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View Full Version : Unusual PFD display on a Brand new A 321

21st Dec 2014, 12:40
Hello all,

Last week, I was flying around 31000 feet on a Brand New A321 (MSN 6324) and during the flight the captain noticed that the Green Dot was lower than the VLS. I took a picture and show it to some others captains but all seem confused and do not have an explanation. IF someone have any idea, please share.

We were not in Icing conditions so i doubt it has something to do with the new OEB 45.

http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/997015PFD.png (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=997015PFD.png)

Thank you.

21st Dec 2014, 13:57
Don't see the VLS strip but AFAIK the alpha protect strip is over de green dot and VLS strip,
Do not know the particularities of A320, but if this was A330 I would say something is wrong with one or more AoA vanes.

21st Dec 2014, 16:33
No Vls strip visible, and the barber higher than green dot? Seems wrong.
Select AIDS on the FMGC, call up alpha code AOA and have a look. Both should read very similar numbers, and in this case around 2.70 degrees.
If not, AOA at fault.

CONF iture
21st Dec 2014, 17:53
We were not in Icing conditions so i doubt it has something to do with the new OEB 45
Thanks for the picture - Interesting
Was it a similar display in straight flight ?
Was it a similar display on both PFDs ?
Did you have a look at the ACMS afterwards ?
Did you touch a word about it to maintenance upon arrival ?

It is not necessary to be in icing conditions for the RED OEB (is it 48 for the 320 ?) to be involved. AOA probes can block for various reasons.

Ollie Onion
21st Dec 2014, 18:02
This is purely a function of your turn. And just to be clear VLS is not visible in this picture. Same thing happens at all Altitudes, in the A321 you can't hold at green dot most of the time as during the turn green dot gets overtaken by vprot. What you are looking at here is the top of the black and amber bar which is, v prot - the speed at which low speed protections can become active.

22nd Dec 2014, 07:26
Vls is not visible because it is not load factor dependant and Valpha prot and V alpha Max are so they have overtaken Vls.

Peter G-W
22nd Dec 2014, 12:16
Also, if you fly at a decent speed then all this messy business is usually hidden off the bottom of the speed tape... 270/M0.72 seems very slow in a 321 at FL310?

22nd Dec 2014, 12:55
I have had a very low speeds computed by the FACs in the past (G-Dot, S, F).
I went on to check the GW computed by the FACs using the Param Alpha Call Up and the weight during approach was below the DOW which was not possible. (13 tons below the actual weight!!)
We went on to fly the approach using selected speed and managed the speed when configured for landing as we knew the speed wouldn't go below the Vapp target computed from the FMS.

On your picture, you can't even see the VLS, you see the V Alpha Prot.

On the return flight everything was fine and it was the very last time i saw this happen.

I think there was some kind of bug because both FAC were computing about the same really low weight.

23rd Dec 2014, 14:35
pineteam, Valmont
I don't see anything wrong with this GD speed, it is 238KTs. At FL of 310 the GW would have been 71 Tons. As I explained in earlier post VLS and GD remain unchanged with increased load factor but Valpha prot and Valpha max increase in a turn since they are load factor dependant, so their overtaking VLS and GD is perfectly normal.

23rd Dec 2014, 16:20
Helo all,

I have a different opinion regardingb the pic.
On the A340 (and could be on new A320) if u change the GW on the Fmgc, this will have impact on Vls and Gd speeds on fmgc and on pfd as well ( but not on alpha speeds).
So, I suspect the pilot has changed fmgc GW.


23rd Dec 2014, 19:28
Please post a picture in level flight and one more complete picture showing the bank angle during this situation. I think there is a modification for some a320 family a/c showing a alpha prot above VLS.(consult your engineering department).Anyway I think I can have the same result if I manually increase the bank at this altitude. If the situation is not created on purpose (bank angle + spoilers) a check of alpha parameters AOA and aoa3 could clarify if one(or more) AOA probe is blocked or giving erroneous inputs.

24th Dec 2014, 06:59
Rocket3837 and pilot-737
Why are you after GD speed it is absolutely correct. The issue is not GD but Valpha prot above GD. Which is also normal with increased load factor.
pilot-737 How can there be such modification? Valpha prot and V alpha Max show AoA from ADR 1+2 averaged and converted to speeds. Vls remains constant so can be less than these.

24th Dec 2014, 08:32
As above, one needs to understand what is a computer calculated speed - and thus susceptible to GIGO - and what is a live sensor derived indication, in turn susceptible to sensor errors.

A combination of AoB, Load Factor (levelling off from descent) will move Alpha Prot quite correctly as anyone who has flown AoA will appreciate...

24th Dec 2014, 10:04
I don't see anything wrong with this GD speed, it is 238KTs. At FL of 310 the GW would have been 71 Tons. As I explained in earlier post VLS and GD remain unchanged with increased load factor but Valpha prot and Valpha max increase in a turn since they are load factor dependant, so their overtaking VLS and GD is perfectly normal.

Hello Vilas,

I'm new on type so I might be confused. But from my little experience and even the captain told me he never saw the Green Dot below Valpha prot. It is usually always above VLS or at high altitude just on top of Valpha prot.

I have a different opinion regardingb the pic.
On the A340 (and could be on new A320) if u change the GW on the Fmgc, this will have impact on Vls and Gd speeds on fmgc and on pfd as well ( but not on alpha speeds).
So, I suspect the pilot has changed fmgc GW.

