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sunday driver
20th Apr 2015, 12:04
OK, I have read this (http://www.pprune.org/private-flying/538042-stall-speed-established-slip.html) carefully.

Being a simple person, I need some simple guidelines for EFATO - where is my plan right and where is it wrong (or at least unduly risky)?
Assume a) a PA28 / similar or b) a 172 / similar

I take off, and at 450 ft there's a metallic death rattle and the engine stops.
Assume best glide speed (Mayday if poss)
Turn into wind and I see the only suitable field is more or less in front, but I am already nearly above to the downwind fence, and it's a short-ish field.
Check Vfe; select full flap; set initial approach speed; fuel off; mags off; electrics off; door unlatch.
Now I need to lose a lot of height pronto, so I start significant side-slips to left and to right, ensuring I am maintaining the initial approach speed each time I go through 'wings level'.
Low enough; wings level; final approach speed; touch down; brakes; steer round obstacles; ground loop as the far fence approaches.

I'd rather like to avoid stalling into the ground while I'm doing all this,

So what's the max slip I should apply with full flap?
Is full flap appropriate?
Am I right to stick with the initial approach speed while slipping?
Should I be using an entirely different process?

It would be nice to have this in my head before I need it.:ok:


A and C
20th Apr 2015, 12:19
First a word of caution, Side slipping WITH stalling is called spinning !

Most light aircraft will side slip without problems but you MUST maintain a greater margin above the stall so look for about 10 KTS above the flight manual approach speed ( get the number from the flight manual and NOT any place else).

Practise this at a height that a recovery from an inccipent spin can be recovered from.

Check the flight manual for side slipping prohibition, some aircraft with full flap selected can while being side slipped can have poor elevator pitch control.

Side slipping is a very valuable technique regularly use by glider pilots who don't have the luxury of putting the power on and trying one more time, I can't understand why more power pilots don't use it.

20th Apr 2015, 12:20
1. If my memory is correct it is prohibited to slip a C-172 at full flap.
2. It is prohibited to slip an older C-150 (with 40° flap).

That being said, you want to loose heigt FAST?
Get as far away from best glide speed as possible.


a) GO full flap ASAP, and DIVE at max flap speed, aim about 2OO yard in front of the touch down point, to get as much resistance as possible, then flare just above ground. A full flap C-172 is draggy.

b) GO full flap ASAP, and slow down to just above stall speed streight ahead, DO NOT BANK or you WILL STALL/SPIN in, and let the airplane sink. The lower speed will cover less ground while sinking fast. At 50ft a gentle forward nudge to get some speed to flare properly.)

c) GO FULL rudder slip without flaps, at well above stall speed. (the higher the speed, the more drag you create.) Aim 300 yard in front of touch down point
But then it gets complicated. Level out, drop full flap, flare, a lot to do in little time, and judgement will jhave to be perfect.

These are things to try out at altitude like 3000-4000 ft or so.

20th Apr 2015, 12:40
1. If my memory is correct it is prohibited to slip a C-172 at full flap.
2. It is prohibited to slip an older C-150 (with 40° flap

Memory incorrect.

Mach Jump
20th Apr 2015, 13:23
1. If my memory is correct it is prohibited to slip a C-172 at full flap.
2. It is prohibited to slip an older C-150 (with 40° flap).

Half correct.

Some models of C172 had an 'Avoid slips with flaps extended' warning on the panel, and in their POH.

I don't recall a similar warning on any model of C150 I have flown.

No explanation was offered in the 172 POH for the warning, but there are two possible explanations.

1. Disruption of the airflow over the tail, causing pitch control difficulty, as suggested by A and C.

2. On poorly maintained/rigged aircraft, it is possible for wear in the flap multi-track system to allow sufficient sideways movement of the flap, during a side-slip, to jam, or restrict the aileron movement.

I have experienced both of the above on both types, and so now I don't side-slip with flaps in either.

I would suggest that Vilters' option a) Is the safest way to loose height steeply in a C172.

As to the questions posed by the OP, I can't improve on the advice given by A and C, except to add that the higher the speed in the side-slip, the more effective it will be.


9 lives
20th Apr 2015, 13:34
MJ is mostly correct. All Cessnas may be full flap slipped. Some 172's have an "avoid" placard, because the wake vortex from the extended flap just impinges on the stabilizer, and causes the risk of instability (at about 50 kts, for my experience) This is not harmful, it just demands a bit of attention in pitch.

