View Full Version : Asking for PPL advises

9th May 2015, 23:19
I am ppl student and i already applied for this course in barcelona flight school and i have been started classes 3 weeks but i really feel that i am in stress the duration is 6 weeks and i study every day 4 hours i don't worry about the hour i worry about what i get from instructors cuz i finish 3 subjects (performance /mass a balance / flight planing / and in most subjects i have 10h or 12h or maximum 16h to finish each subject so try to cover what i already studied but i couldn't i got the app for questions but really it has a lots its has around 4500 question ! And my test after 4 weeks in just aircraft knowledge it has 900 questions! I think that is not normal so please tell what i have to do cuz i really anxious for the test and what the best advises to me .
(please i need helps from who has already done the ppl licence

Pilot DAR
10th May 2015, 02:42
Welcome Elyas,

The more questions you can study, the better. Try not to rush, the PPL is just a step along your path to becoming a confident pilot. You are better to take your time, and pass your ground school exams with ease and confidence, than to "cram" information just to pass, and then forget it.

Remember that you will receive ground school training only once, and probably not again, until you seek a higher license, where the actual flying skills, you will practice every time you fly in the future. So get the ground school topics really well into your mind, because they do have to last in your mind for your whole career as a PPL - they are not so easily refreshed!

Search topics here, and you will find all kinds of wisdom. But the reference books are the "official" source of information....

All PPLs have done it, you can too!

10th May 2015, 12:42
Thank you very much for helping and i will pay attention for your recommendations

10th May 2015, 18:15
Hi Elyas,

I was freaking out myself not that long ago, I find this book to be perfect - Books | Air Pilot's Manuals - Thom | BTT080 | APM 8 PPL Question & Answers to accompany the Air Pilot's Manuals (http://www.pooleys.com/prod_detail.cfm?product_id=2244&PageNum_rs_product=1&product_category_id=2&product_sub_category_id=6)

obviously CAA air law will not work for you, but other sections cover absolutely everything you need to know, after every section there are really good explanations that put everything into place. Good luck and calm down - go through lots and lots of question banks, study subjects that you don't understand - don't just learn the answers

10th May 2015, 19:04
thank you mr martin i will buy this books and i will try to covering all the important sections

horizon flyer
11th May 2015, 13:39
Cessna say there is a hundred thousand items to learn to fly a plane.
So pace your self and we all understand how much there is to learn and it does not stop when you have your PPL. Best of luck and do not feel to bad if you fail an exam once or twice just keeping going and you will get there.

12th May 2015, 00:12
thank you horzion for helping