the consequences of his actions.

To get arrested a second time, and have more than one of his drones confiscated before ending up in court suggest he wasn't taking any of it seriously.