View Full Version : Belgocontrol FEAST 2015

21st Feb 2015, 19:07
Anyone else signed up for this one?
Did you already get a reply of some sort after your registration?
It would be interesting to see how many of us are going to take part in this holy war :D

21st Feb 2015, 21:45
hi, I'am in for the FEAST test on March 3rd and you??

22nd Feb 2015, 09:25
Hello guys,
I'm scheduled on March 2nd. Hope to see you guys there !
We are roughly 3500 having applied for the job. According to Belgocontrol, only 12 will be admitted to the training process. Let's try to make the most of it :)

22nd Feb 2015, 13:37
3500 for 12 seats. Almost sounds like a walk in the park compared to other examinations I've taken in the past with 15000 applicants for 7 spots. XD

I haven't been recontacted yet though. Guess I should drop an e-mail to the recruiters. :*

25th Feb 2015, 10:17
I think 02 March and 03 March are both the same; there is no other selection test than FEAST as far as I know.

Any idea how many people there will be on Monday 02 March?

27th Feb 2015, 19:06
I've received an invitation for March 11th at 1445(local time).

2nd Mar 2015, 09:24
I received an invitation for 10th of march 14h45

3rd Mar 2015, 13:34
Every day there are 3 runs of 60 candidates. Starting at 8, 12 and 15 o'clock. And this from the 2nd of march, be well on time and cellphones should be switched off.

4th Mar 2015, 15:58
So how did it go for the lucky ones that already went through it?

I'm still waiting for my invitation, I tried to contact them via mail but no response so far... hope they didn't skip me for whatever reason though I have a candidate number.

How many days in advance do they sent out the invitations?

4th Mar 2015, 18:04
Hello everybody. :)

I have also registered for the test, but still havn't got no answer. There is one thing that reassures me : if there is session every open day since the 2nd of March and 180 persons pass the test each day, they need 20 days for everybody (suppose the 3500 are elligible).

People have reported here invitations up to the 11th of March. If we make the math, it makes 8 test days so far. So 1440 candidates invited so far.

I've registered the 5th of February so the day before registration were closed and I've asked the HR about it and they confirmed that registrations are treated chronologically.

I guess this is normal but still, i'm kinda worried. Has someone received a negative answer yet or an invitation date over the 11th ?

Thanks. ;)

5th Mar 2015, 08:12
I've enrolled online on the 5th of february as well and I got my invitation by mail on the 26th and by letter on the 27th.
My test is the 10th of March.

And if you want to contact them I think it's best to do it by telephone, I guess these days they're very busy with all the testing and so on...

Don't mean to discourage you, from what I've heard they invite everybody that has registered.

5th Mar 2015, 14:27
Hello Sixtyphoar,

Don't be worried, I just received my invitation yesterday.

5th Mar 2015, 14:53
Ok it's reassuring to know they invite people chronologically.
I applied on the 23rd of January, so I should *hopefully* get an invitation soon.

The waiting for the invitation mail is more stressful than the exam itself...

6th Mar 2015, 07:50
Finally received a letter of invitation but still no email, weird.
I will pass the test on the 18/3 at 14h45.

Edit : the mail just arrived

8th Mar 2015, 23:02
any feedback about the tests for those who have already attended ?

9th Mar 2015, 22:10
A two weeks notice? That sounds like a pretty short one. Candidates from abroad might have a hard time organizing their trip in time. :bored:

12th Mar 2015, 18:56
So I called them this morning and got a nasty surprise. My application is not valid. Reason: They do not recognise my (french) Bachelor's degree, even though only a high school diploma is required. It needs an equivalence statement... I've checked, it takes ~4 months to get it done, so it would have been utterly impossible to obtain in during the very short timeframe between the beginning of the application and the deadline. Note that there is NO MENTION of it whatsoever in the entrance requirement published on their website:


I hope you guys from abroad sent in a equivalence statement when applying, otherwise you're done.

Ironic that a country which capital is also the capital of the EU doesn't give a damn at all about the Bologna process and ECTS credits...

