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View Full Version : Opthalmologist Needed - HELP!!!

5th Jun 2002, 09:53
I need to find an opthalmologist who is familiar with PPL medicals, CAA regulations, etc. I am in Central Scotland, but would be prepared to travel to London. I need a report on my keratoconis (which causes me to be classified as "monocular") to submit to Gatwick. Or anyone (opthalmologist or not) who could give me advice in this area? I recall there was a letter in one of the flying mags a few months ago from an opthalmologist who offered to give advice but I can't find it now. I'm a PPL and have posted on that site also, but maybe one of you instructors can help.

5th Jun 2002, 09:56

I suggest you repost this in the Medical forum... you'd probably have better luck there.


7th Jun 2002, 23:32
The following doctor is an opthalmic surgeon as well as being a CAA AME:

Dr M S Rubin
International Eye Associates
550 Memorial Circle
Ormond Beach
United States
Phone : 001 386 673 3939
Fax : 001 386 677 5374
Email : [email protected]

8th Jun 2002, 18:56
There is an opthalmologist working in holland for the JAA who possibely can help you to solve the problem or write a report.
He works near Amsterdam at Hoofddorp just 5 km from SPL.
I only have his mail adres:
[email protected]


9th Jun 2002, 23:26
Any opthamologist worth his salt will know what you mean when you quote a CAA class one/two or three medical requirement.
The eyesight standards for all are the smae as required for LGV/PCV driving medicals, which most GP's undertake, and therefore most opthalmists cater for.