Do not stall while slipping and you will not spin.

If you have a genuine forced approach, do what you need to to get safely on the ground, flap limiting speeds are secondary, exceed by a little, if it will make the landing safe.

Drag increases as a square of the speed, so you get more drag from the flaps if you fly faster. If you need drag, extend all the flaps, and fly faster.

Be very sure to allow yourself additional speed for the flare, to you have some inertia to arrest your rate of descent. Arriving to the top of the flare at minimum flying speed will result in an unarrested hard landing.

You would rather force land 5 knots too fast than too slow. If you have to crash into an object, better the far fence at 10 knots, than the near one at 50 knots, because you ran out of speed, and could not make it over.

A slip is better than flaps for glide path control higher up the approach, as you can apply and then remove it, without a lift penalty. Once flaps are selected, they should not be thereafter raised during that approach - you're committed.

20th Apr 2015, 13:40
Once flaps are selected, they should not be thereafter raised during that approach - you're committed.

Unless your a 777 on final Heathrow, both engines out.:D

I do wonder at the numerous suggestions that during an EFATO that a lot of consideration should be given to strictly adhering to the POH, like flap limiting speeds "No slipping with flaps" etc. The priority is the pilot gets down and walks away unharmed and insurance sorts out the possible wreck. I know some will say that going outside the POH adds to the problem, but I'm not convinced.

20th Apr 2015, 14:04
As to the questions posed by the OP, I can't improve on the advice given by A and C, except to add that the higher the speed in the side-slip, the more effective it will be.

Can you elaborate on that?

Are you saying that a higher speed will produce a higher rate of descent? In which case will the increased ground covered at the higher speed not simply negate any advantage from the higher descent rate?

20th Apr 2015, 14:18
I don't know that you need to consider increasing the speed in a side slip to increase it's effectiveness. As far as my experience goes, you can't drop much faster than a rock, and that's what every aeroplane I've side slipped seems like - a rock. (C150, C152, C172, C172RG, C182, Maule M5-260, PA28-140, PA28-150, PA28-160, PA28-161, PA28-180, PA28-181, PA28-200R, M20C)
And watching some "old dogs" landing short at some back-country strips, it's quite amazing to watch them land almost vertical in a side slip.

I think one should get an instructor that's comfortable with side slips and full flap landings, and try both the side slip and the full flap "dive" method, and see the difference. Both are effective, but I believe that a side slip give you that little bit more control of the decent. (my opinion is mine)

20th Apr 2015, 14:27
I've been learning to fly the wonderful Extra 300 with a very experienced instructor these past few weeks.

Something we've looked at in the extra is the dreaded base to final stall (in a skidding turn) & stalling in the slip on final - which is something you need to be aware of in the Extra, as you usually HAVE to slip on final, else you can't see the runway!

As said by these guys, as long as you keep a sensible attitude, not too high an angle of attack, this will give you some margin over the stall & you're fine. Keep the nose nice and low.

We demonstrated what happens when you put in too much backpressure & rudder in the turn... you get a very, very nasty surprise. For me this involved flipping over instantly, then subsequently recovering from an inverted dive 60 degrees or so nose down. Obviously we practiced this at some height. I can assure you, if you do it in the circuit or on final you are dead.

20th Apr 2015, 14:39
The only thing to add to A&C and the OP is that side slipping in both directions will slow the overall rate of descent. A decent sideslip can let you keep the field in sight - choose the direction depending upon which side you are sitting and then hold it in as long as necessary - remember that you will be carrying a little more speed as you come out of the sideslip.

Mach Jump
20th Apr 2015, 14:46
Can you elaborate on that?


The drag produced by the side-slip increases as the square of the airspeed, so the increase in drag should more than compensate for the increase in groundspeed, which may be less than you at first imagine, due to the angle of descent. To illustrate this, think about a vertical descent. You can increase the airspeed as much as you like without increasing the groundspeed at all.


20th Apr 2015, 15:19
I can't understand why more power pilots don't use it. Me neither, makes putting it right where you want it a piece of cake.

Re the 172's, I haven't got the POH in front of me but one of our fleet is the 172K with 40 degrees of flap available. I'm pretty sure it says something like don't slip with full flap for the reason mentioned above, you get a bit of a nodding dog effect as it disrupts the flow over the elevators. Incidentally it's amazing the effect those last ten degrees have over the 30 degree flap 172's.