14th Mar 2015, 15:21
I think the rules were pretty ambiguous about that. They said that degrees need to be omologated, but did not specify anything about high school diplomas. Mine is an European title, which is supposed to be recognized in every country of the EU, being also always accompanied with a translation for all official languages; but I guess that didn't do for me either. :}

14th Mar 2015, 16:01
It is indeed a bit "nasty" as you said, but to be honest, what are the chance for a Belgian citizen to apply AND get a job in France as ATCO ? I guess everyone has a tendency to keep the job the locals...

20th Mar 2015, 12:15
I applied the night of deadline 5 minutes before midnight.
I received yesterday the letter, and this has caused a sun eclipse... What will happen then if I pass the exams? Lool
Good luck to all of us.
If someone has already been there could you please tell us how is the feeling and give us some advice.
Of course not in details as it is illegal.


25th Mar 2015, 10:37
On what date are you going for the tests ? I guess you should be on one of the latest day ... Good luck !

Has anyone already received results or knows more precisely when we should expect these ?

25th Mar 2015, 15:10
From what I remember, phase 2 will start mid-april and we should be invited with a 2 weeks notice. So we should get a mail about the phase 1 result soon.

2nd Apr 2015, 16:39
I too have received an e-mail, inviting me to FEAST 2 on April 24th.

2nd Apr 2015, 18:40
Got my invitation for phase 2 as well. However, I remain clueless about the DART. Have you guys experienced this test before ? Any advice ?
Hope to see you there :)

Best Regards

3rd Apr 2015, 02:48
I just got my invite for the second part ;
does anybody know howmany of the 3500 candidates are left?

Best of luck to everybody ; i looked at a conversation about the DART test on a dutch website and from what i read it wont be easy

3rd Apr 2015, 06:11
I've got my invitation too, the 23rd of april.
Can't wait to go.
Hopefully I will pass.

4th Apr 2015, 14:55
Got my invitation as well.

If anyone has numbers on how many participated in Feast 1 and how many succeeded, please share.

23rd Apr 2015, 19:24
Well that was a bit harder than I thought. Labels of uncontrolled aircraft mixed in with the others which made them unreadable (right clicking on them only worked for the controlled ones), dropping the flight strips in the correct bay and the correct chronological place sometimes failed because of interface issues.

We'll see...

29th Apr 2015, 16:37
made it to the third round :) e-mail just got in :)

29th Apr 2015, 17:01
Congratulation ! Didn't receive anything, that doesn't bode well.

29th Apr 2015, 17:31
Just got my mail today aswell! On to part 3 :ok:

30th Apr 2015, 05:14
I have received an email inviting me to the third part as well.

30th Apr 2015, 11:32
Congratulations to all, I've got my invite as well.

30th Apr 2015, 16:01
Since we started with 3600 people in total and only around 500 were invited for the second part of testing, it would be quite interesting to know with how many we're left at the start of part 3

30th Apr 2015, 17:00
12 ;).....

30th Apr 2015, 17:38
Wouldn't that be lovely !

3rd May 2015, 13:20
I've been keeping an eye on this forum and this thread since the start of belgocontrol's testing. I also passed FEAST 1 and FEAST 2, after FEAST 2 I didn't really expect to pass. They also had to manually upload my data since there was a technical error.

I don't think we are we 'that many' left since Belgocontrol asked us when it suits us best to take the next test. Good luck to all of you.

4th May 2015, 07:22
I've got a mail too, saying that I passed.
Hope to get my invitation soon...

Best of luck to all of you

Does anybody know if the next test is english en psychological only or is it also the group assessment??

4th May 2015, 16:18
I believe this would be the personal and psychological tests only.
In June it would be the group assessment and in July medical.

I think I miss something because if we would pass everything, we would start in September, no? And I think there was also something in August? Wasn't there an oral English test as well?

4th May 2015, 17:29
I believe this next test is the following:
Test on oral English + psychological evaluation interview based on a personality

5th May 2015, 13:57
I tought it would start in August already.. I have no clue how people can quit a job in july and start in august unless they reach an agreement with their boss.

