View Full Version : Paramotor advice needed

25th May 2015, 19:17
Hi all

I have an interest in starting with paramotoring for several years now and had a local school made up an offer which includes training and the equipment. I have no experience with any of the many different brands of motors, wings,... So I'm seeking advice if it's a good offer or not.

The equipment:

PXP Fly100Evo2 at 4395 euro (new it should cost 5415 euro), they have it since 2014 and there should have been 10 flights with it for demonstration.

Dudek NucleonXX wing for 3300 euros.

Some other necessary equipment like helmet,... The complete package comes down to 10.000 euros. Fair or not?

I've posted this on another forum as well, the wing is commonly described as an intermediate wing, but this school uses these wings for all their new students and perhaps uses the logic that it's best to train with a more difficult wing you'll be using for a longer time?


25th May 2015, 22:18
I think you'd get more info from the contributors here:

BMAA Forum (http://forums.bmaa.org)

Good luck.


26th May 2015, 08:12
I would go for a trial lesson before parting with any cash. I had a try a few years ago, but the motor was heavier than I had expected, and getting the chute inflated and ready to fly was hard on my poor old knees. So I gave it a miss!

Jan Olieslagers
26th May 2015, 17:35
I am not familiar with the "parapente" world, but 10K € seems very much money for rather little flying. With some searching, half of that money can buy you a two-stroke powered 3-axis or trike microlight.

But to each their own, of course.

26th May 2015, 21:56
But - do you need a licence for these?

27th May 2015, 21:07
You would need a full licence but again you could get an older 2 stroke flexwing micro for around 2k...but it wont fit in the boot of your car.

I to would second asking the same question on the BMAA forum...or the Flyer Forum and hope that Paul the Paraglider Pilot reads it.

FLYER Forums ? Index page (http://forums.flyer.co.uk/)


Jan Olieslagers
27th May 2015, 21:24
But - do you need a licence for these?

I can't be really sure but I do believe one does, in Belgium. Plus a separate test for the radio license - if you wish to carry and use one, as you (theoretically) must if you intend to fly abroad.