Mach Jump
20th Apr 2015, 15:48
...you get a bit of a nodding dog effect as it disrupts the flow over the elevators.

In my younger, and more adventurous days I found the effect varied from one aircraft/model to another. Some didn't show any unusual effects, some just did the 'nodding dog' thing to a varying degree, but the one that 'impressed' me most, suddenly pitched down and took 200-300 feet to recover.

Although the 40 flap setting had it's uses, I was, on balance, glad when they reduced it to 30.


20th Apr 2015, 18:05
First a word of caution, Side slipping WITH stalling is called spinning !

Most light aircraft will side slip without problems but you MUST maintain a greater margin above the stall so look for about 10 KTS above the flight manual approach speed ( get the number from the flight manual and NOT any place else).

I rarely disagree with what A&C posts, but do on this occasion. "Most" aircraft won't spin from a gentle stall when slipping as the outer wing is likely to stall first and yaw the aircraft away from a spin. A skid will very much induce a spin as it will turn you into it. Probably not well explained and there are always exceptions and also very ham fisted pilots who don't "feel" what the aircraft is doing. Also, by adding speed you are cancelling out any gain you are trying to get from slipping in the first place.

The only thing to add to A&C and the OP is that side slipping in both directions will slow the overall rate of descent. A decent sideslip can let you keep the field in sight - choose the direction depending upon which side you are sitting and then hold it in as long as necessary - remember that you will be carrying a little more speed as you come out of the sideslip.

??? - No it won't ... Slipping will increase the rate of descent and if you slip correctly and hold attitude you shouldn't have any more speed as you come out of it.


Shaggy Sheep Driver
20th Apr 2015, 18:06
Thing is, you can slip by over-ruddering, or under-ruddering compared to balanced flight. If you over-rudder you are set up for a spin if you approach stalling angle (in-spin rudder, high AoA). So always under-rudder.

In other words if you are turning left use right rudder to slip, if right, use left rudder. That way you are under-ruddering. So slipping turns are good!

20th Apr 2015, 20:08
In other words if you are turning left use right rudder to slip, if right, use left rudder.

They wouldn't be slipping turns if you didn't...:)

20th Apr 2015, 21:40
The OP also mentioned a turn.

Assume best glide speed (Mayday if poss)
Turn into wind .....

How much of a turn is being considered? If at 450 ft, the aircraft is probably still climbing straight ahead and should be pretty much into wind.

If taking off with a few knots downwind a 180 degree turn won't work. If up to 90 degrees crosswind, would a 90 degree turn be considered?

Forget about turns into wind. As a low time pilot, when the engine dies at 450 ft, you will struggle to remember your EFATO checks let alone which way the wind is blowing. Add to that the reactions of any passengers. Land straight ahead with maybe a small turn either way to pick a suitable spot.

India Four Two
20th Apr 2015, 22:22
I've often done full-flap side-slips in 172s, 177s and 182s without any effect on the elevator/stabilizer. However there was an effect on my non-pilot passengers on one flight and I now have a policy of side slips, only when solo or with a pilot passenger! :uhoh:

Some aircraft, particularly gliders, have unreliable airspeed indicators when slipping. The key is to ignore this and just maintain the pitch attitude, or slightly drop the nose a little, for an added safety factor.

20th Apr 2015, 22:30
I did lots of slipping with 172 at full flap there were no problem.Important think is don't reduce your speed from normal approach speed.

In emergency situation most precious think is your life.Put full flap do slipping you will decent more than 1000 fpm easily.More speed more equals more drag.

Crash one
21st Apr 2015, 08:56

In other words if you are turning left use right rudder to slip, if right, use left rudder.
They wouldn't be slipping turns if you didn't...

Isn't over ruddering called skidding?

21st Apr 2015, 09:39
My 2p is that you won't actually have much time to think about that, and look for a spot if it actually happens, and I'd argue: You already know where the survivable 'put it on the deck' spot is; you either spotted it as soon as you got airborne, or you spotted it (or had a general picture of the nearby terrain) when you landed there earlier.

If you didn't, you should have.

If it all goes abruptly quiet at 450', by the time you've got the nose down, and approximating glide speed, you're already at or below 350ft. And if you already know that the paddock to go for is a few degrees left (or right) and immediately ahead, don't dick around checking for things like "below vfe"; you're within a few knots of glide speed. Of course you can get the flaps down. It's not a jet airliner.