7th May 2015, 20:20
Does anybody have any clue about what is the "group assessment" ?

From what I remember, I thought all tests should be done by beginning of July, so we should know then if we start (or not) the training in september ...

7th May 2015, 22:22
the group assessment is only if you get through this stage. So that's for somewhere in june I guess.

8th May 2015, 18:38
anyone know howmany are left?

9th May 2015, 14:05
I'm guessing around 100 people, but this is a pure guess :) also I'm hoping that SELOR sends that questionnaire in time...

14th May 2015, 10:42
My pdf document name was invitation_0119. So I also think around 100 - 150 people that are left.
Belgocontrol wasn't able to meet my request for the dates I sent, so I had to puzzle a bit at work but it's ok now. I've filled in the Selor questionnaire yesterday.

18th May 2015, 14:48
I've got _0113.
June 1 it's my turn.
Must say that I'm a curious what it's gonna be like. Haven't got a clue what they're gonna ask. If you look for some information you get so many different stories.
Some say it a sort of sollicitation interview, others say it is whith exercises, so I guess we have to wait and see what they have planned for us.

Best of luck to you guys and maybe I see you there.

18th May 2015, 14:51
The first of June is also my date ;)

21st May 2015, 13:20
went to the 3rd round ; as usual i cant give you any specifics but don't worry too much about it ; if your english is good you got nothing to worry about ; and as for the interview ; just be honest , thats all you can do... i did get a good cop-bad cop vibe in the room though :)

28th May 2015, 13:22
I didn't get that vibe at all, honestly. I had the feeling, during the interview, that everything went rather smoothly. Of course, that doesn't mean anything about the interview itself. Afterwards, you start second guessing everything yu said, at least I do.

For those that haven't gone yet: Like DVF said, just be honest and be yourself. If that's the profile they're looking for, there shouldn't be too many problems.

Anybody with an idea when we can expect some news?

28th May 2015, 18:15
This fase ends the second of June, so I guess the end of next week. Although probably a lot of evaluation has to be done.

31st May 2015, 12:42
I thought it went quite smooth as well KriVa , i just had the feeling most "critical" questions came from the same person , and as you said ; in hindsight you start doubting everything you said :)

Oh well ; best of luck to you all ; lets hope next week brings good news !

5th Jun 2015, 17:37
No news yet...

5th Jun 2015, 17:40
I went monday and they said a letter (and mail aswell I suppose) should follow within 2 weeks. There was a problem with the planning monday though, I had to wait 4 hours.

6th Jun 2015, 13:45
thanks for the heads up!

9th Jun 2015, 10:43
Thanks for the headsup. When I asked at the end of my interview, they said somewhere at the start of june, so I was getting a bit confused as to why I hadn't heared a yes or no yet :}

9th Jun 2015, 14:13
I forgot to ask when I could expect some news.
Either way, I'll be glued to my phone this week and the next. (To read my emails, of course :) )

10th Jun 2015, 09:27
I would advise to keep refreshing your inboxes, guys and girls.
I just received an email inviting me to the next process in the selections.:O:ok:

10th Jun 2015, 11:58
Hi everybody, I just got my invitation too.

10th Jun 2015, 15:57
Anyone else received an answer today ? Or still waiting for it ?

10th Jun 2015, 17:21
Congratulations, KriVa!

Also still waiting for news overhere...

Did anybody else receive anything yet?

I take the fact there already seem to have been sent out 'good news e-mails' as a bad sign. :hmm:

Keeping fingers crossed!

11th Jun 2015, 07:00
Still waiting for news. Getting a bit nervous now

11th Jun 2015, 13:09
still no news here too ; i'm guessing that doesn't bode well =)

last time they sent the good mails first too ...
it was fun while it lasted :)

12th Jun 2015, 07:55
Just received confirmation about what I feared.
I didn't pass.

I hope there is a possibility to ask for an explanation? Because in the mail they say not to reply!

I would like to know why I didn't pass, allways convenient to know for the future.

