View Full Version : Ferrying a plane thru europe with mode c transponder

9th Apr 2015, 15:52
Hi gals and guys,

This spring I may have to ferry a single engine vfr plane from south spain to the netherlands. It has a transponder with mode C only.
Is that a problem, crossing spain, france, belgium and the netherlands?
Can I get a temporary permit to do so?



Conspiracy Theories
9th Apr 2015, 22:11
shouldn't be a problem as long as you dont penetrate any TMA or zone where it is mandatory to have MODE S but i can't see why not off the top of my head particularly if you have A and C.

good luck

10th Apr 2015, 11:31
For the Netherlands, from the Dutch AIP:
4.1 Elementary surveillance
Aircraft shall be equipped with a mode S transponder with elementary surveillance (ELS) functionality. The equipment must be in accordance with the technical specifications laid down in ICAO Annex 10, volume IV, amendment 77.

Activation of mode A/C transponders is prohibited in the Amsterdam FIR.

Exempted from the mandatory carriage of a mode S transponder are:

motorised VFR flights in class G airspace below 1200 ft AMSL (excluding the North Sea area Amsterdam, see ENR 2.2).
non-motorised aircraft (gliders, hanggliders, parasailers or balloons) outside the transponder mandatory zones (TMZ, see ENR 2.2).
Carriage of a mode S transponder is strongly recommended in the UK North Sea area V, this recommendation is published in the UK AIP and regulation.

4 .2.3 EHS non-capable aircraft
Exemption from the EHS requirements may be granted to non-mode S EHS capable aircraft and non-mode S EHS compliant delivery and maintenance flights with a first certificate of airworthiness issued prior to 31 March 2005 that conduct IFR/GAT flights in notified mode S airspace in the Amsterdam FIR. In these instances the aircraft must, as a minimum, be mode S elementary surveillance (ELS) compliant.

A standard form for the mode S EHS exemption request is published on the website: Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (ILT) - Formulieren luchtvaart (http://www.ilent.nl/onderwerpen/transport/luchtvaart/formulieren_luchtvaart).

The same for Belgium if you plan on flying in any controlled airspace requiring use of a transponder (Brussels TMA/crossing CTR) and generally above FL50 if I remember correctly.

A standard form for the mode S EHS exemption is contained in AIC 02/2009.
Exemption requests should be addressed to:
Belgian CAA
Commercial Aviation Department
Fax:+32 (0) 2 277 42 52
Email:[email protected]
The request must reach the administration 15 working days before the first flight using the exemption arrangements.

11th Apr 2015, 20:20
You can get along with C/A alone, but in principle only below 5,000ft, some places even lower. With EASA rules every airspace with transponder mandatory is equal to Mode-S mandatory, so beware of the many TMA, TMZs. Also, many CTR will not let you enter by same reason. Flying to uncontrolled airfields free in airspace should work. You have to make sure in planning that you do not rely on any controlled airport, as CTR clearance without S may be denied.

14th Apr 2015, 20:04
I am based in Belgium, and my aircraft has a mode C transponder. I have never run into an issue anywhere. I have flown over Brussels at 10.000ft about 2 years ago, but don't know if that would be an issue today.

Since we're talking about transponders, I'm planning to fly to the UK this weekend. Are there any issues to be expected there with my Mode C?



15th Apr 2015, 09:30
Hi gals and guys,

This spring I may have to ferry a single engine vfr plane from south spain to the netherlands. It has a transponder with mode C only.
Is that a problem, crossing spain, france, belgium and the netherlands?
Can I get a temporary permit to do so?



Is that you Robert?;)