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View Full Version : CHIRP - just been chirped by cabin crew

28th Jul 2015, 09:36
I've just been required to reply to a CHIRP report made a by a cabin crew member on my flight.
For those that don't know CHIRP is a voluntary, confidential air safety reporting system that is supposed to enhance flight safety. It is UK based.
The report went to Cabin Crew management, who passed it on to Flight Crew management requiring a comment.
CHIRP is supposed to be confidential!
Apart from the lack of confidentiality for both both me my crew and the person making the report, the report was absolute fiction.
I'm not surprised the cabin crew member did not not use the company air safety reporting system.
Seems like good way for disgruntled Cabin Crew to have a go at the pilots or each other instead of in enhancing flight safety.
Be aware there is no confidentially in CHIRP and you can get any c**p you like taken seriously. For at least 5 minutes perhaps.::D

28th Jul 2015, 11:46
Reviewed the chirp website - reply deleted - I was writing bolleaux, apologies. Good luck. LFH

28th Jul 2015, 22:36
CHIRP, confidential?, since when, wake up and smell that coffee....... if it's not an ASR or MOR then forget it old boy....

28th Jul 2015, 23:38
Any crewmember writing reports before first expressing his/her concern with the person involved loses all my repect, is a CRM horror and symply a bad teamplayer hence not fit to perform as crew.

Chirp that.