12th Jun 2015, 08:51
I think they said we would receive explanation by letter.

12th Jun 2015, 09:03
That's too bad! I was looking forward to meeting at least some of you...
Don't they have an email address or phone number for the Human Resources departement? Perhaps you could contact them through that way.

12th Jun 2015, 10:04
The same here, not good news in the e-mail.
It's kind of annoying there is indeed no further information given about the why and how.

It blows anyway failing an interview, in my opinion.
I'd rather failed the first, second or fourth test then, since those are an objective evaluation of skills you fail or pass fair and square, rather than an interview where there's always a subjective interpretation of answers given to questions which might not even probe correctly the sought after competences.

On the other hand, I might have failed the English test, which I'd actually prefer.

14th Jun 2015, 09:01
I received an email overnight, inviting me to join the group assessment on June 30th, 8.30LT.

14th Jun 2015, 12:51
I received my invitation overnight too, sent at 2am so someone's doing some nighttime :p

Sorry to hear about those that didn't get good news, it sucks that they don't send out extra information as to why they made the decision they did. Can't really improve if they don't say mention what needs improving.

14th Jun 2015, 18:20
The same here, not good news in the e-mail.
It's kind of annoying there is indeed no further information given about the why and how.

It blows anyway failing an interview, in my opinion.
I'd rather failed the first, second or fourth test then, since those are an objective evaluation of skills you fail or pass fair and square, rather than an interview where there's always a subjective interpretation of answers given to questions which might not even probe correctly the sought after competences.

On the other hand, I might have failed the English test, which I'd actually prefer.
I wouldn't say this test wasn't objective, don't forget you filled out a personality test and in my experience these tests are rather accurate.
Fact is that there is no real right or wrong in this test, either you're someone who takes the lead or someone who follows, you're someone extravert or introvert, you're very self-confident or rather insecure, etc. For any of these there is no good or bad, but obviously there is a specific type of profile they are looking for. And also obviously this profile will be different than the profile a company is looking for when they want to hire a sales manager, a marketing expert, a scientific researcher, or whatever.

So no idea what the reason is, but there will probably be something that doesn't make you a perfect match for this job, and it's better to find that out now than when it's too late.

15th Jun 2015, 11:42
I agree with Tom. I failed btw.

21st Jun 2015, 16:44
As it has been with every round, I'm very curious as to how many applicants are left... The pdf is now named after the applicant's name, so there are no clues to be found there like last time.

22nd Jun 2015, 19:52
As it has been with every round, I'm very curious as to how many applicants are left... The pdf is now named after the applicant's name, so there are no clues to be found there like last time.
67 candidates left ;-)

23rd Jun 2015, 12:48
Thanks for mentioning that, Tom.
Coming from ±3500, I'd say we've got reason to be proud, even though some will of course sadly not make it through...

23rd Jun 2015, 16:53
Thanks for the info! We're almost there, and yet, we are so far away :p

30th Jun 2015, 12:41
An interesting day, for sure.
Sadly, I can't divulge any information about the actual process, as it would give an unfair advantage to others.
I have a rather good feeling about the process, although that doesn't say anything about the actual result, of course. If anything, I am pleased the assessment itself went smoothly.

30th Jun 2015, 14:54
Good to hear it goes smoothly :) was it a full morning/afternoon or is it relatively short?

30th Jun 2015, 15:07
Our session lasted from 8.30 to 12.30. I don't think the time will vary much between sessions.

30th Jun 2015, 16:05
Wow that's quite long and very good, should give them a clear picture on everyone.

7th Jul 2015, 12:47
For those still in the running:
We were told to expect news about the group assessment from July 8th forward.
The date is of course only indicative, it may just as well be the 10th or next week.
In any case, come tomorrow, I'd start checking my mailbox.
I would do so too, but I'll be on a flight to the US tomorrow, so I'll only have WiFi in the afternoon, if at all.