I'd be stuffing the nose down fast and dropping the boards as I did so, and not formalising a side-slip (unless the landing zone was offset, when a slip could well be beneficial). This is no time for finesse. You only need enough finesse to retain control of the aircraft. Unless you're dangerously slow, if you know you're going to be a bit high from the get-go (and you would) stamp on each pedal in turn and keep the wings more or less level. The resultant double-skid will increase your descent angle quite a bit for a few seconds, and a few seconds is all you have. (Try this at safe altitude. Repeat at reduced speed. Repeat etc until it stalls. You will then know the speed and feeling when you loose control as a result of full rudder deflections near the stall.) During those few seconds, turn the gas off, bleat mayday, kill the electrics (only after the flaps are down in a Cessna), and tell any pax to brace.

Land slightly too fast. Even way too fast. (You have to; you were too high.) Keep "flying" the aeroplane after touchdown, with the brakes on, to try and avoid breaking the nosewheel from the inevitable undulations. Aim for the softest looking spot at the end of the paddock. If it's a deep ditch, consider a handbrake turn prior to reaching it (also known as a ground loop, which is a bit tricky in a trike.) If it's a fence, or trees, try and put the nose between the solid areas. Once it's stopped, double check the master and fuel are actually off, and get the hell out.

21st Apr 2015, 09:41
"Check Vfe"! Screw that. Put down as much flap as you can at whatever speed you care to (but don't get slow) and sideslip it all the way to the flare and then make it more of a 'check' and get it on the ground to allow friction to do its job. Who cares about a few pulled rivets if you walk away from a catastrophic engine failure with such limited options? Don't try and grease it on because all that lovely field of yours is getting used up as you mince along trying not to upset the champagne glasses. As for EFATO 'checks'; turn off the fuel and anything else is a bonus.

Sounds agricultural, I know, but there is a difference between the real thing and training, where flap overspeeds etc are looked upon badly :=

21st Apr 2015, 10:58
Problem with flap over-speed is not just a few pulled rivets, but total failure of one flap and not the other...
In that case you will be talked about in the past tense..

I think for the high wing aircraft, Flaps Out Slips are not so effective, as the fuselage obstructs the far side flap airflow.

21st Apr 2015, 11:03
You're not going to be overspeeding flaps down in an efato situation though, are you?
Unless you lower the nose too much - way too much, and delay putting them down.
It's pretty much not possible.

21st Apr 2015, 11:31
b) GO full flap ASAP, and slow down to just above stall speed streight ahead, DO NOT BANK or you WILL STALL/SPIN in, and let the airplane sink. The lower speed will cover less ground while sinking fast. At 50ft a gentle forward nudge to get some speed to flare properly.)
Now that is a very good technique and was taught to me by a very experienced examiner at my CPL skills test (I think the exact words were "Short field, you call that SHORT field, let me show you a proper short field!)...

Anyway during his demo, he whacked in full flap and brought the speed back to about 50 kts in a 172SP. We had quite a high AOA but were coming down nicely. He stuck it on the end of the runway, slammed on the brakes and had stopped sub 100m (I know this as there was an intersecting runway and we stopped before the intersection)......He then made me try it.

Advantages are that you have low forward speed so will stop quickly (and have less fwd energy if you end up hitting something). You have a steep descent so with headwind you can land in a field close in. Disadvantages are that you are close to stall speed so have to be a bit careful and should only use this when on a final approach, so no turning.

22nd Apr 2015, 00:15
On a PFL I personally like a side slip for shedding excess height. In the scenario given I would wish to land with full flap but I would be more happy doing the slip with intermediate flap to shed the height and selecting full flap before landing.

However, if I judged that I could get the job done by simply dropping full flap and not bothering with a side slip, all well and good. Equally, if I still needed a steeper approach I would be prepared to slip with full flap. To my mind, there is no single correct answer. It depends being familiar with the performance of your aircraft and responding to what you see out the window with some of that 'pilot :mad:'

22nd Apr 2015, 01:43
I'd be very wary of making an approach at ~50kt following an engine failure. You might find - too late - that it takes a fair bit more than 50' of height to build up enough speed to make a flare viable. Particularly if the a/c is near or at MAUW.

