View Full Version : French TMAs Activated By NOTAM

21st May 2015, 07:41
No responses in Rotorheads so I thought I would post in Private Flying as well - :

It's been a few years since I've flown to France but am hoping to do so this weekend - weather permitting. I will route via Jersey and then plan to tour around Normandy and Picardy.

I see there is a series of wide diameter TMAs activated by NOTAM (e.g. LFOP and LFOB) which take effect from sea level. Presumably transit through these TMAs is simply a matter of calling up the controlling ATC authority and making an appropriate request? Is there any reason I might be refused a transit? Interested also to understand the underlying reason why these have been activated.

Thanks, BE

21st May 2015, 19:51
I think the notams just state hours of activity for the CTRs and TMAs. The CTRs are from SFC and class D when active. The TMAs start above SFC and are class E when active.

Unless the French radio bunnies are rather bored, they may not bother talking to you about flying in class E, aka "VFR libre".

22nd May 2015, 13:54
the notams just state hours of activity : correct
The TMAs start above SFC and are class E when active : not exactly : class E or more often class D
Please look at : Carte.Aero FFA : le WebService pour Mac ou PC - Notam, cartes VAC, AIP et Météo par F-AERO (http://carte.f-aero.fr/carte-aero-v2/)

26th May 2015, 07:25
Thanks to you both - very helpful replies. We had a great weekend pootling about Northern France.