7th Jul 2015, 15:49
I would be quite nervous that entire flight :}

7th Jul 2015, 17:48
I'm pretty sure I will be ;-)
On the other hand, there's nothing I can do about the results now. Even though I would love to know how I did, having that information a few hours later won't hurt anything, of course.

9th Jul 2015, 13:49
Any news ? After the test they told me we would receive the results on the 8th. They didn't say it could be later... It's kinda annoying when you are expecting the news to come and you don't get anything! Maybe it's because I didn't pass but they don't have a lot of mails to send out... Well, nothing to do but wait!

9th Jul 2015, 14:00
Hey, same here :) refreshing this thread & checking my mail constantly.... not sure iff the good news emails might have already been sent, but I haven't received anything yet. They told us "expect result from the 8th and onward" (dutch: vanaf de 8e) so it leaves the option open for it to be later.
edit: spelling

9th Jul 2015, 14:40
That's the same thing they told us: from the 8th onwards...
I'm starting to stress about it a little too, but still... I wouldn't be surprised if it lasts until next week until we hear something, be it positive or negative.

9th Jul 2015, 14:52
Keep your phones close to you !!!

I've just had a call, I'm in :ok:

I hope you will all be getting good news as well soon

9th Jul 2015, 14:59
I received the same great phone call as well! :)

9th Jul 2015, 15:25
Looks like we made it boys ! :ok: best call of my life

9th Jul 2015, 15:59
Waaw guys congratulations ! I have been following this topic since the beginning even though I didn't pass phase 2. Belgocontrol seems like great company to work for. Hope you guys will make the most of it !

9th Jul 2015, 16:08
I've had a phone call too, but since I'm in New York, calling back is extremely expensive. I just burned through 15€ just to listen to the voicemail-message.
I've recruited my father to call back for me, and am anxiously awaiting the relayed response in a McDonald's restaurant on 8th Avenue (for the free WiFi ;) )
"Stress" doesn't even begin to describe this feeling...

9th Jul 2015, 16:18
This doesn't happen too often, but I'm at a loss for words...
All I can say is: I'll see you guys at the start of the training, if all goes well (medical and background check)!!!
I think a little celebration is in order.
If any of you guys would like to meet up to get to know each other, shoot me a message!
Medical check for me is July 28th from 7am till 12.

9th Jul 2015, 17:48
I've had a phone call too, but since I'm in New York, calling back is extremely expensive. I just burned through 15€ just to listen to the voicemail-message.
I've recruited my father to call back for me, and am anxiously awaiting the relayed response in a McDonald's restaurant on 8th Avenue (for the free WiFi ;) )
"Stress" doesn't even begin to describe this feeling...

There is an app for that, use Viber or Husher for cheap VOIP calling.

Anyway, there were 12 places right? How come at least 4 of them are posting regularly on this forum (the reach here is never that high)? Is the total number who got the call > 12 because they assume some will not pass the medical/background check? What if more then 12 candidates pass the medical and background check?

10th Jul 2015, 06:26
Got my medical next week already, wanted to know asap if I'm eligible ! Would definitely join on a meet-up :ok:

10th Jul 2015, 20:10
For those who are interested, I've created a fb group 'belgocontrol 2015'

Might be easier to contact each other...

I will be doing my medical on the 28th btw

11th Jul 2015, 00:36
In all the excitement, I didn't really think about any alternatives like VOIP ;)

While 4 might seem like a lot, I think chances are statistically higher that people who frequent aviation-enthusiast forums get in, are higher. I'm not sure how many people got called, but they may of course be creating a recruitment reserve as well. We'll see in due time, I guess.

Do you mind posting a link (if necessary, via PM) to the Facebook group? I can't seem to find it?

11th Jul 2015, 05:52

11th Jul 2015, 06:20
To those who are in - welcome! :)
You'll find the group of controllers is a welcoming bunch of people who have a great sense of responsibility as well as excellent capabilities of de-stressing :ok:!

All the best during your training, it won't be easy :=, but it will be rewarding :D!