I know a guy who got behind the drag curve in a 207 following an engine failure. The impact marks showed the wingtips hit the ground almost at the same point as the fuselage impact point. (They all died on impact.)

22nd Apr 2015, 02:26
Just a technical terminology note:

To lose altitude as rapidly as possible, without changing direction, one uses a forward slip. Useful even with normal engine power, if one must make a no-flaps landing.

A side slip is used to counter drift from a crosswind in a normal landing.


They are more or less the same thing, using the same technique - crossed rudder and aileron controls. The difference is that in a sideslip, the nose remains pointed in the direction of travel (runway centerline), whereas with the forward slip, the nose is pointed off to the side of the direction of travel, presenting the side of the aircraft to the slipstream, thus adding drag to allow a steeper descent.

Or put another way, in a forward slip, the slip is in the direction of travel, while in a side slip, the slip is in the direction of the wind.

Of course, if one is trying to make a no-flaps landing or come down fast, and ALSO counter a x-wind, one can make a slip "in between" a pure forward or side slip.

I've made several forward slips to an actual landing in primary and recurrent training, in response to the instructor/check-pilot putting his hand over the flap lever and saying "You have no flaps - how are you going to land this thing?"

22nd Apr 2015, 02:26
Some aircraft, particularly gliders, have unreliable airspeed indicators when slipping

.. interesting comment .. can you cite any aircraft for which the ASI is much good in a slip situation ? PECs are pretty sensitive to such abuses ..

They are more or less the same thing

I suspect that most of us would have the view that they are exactly the same thing .. albeit used with different intent. It might be useful to revisit your definitions in any case ...

22nd Apr 2015, 03:54
It might be useful to revisit your definitions in any case ...

John T:

I think I understand the problem here. In the US, slips are defined exactly as described by pattern_is_full. (FAA Flight Training Handbook) Sometimes people aren't aware that not all countries of the world use exactly the same terminology to describe things though. In any case you correctly point out that a slip is a slip aerodynamically speaking...

With respect to an engine failure after takeoff and still at low altitude, I agree with previous posters who suggest that getting the nose down without delay is first priority. Fail to do that and the rest is just academic. From 450' AGL, you'll be on the ground in less than 30 seconds so there's little time for niceties. Use as much flaps and slip as necessary to get to the landing spot with as little maneuvering as possible. With no power available, getting slow may leave too little energy to check the (steep) descent. I wouldn't recommend a speed any slower than book short field landing speed. At around 60 kts at 50', there won't be much energy left by the time you get the nose up to a landing attitude. And not much margin for error either. On the day, you'll just have to be up to the task. Best to practice this at a safe altitude beforehand so you'll at least have an idea what to expect...


India Four Two
22nd Apr 2015, 06:02
Some aircraft, particularly gliders, have unreliable airspeed indicators when slipping

.. interesting comment .. can you cite any aircraft for which the ASI is much good in a slip situation ? PECs are pretty sensitive to such abuses ..

Good point, John. Sloppy writing on my part. I should have said "some aircraft have MORE unreliable airspeed indicators when slipping". I have flown some gliders with "pot pitots" in the nose, where the needle goes almost to the stop during a slip.

22nd Apr 2015, 07:51
Going back to the original post, why is the question even being asked? If you have a licence and are worrying about this, I suggest you go and find an instructor and get some practice. If training, you will be shown what to do.

As for the checklist, it is an example of "paralysis by analysis." Bin it and stick to the EFATO vital actions you have been/will be taught.

Smokey Lomcevak
22nd Apr 2015, 08:10
I'm with Shortstripper. Interestingly, I've also had the opportunity to explore assymetric stalling in an extra.

I would tend to slip before extending flap - it's the irreversible nature of flap extension that puts it to the bottom of the toolbox for me.

The argument for speeding up - that is - making the wing as inefficient as possible (without irreversibly changing its shape), also makes sense to me. I would advise against thinking in terms of "rate of descent", rather it's the angle. The further away from best glide speed one is, the shorter (not necessarily sooner) the distance covered until touchdown.

On slipping - I agree with Shortstripper's description of behaviour approaching the stall in a slip. Yes, there is roll, but it's the right way, and gives an opportunity for correction, as long as the ball is low, not high.

I will ask one question though - 1g stalling speed in a slip versus balanced flight for a given config etc... Which is higher?

sunday driver
22nd Apr 2015, 10:33
Some very helpful information here. Thanks for sharing your expertise. Forgive me if I don’t reference specific responses.

