View Full Version : flying solo v flying with pax

4th Aug 2015, 14:06
Good Afternoon

I was just interested to know which one you all prefer and why?



4th Aug 2015, 14:32
Personally it depends on my mission, If I'm on a cross country I like to have someone riding along, If I'm just going up locally to blow some holes in the sky then I enjoy the solitude of being alone

4th Aug 2015, 15:47
Solo, even on cross country. I have plenty of interesting things to do, watch the landscape go by, find out where I am on the chart, listen to radio chatter, fiddle with engine power settings for economic cruise, trim and then trim even better - at my level, I don't get bored.

I am OK to take passengers, but after the compulsory family and friends flights, I am doing this for maximizing my own fun.

The only exception is for longer routes, where I am going with another pilot, sharing the cost. But it's outright dangerous, if he can't restrain himself and interferes with your PIC duties on a egular basis, so I am very selective with that! :)

4th Aug 2015, 16:17
When I was a PPL, I always tried to take someone along, although if I was doing some exercises then I'd prefer a known aeronautically-experienced type who'd know what was going on and when to keep quiet.

It's all about sharing the madness and getting the other person to pay for lunch at the land-away after all.

I don't get too much of a choice about who comes along with me now I drive airliners...

4th Aug 2015, 20:52
I prefer flying with pax; I'm a better pilot solo, and undistracted.

mary meagher
4th Aug 2015, 21:12
The trusting innocence of your passenger. How tempting to show off your skill! I managed to persuade many friends and family to come with me in a glider, and did my best to be careful and responsible, and only once did one of my pax need a barf bag..... Don't forget, however, to have one handy.

Basic rule, never be ashamed to turn back if weather looks dodgy. Once, halfway there, had to rent a car in Texas to reach our destination. I had consulted with the latest forecast from Flight Service....said my passenger, "Couldn't you get another opinion?"

RVR in Austin about 500 feet. No thanks.

4th Aug 2015, 21:20
Since gaining my PPL(A) I've flown mostly with pax. To be honest, I prefer it as its an extra set of eyes. I've yet to fly with another pilot though since I've had my license!

4th Aug 2015, 21:27
:ok:From ATPL to NPPL pilot only, I'm quite enjoying it!

5th Aug 2015, 03:06
Sometimes I like to fly alone, but I like to fly with passengers. Why? For me, sharing my passion for flying with others is one of the biggest thrills I get from going up. Seeing your nephew/nieces face light up when you offer to take them flying is something you can't buy (even though you pay for it). :ok:

5th Aug 2015, 05:59
Most of the time I'm going for a pub lunch or to visit some museum or other. Not much fun doing that on your own. Other times I like to do stuff I wouldn't do with a pax on board; slinging it round some cu on a nice summer day or flinging it down the dams run at 500' from persons, vessels and structures your honour.

I like to fly most of all with my flying buddy. We both know how each other operates and individual strengths and weaknesses. Plus we have the same sense of humour and mick taking of our skills or lack of, which as we are both ex RAF tends to be pretty blunt and brutal to outside ears but hilarious to us.

5th Aug 2015, 06:42
Solo flying is great, and especially lots of room for all your charts, paperwork, Ipad etc on the seat next to you.

5th Aug 2015, 08:57
If I'm going on a cross country its sometimes nice to have a passenger. Although we've all worked hard to get our licenses, I'm still mindful of the fact I'm very lucky to be able to fly, and I like to share the experience with others. If I'm just doing circuits, stalling, PFLs etc then I prefer to be solo.

Shaggy Sheep Driver
5th Aug 2015, 10:54
Going places it's good to have another pilot along in the back seat. You can share the flying / halve the cost if you each fly it one way. For aeros, having someone in the back seat makes pitch control lighter and more effective!