Gr, Dimi

11th Jul 2015, 13:23
Ah just now discovered this forum.. Unfortunately I did not pass the group assessment :ugh: I'd like to wish good luck and congrats to all of you that did pass and maybe I'll get to join y'all a next time! ;)

12th Jul 2015, 02:10
I just joined the Facebook group. Since I don't have a personal Facebook account, my "name" might look a little odd ;)

12th Jul 2015, 08:10
Same here, only have a facebook account for group assignments so my last name is weird too :ok:

12th Jul 2015, 18:58
Same here, only have a facebook account for group assignments so my last name is weird too :ok:
I joined as well, and I just happen to have a weird last name... ;)

14th Jul 2015, 22:32
Hey guys,

Long time lurker of these forums! :) Just signed up to tell that I've received an e-mail which states that I did pass the group assessment but that I am not included in the first training session (of September).

Meaning they build up some kind of reserve to contact for future training sessions. Anyone else got this response?

@bols: You stated you didn't pass the group assessment? Did you get an e-mail telling you so? If not, you might want to check your mail!

16th Jul 2015, 11:57
Hi guys,

I'm also an long time lurker of these forums.
Got a phone call that i passed the tests but i'm also not included in the first training session. I think i'm pretty high up in the reserve list because they are still sending me to the medical examination the 4th of August.

You guys mind if i join the facebook group? Even if i don't join this year it would still be awesome to share your experiences during the training :)

Good luck to the guys (or girls) that made it!

17th Jul 2015, 10:18
Hi All,

I received the same message as SCatc: passed the tests but not selected for the September training (and no invitation (yet) for the medical) and put in a reserve. So for the time being I just have to wait and hope for a new training in the coming years.

Anybody any idea on how big the chance is the they will use the reserves? Maybe from past experiences?

Anyhow, all the best for the ones that can start in September!

18th Jul 2015, 13:27
I don't mind at all if any of you joins the Facebook group :)
Min you, I'm not the administrator of the group.

20th Jul 2015, 09:36
Anybody any idea on how big the chance is the they will use the reserves? Maybe from past experiences?
12 people will start in September 2015, and there is a reserve of 24 people of which 12 are supposed to start a training in 2016.

20th Jul 2015, 11:10
I don't mind at all if any of you joins the Facebook group :)
Min you, I'm not the administrator of the group.

I don't mind either ;)

3rd Aug 2015, 11:25

Congrats to all of you for passing those difficult test !

Do you have any idea of how many of you 12 candidates are NL/FR ? We need some back up in the two southerns TWR and it seems that ebaw and ebos are quite full.

Enjoy your last freedom moment before starting the training in the TC !!!


3rd Aug 2015, 12:21
I can't be sure, of course, since I only know about the people I met at the medical assessment and on the Facebook group, but I have a feeling most of the candidates are Flemish.
Of the 6-7 attendees on the day I had my medical check, only 2 were French-speaking (1 or 2 of the total group were part of the reserve list.) This may of course not be the division as it is in the actual group.

4th Aug 2015, 20:12
On my medical exam there were also 2 French-speaking persons, of which one was on the reserve list.
I do know from one of them that there were only 12 French-speaking candidates left in the group case (only 2 sessions of 6 candidates), while there were still 54 Dutch-speaking candidates left at that moment.

12th Oct 2015, 13:25
To the people who got into the training program this september, could you elaborate on:

1. How the Medical exam went? (How strict? How and what do they test?)

2. How the training is going? (How are your typical days? Is it hard?)

Would love to hear your experiances with it.

Thanks allot and good luck!

21st Apr 2016, 10:38
Hi All,

In reference to the above and the fact Belgocontrol presumably is going to hire additional atco's, does anybody know which medical requirements apply?
In the document on Belgocontrol's website the links have been removed, although it still stipulates a MB from July 25th 2008 (based on Eurocontrol's class 3 requirements).
But in the meantime EASA regulation 2015/340 has been published with new regulations. Is this already applicable in Belgium or are there other laws/regulations still valid?

