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View Full Version : [HELP] JEPPESEN Flight Plan Decode

3rd Jan 2015, 15:51
Hi everyone, I have some problems to understand the jeppesen flight plan in the following section:
"E/0346 P/TBN R/UV S/MJ J/L D/5 201 C ORANGE

I only know that:
"E/0346" is time of fuel endurance
"C/WEN MINH" is name of PIC
Can anyone help me with the other code?

I quote this section exactly from my company's jeppesen flight plan.

3rd Jan 2015, 20:03
It's all on the flight plan form which is in the Jepp Airway Manual General:
P/ is persons on board - TBN is filler, To Be Named.
R/ is what freqs your ELT broadcasts on, you have UHF and VHF.
S/ is survival equipment, you have maritime and jungle.
J/ is life jackets, you have ones with lights.
D/ is dinghies, you have 5 that hold 201 with covers and are orange.
A/ is aircraft color, yours is gray.