So, Why did I ask the question?
I have a couple of hundred hours (albeit over a couple of decades) and have just re-validated my IMC / IRR after an extended lapse. I am going through the self-imposed process of re-establishing my skills and confidence. This involves setting specific objectives for each sortie and writing a careful account of actual lessons learnt / areas for improvement next time. My limited gliding experience has added some useful ideas to my powered flying. For example, as I line up for departure, I mentally rehearse … ‘wind is from the left / right and if the cable breaks (engine stops) I will … ‘
Looking at my local airfield, 3 of the 4 departure directions offer good options, but the fourth is a bit restricted, hence the scenario; I will probably need to dump altitude pretty quick. Anything that works here will also be useful anywhere else.

Going back to first principles and reviewing my PPL training material, I found there was stuff on side slip and stuff on flaps, but nothing on side slip WITH flaps. Searching Pprune brought up the link in the original post – an interesting discussion, but no clear steer for ‘if the engine stops I will …’

SO, here is my simplified, safest course of action, condensed from the above, based on my usual mount, PA28-161 …
Nose down (attitude for initial approach speed). No flap. Max side slip, in one direction only. Nose right down to shed more energy. Aim a bit short because of the resultant higher speed. Short final Straighten up. Full flap. Steer, touch down, brakes, steer.

What do you reckon? Does this need fine tuning still? Coarse tuning?

The low speed, high descent rate option is interesting, but, in my case, perhaps more likely to end badly given other variables (gusting, workload, stress).

I will work on the following suggestion as well over the next few weeks. … “if you know you're going to be a bit high stamp on each pedal in turn and keep the wings more or less level. The resultant double-skid will increase your descent angle quite a bit for a few seconds, and a few seconds is all you have. (Try this at safe altitude. Repeat at reduced speed until it stalls. You will then know the speed and feeling when you lose control as a result of full rudder deflections near the stall.)”

Smokey L - Just saw your post - I will give that a bit of thought.

BTW Spilt fuel + hot exhaust or electrical short circuits = bang. Therefore I WILL want to shut off fuel and electrics. And in a PA 28 I would also like to unlatch the door. No check list required, it’s all in my head.

Thanks again:ok:


22nd Apr 2015, 10:43
I think an engine failure at 450' in a PA28 won't give you time to think much to be honest. It almost has to be instinctive at that height in that type of aeroplane. Nose down, pick a point and aim for it, end of! ... You'll have no time to worry about shutting down, cracking doors as all your brain capacity would (should) be channelled towards just flying.

Also, in my experience, engine failures are rarely so obvious or immediate which can also confuddle the brain! A slower loss of power leaves you wondering what's happening which is actually far more dangerous than a "bang, splutter, stop" situation.


22nd Apr 2015, 11:37
it's the irreversible nature of flap extension that puts it to the bottom of the toolbox for me.

Why would flap deployment be irreversible? Sure, you've got to adjust pitch if you remove flaps, opposite from the pitch you need to apply when deploying flaps, but other than that flaps are just a flight control. To be used, or not, as and when required.

If you deploy flaps thinking you're too high and need more drag, and then subsequently find yourself too low, why not simply remove flaps, partially or fully?

I'm also a glider pilot so quite used to the use of air brakes. In a glide approach, I tend to use flaps the same way. The only complication compared to gliders is that the pitch required to compensate for flap deployment is more, compared to airbrake deployment.

The only way you'd end up in trouble when you remove flaps, is if your actual glide speed is below the green arc. But as Vbg is normally very close to Vy, you should be well into the green arc in this situation.

22nd Apr 2015, 14:11
One never "knows" if or when an engine will fail.

Take off, accelerate to best climb, and clinb out.

Somewhere , somewhere, nobody knows "when", the engine fails.

Step ONE : You are too late.
By the time you realise what's happened, 2 seconds are already gone, and you are 5 kts below best climb speed.

THIS is your starting point when the brain comes alive. Flame out altitude minus 50 ft and minus 5 Kts of best climb speed. (best case scenario)

Step ONE : AGAIN, first reaction from the trained brain. LOWER the nose, do NOT stall. => Altitude = minus 100 ft.

Step TWO : Now that you have limited forward visibility => Where to go? => Altitude = minus 200ft.