Thanks and best regards

7th May 2016, 22:46
Hi All,

In reference to the above and the fact Belgocontrol presumably is going to hire additional atco's, does anybody know which medical requirements apply?
In the document on Belgocontrol's website the links have been removed, although it still stipulates a MB from July 25th 2008 (based on Eurocontrol's class 3 requirements).
But in the meantime EASA regulation 2015/340 has been published with new regulations. Is this already applicable in Belgium or are there other laws/regulations still valid?

Thanks and best regards
Hi all,

I'm also hoping for some kind of answer regarding the question of bel99. How does the medical exam take place? And how strict are they on certain area's (I suppose eyes are the main focal point)?

Kind regards,

2nd Jun 2016, 12:02
Last year I failed during the 4th part of the recruitment test. I never got feedback if I had failed on the english test or the interview. Im invited monday 6th of June for a new interview.

Anyone else of you got this too?

Btw how is the trainig going for those who started it?

2nd Jun 2016, 19:04
Yep got the same thing. Wonder if they called back everyone who failed part 4, wait & see !

6th Jun 2016, 05:57
Good luck to everybody taking part in the interviews today.
To give you some idea: the training is very intense, with a rather steep learning curve.
I'm not sure, but concerning the medical, I think the EU regulations are now applicable.

6th Jun 2016, 07:15
Same here guys & girls!

Also failed the 4th part and invited back for an interview tomorrow! :)

Very interested to see how many extras they hire! Good luck everyone!

7th Jun 2016, 20:05
Any idea what is going on with the people who succeeded part 4 but were put on the "reserve list" ?

8th Jun 2016, 17:01
Did anybody hear back from the interviews that happened on Monday? I was told a decision would be made on Tuesday, but I haven't heard anything yet (which, I guess, is bad news for me).

9th Jun 2016, 07:07

I had mine on Tuesday and haven't heard anything either... Did they say they would contact you on Tuesday already or that just the decision was going to be made then? I'm not sure if they had anyone come in Wednesday or Thursday.

Since the first class starts within the month already I do expect them to notify at least by the end of this week... But maybe no news is bad news.. Be sure to keep us updated!

9th Jun 2016, 09:35
They said the decision was going to be made on Tuesday. I felt it was implied that we would be contacted either Tuesday evening or on Wednesday, since they said things had to move fast.

9th Jun 2016, 10:02
Went on Monday and they told me to expect news by the end of the week (still haven't gotten any). Keep us updated people :)

10th Jun 2016, 18:34
I got some good news late this afternoon.
Now I just have to pass the medical test, which should be fine, but I'm still somewhat nervous for it...

11th Jun 2016, 15:28

Congratulations! And good luck with the medical and the training!

Unfortunately no news yet over here... so I guess I'll be avoiding my mails on monday ;)


11th Jun 2016, 19:28
Does anybody knows what happened with the reserve list? For me it's unclear how they select people to start the training (a reserve list of 24 plus people that were invited for interviews in the past days).
I didn't hear anything yet and hope I can still start the training at a given moment.

15th Jun 2016, 18:20
@Bel99: You were in the reserve list yourself and didn't hear anything from Belgocontrol? I was in the initial reserve list and I have a date for my medical examination.

15th Jun 2016, 19:54
Unfortunately you are right SCatc..
I wonder whether the medical tests that are executed now are only for those who start the training shortly or also for those scheduled to start late 2016 and/or early 2017. In the latter case I really don't understand...

15th Aug 2016, 14:14
Hi everybody!
I'm going to pass the FEAST tests this year and I was wondering if you guys could please tell me more about the tests and how to eventually prepare to them?

16th Aug 2016, 15:27
Hi everybody!
I'm going to pass the FEAST tests this year and I was wondering if you guys could please tell me more about the tests and how to eventually prepare to them?
I took the FEAST back in 2015. Unfortunately didn't make it through phase 2. To be honest, I don't see how you could get ready for these tests. A good command of English is of course essential. But for the rest, all the exercices are well explained and you will even get some time to practise as well. I wish you the best of luck. I might apply for the december session as well assuming Belgocontrol accepts applicants having taken the FEAST already.

Best Regards.