Step THREE : The airplane is broken anyway, who cares, but "we" have to survive. => Decision time => Land it in, or controlled crash it in, depending on "what is in front of me?" => Altitude by now = minus 300 ft.

Step FOUR : How do I get there? => Prime at this altitude in MAINTAIN controlled flight and NO BANKING => If Flaps, go full flaps ASAP to increase low speed controllability and increase the marging to stall speed..

But if we started out at 450 ft? Sorry guys too late, its time to flare.

I seriously wonder if you have time to start a slip, get out of the slip, and flare. And you have to do it automatically, as you can not drift your eyes away from the airspeed indicator.

Flap handle, fuel cut-off, magneto's, battery. All switches done with eyes on the airpseed indicator.

MOST IMPORTANT is a controlled contact with the ground, at the lowest forward speed and under POSITIVE control.
If required, and within a few degrees, aim the fuselage between obstacles.

REMARK : Trees. Avoid trees with your wingtips, as cartwheeling around usually ends in disaster.

If you see a forest in front? STALL the airplane above the densest tree collection.

Long time ago, we did ALL spin training above a forest, never over open ground or water.

22nd Apr 2015, 14:31

I agree with what you say (see post above). However, forget about looking at the ASI! If you are unable to fly by attitude and feel, you are unlikely to be able to walk away from this scenario whatever your cockpit emergency routine is.

Also, EFATO at 450 feet in a PA28 is a lot different to the same height in say a Piper Cub. Whilst decisions are similar, one offers more time and better prospects than the other. Point is, no two EFATO are ever going to be the same for all sorts of reasons. I guess that's kind of what you were saying though wasn't it?


22nd Apr 2015, 16:24
Every engine failure at low altitude will be different.

Different in altitude, attitude, speed, there are no standard engine failures.

I stressed on the airpeed indicator, and would continue to stress on the airspeed indicator for a simple fact ; Every airplane behaves differently.

When loosing the engine in a climb, some airplanes will pich forward, some will pich upwards. God only knows at what speed or altitude you will be in when the engine quits.

Flying "by feel" requires a well trimmed airplane, with the ventilator running.

You add the extra task to retrim the airplane to be able to fly by "feeling".

At below 500 ft, there simply is very little time, and lots of things to do.

Also do not eliminate the "panic" factor.
The sudden and unexpected loss of engine, the time it takes to realise what's just happened. NO sound any more. SOUND is very important, and it's gone. The airplane is not talking to you any more as you expect it to do. Lots of "uneasy" things,. And do not forget the passengers either. They will start to panic as well.

Retrimming to fly by feel, will require the extra seconds and altitude you simply do not have.

Speed, flaps, speed, magneto's, speed, fuel cut-off, speed, and that's about it.

Speed is your life.

Sure you'll have more time in a J-3, and less in a Cessna or an Archer.

To add:

"Flying by feel."

Every flap adjustment, you would have to retrim.
Gear => Youd' have to retrim.

An unexpected engine out, is no time to fly by feeling.

Also, the engine is out.
No pressure blowing over the tail- or flap surfaces any more.

The yoke (or stick) will give you a completely different feeling as what you are used to, even in training, in simulated engine outs.

22nd Apr 2015, 16:41
Sorry but until that last post I thought you sounded like you knew what you were on about?

I said feel and ATTITUDE .... Seriously, if you really need to reference the ASI in a simple single engine aeroplane in such circumstances I don't fancy your chances.

At 500' you don't re-trim of faff about, you look outside the cockpit for where you are putting it down and do so.


22nd Apr 2015, 19:55
I thought, I'd heard it all. Engine failure at 500 ft and fly ATTITUDE?

For what, 1 or 2 seconds?

22nd Apr 2015, 20:26
Not in the mood to argue in light of local news.
Suffice to say I speak from experience not theory.

I thought, I'd heard it all. Engine failure at 500 ft and fly ATTITUDE?

For what, 1 or 2 seconds?

22nd Apr 2015, 23:00

just a couple of points to mull over ;) what do you do if there also is no airspeed indication?

remember stall is about AOA and indicated airspeed is just a guide! Short final approach speed is 1.3 X the stall speed to allow you a margin to transition from descent to landing it could be 1.4 1,5 whatever.
Landing is not ONLY about stalling onto the ground surface. It usually is but doesn't have to be.

Fly my Citation and you could cover up the IAS and fly totally on the AOA gauge and it would be a damned sight more accurate :E It has a lot to do with feel and energy management


9 lives
23rd Apr 2015, 00:07
It's all about AoA control. Speed is much less relevent. If you control AoA to give you momentarily zero G, speed will hardly matter at all for that moment, If your AoA has you pulling 2G, you'd better have extra speed. This should be entirely a feel and sense thing for a competent pilot. Reading instrument information should be extremely secondary.

Trimming a plane is a nice thing to do once extablished in a configuration. Trimming is near the least important thing you could attend to during a forced approach, unless you're gliding down from a few thousand feet.

"Best glide speed" and "best climb speed" can be traps. If you're in a vulnerable phase of flight, and you can, add 5 to 10 knots to each of these speeds, and expect the lesser performance, it'll keep you more safe. Inertia is your friend, when you must flare.

There was talk of retracting flaps for a glidepath change. No. The first setting or two of flap extension on most GA aircraft is a lift increase, so you can fly more slowly, more will be drag, but still some lift. You do not want to give up that lift, particularly if you are flying the slower flaps extended approach speed. Once down, either stay down, or apply power and overshoot - so for a forced approach = flap stay down.

'One of the several reasons I like slipping. Side or forward slip distinction is less vital than just precisely cross controlling, and getting it where it needs to be in the correct speed range. I like to slip, until the landing zone is assured, then exend the flaps as needed for a slightly fast approach.

If you reach the flare with too much inertia, use full flaps, and slip off as much as you can. You can touch down fully slipped if you need to on many GA types. It may be lumpy, but better than under/overshoot.

The use of a slip for glidepath control is a bit of a crutch, which some pilots will criticize, but it did mean that your approach have more opportunity to glide to a safe touch down than a plain glide approach.

23rd Apr 2015, 06:45
I'm also a glider pilot so quite used to the use of air brakes. In a glide approach, I tend to use flaps the same way. The only complication compared to gliders is that the pitch required to compensate for flap deployment is more, compared to airbrake deployment.

BP, I would say slipping is a much closer comparison to airbrakes than flaps and have always seen them as similar.

23rd Apr 2015, 08:01
I once read a very interesting article by a well known US aerobatic pilot who was describing EFATO.

He said that during the climb out it is normally 2 thirds sky, 1 third land in the windscreen. In the event of EFATO the only thing that MUST be done immediately is to push until you have 2 thirds land, 1 third sky in the windscreen. Forget everything else at that point as once you have obtained that attitude you can assess what to do next.

Useful to remember that I reckon!

23rd Apr 2015, 09:49
We realy do not need another Taiwan ATR crash.

6 eyes in that cockpit, and they still let the airpseed get to low, with the resulting wingtip stall and cartwheel.

When in trouble, when in panic, SPEED control is what seperates life from death.

In a real emergency, thare's a LOT to do in very-very little time.

SPEED control IS the most important one.

@ Pace

How many "little" airplanes have an AOA indicator?

I agree with AOA, but that instrument is for the bigger boys.

Single engine failure? => push over IMEDIATELY, and the rest depends on what's in front of you.

Do I need best glide or best decend? => SPEED control.

SPEED control, flaps, all the rest is OPTIONAL, time permitting.

9 lives
23rd Apr 2015, 10:45
Absolutely, speed. But assurance of speed by maintaining AoA by external reference, not by eyes in watching an ASI. Ideally, pick a point close not far, and slip then flaps into it, rather than trying to "make" a distant site with a glide depending on eyes in speed perfection.

Point where you want the crash, control the speed adequately, and flare to prevent the crash at the end...

23rd Apr 2015, 11:14

I put AOA just to remind that all this talk of speed while very relevant even to us " Bigger Boys" is not really the vital picture its AOA and while I appreciate little aeroplanes don't usually have a gauge to reflect that knowing your aeroplane and feel does come into it so think decreasing or maintaining AOA through whatever change in configuration you make should be instinctive.

Relying on numbers while vital sometimes is not enough. its good practice to fly with the airspeed covered even to practice a forced landing that way. You can do it by feel and knowing your aeroplane

thats the only point I was trying to make very important is the phrase "energy management" and that seems little taught or thought of

How is Belgium today) I fly to your country most weeks )


23rd Apr 2015, 11:40
Belgium today?
12° on the west, 15° east, wind light, scatered 3/8 clouds around 4500 ft in the east.
But hazy.