Hello Rocket 3837,

I might be wrong, but in the FCOM (DSC-22-40-30-PFD speed scale Management) it says:
" The FAC controls the speed scale on the PFD:

the FAC computes: VSW,VLS... and the maneuvering speeds: Green Dot Speed, S speed and F speed...."

Even if you insert a wrong GW in the MCDU it will have no effect on the Green dot speed displayed on the PFD.

That's what I undestand.

Sorry I don't have another picture and I did not fly that plane since.

Thank you guys. Merry Christmas to you all! :O

24th Dec 2014, 13:53
This is the case of treating a person for yellow jaundice who just turned out to be a Chinese. As Peter G-W pointed out the speed/Mach for this altitude is rather low. In normal climb or cruise it would be at least .76 which would be closer to 300KTS. The full speed tape runs about 90KTS from top to bottom so this fact is hidden from view. But I gave you the calculations and explanation in the earlier post. Every thing is normal.

24th Dec 2014, 14:30
Occurred during Direct DOTMI before handover to Chinese airspace? If so I can understand the slow speed ;)

24th Dec 2014, 17:23
Helo Vilas
I am aware that alpha spds are G loaded and the rest of spds aren't. But looking at the pic, the bank angle is small and doesn't create big G force to the extent of masking the VLS.

On the A340, u can play with GW which will immediately impact yr Vls and Gd on PFD unlike A320s where speeds on Pfd cannot be changed by changing MCDU GW.

So, I will do more reading & investigation on our brand new A320. It might have different logic than old A320s.

24th Dec 2014, 18:25
On the newer A320's:

The characteristic speeds displayed on the PFD are computed by the Flight Augmentation Computer (FAC), according to the FMS weight data (for PFD/MCDU display consistency and accuracy purposes), and aerodynamic data as a backup.
VLS (of normal landing configuration: CONF 3 or FULL), F, S, and Green Dot speeds are also displayed on the MCDU TAKEOFF and/or APPR pages.
The speeds displayed by the MCDU are computed by the FMS, based on the aircraft gross weight (which is computed according to the entered ZFW and the FOB), or the predicted gross weight (for approach or go-around).

24th Dec 2014, 19:53
In certain conditions (between fl 150 and fl 300) V alpha prot is too high and may exceed green dot speed
the cause of this phenomenon is a wrong optimization of the speed Calculation law. This misbehavior has been corrected In the fac A321.
Relevant documentation OEB 115/1

(from an old airbus SB) so yes wrong computer coding may give wrong calculations and wrong indications on your pfd ...

25th Dec 2014, 06:39
Hello C Star,

Thank you for pointing this out! I just found out in a document showing the difference between the brand new A 321 ( MSN 6324) and an slightly older model (MSN 5523)

http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/261194PFDD.png (http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=261194PFDD.png)

25th Dec 2014, 07:22
FCTM gives some of this information and effect of wrong fuel or ZFW entrees. But coming back to the issue at hand this does not help because you didn't get Check GW message.

Willie Nelson
26th Dec 2014, 09:42
Perfectly Normal people, As has been indicated by many above: Alpha Prot is a function of loading and to that end, it is indicated regardless of green dot.

This is an issue almost every time we enter a holding pattern and commence a turn at the same time, my personal minimum is to never fly in to a holding pattern at anything less than green dot plus ten knots.

It amazes me how many people are surprised by it. The FBW technology is good but far from perfect.

27th Dec 2014, 03:08
Hello Vilas,

Yes you are right, but I was just happy to discover something new. :)

To come back to the issue, yesterday I flew another A 321 quite heavy (over 80t) and at some point we were cruising at FL 320 at Mach 0.72 due to traffic ahead. Anyway and I could see the green dot sitting exactly on top of VLS ( VLS was there this time) and during turn at waypoint, the VLS was moving slightly up but the green dot was moving up also and never went below VLS at anytime.
That's why I'm a bit surprised.

I'm not saying you are wrong, I just never saw green dot going below VLS or worst Alpha prot before. Maybe it happens like Wille Nelson says in hold with steeper turn but I never noticed it. I'm still junior on type.:}

Next time I'm holding I will check that carefully. :)

Willie Nelson
5th Jan 2015, 23:14
Happens all the time, particularly at high weights and altitude. It's a great plane but the FBW does not "prevent" the aircraft from being placed in aerodynamically undesirable situations it simply mitigates the likelihood.

As a bit of a segue on a related issue: the following incident indicated what occurs when an A319 is incredulously placed in to config full with gear down for the interception of a glideslope from 2100 feet at full flap in typhoon conditions.

The flight control protections on the Airbus are awesome but they're not able to defy the laws of physics:

Highlights: 3900 fpm in the wrong direction, stalled (74 knots) Commenced climb out after reaching 884 AGL at night in IMC and well below the glideslope.


10th Jan 2015, 12:14
Not much is said about the performance of engine thust from what i read on the report, if thrust reaction is fast enough this event shouldn't occur, there is mention of the crews failure to advance thrust under low energy warning. The only explanation is that climb thrust was not enought to cope with the situation.

Fursty Ferret
11th Jan 2015, 10:44
Loss of speed at 7kts/second according to the report. Even if it only takes 4 seconds to reach TOGA power that's still a loss of 28 knots starting at Vapp.

Certification is, I believe, in the order of 9 seconds from flight idle from when I did some high power ground runs a few years ago. That's potentially a loss of 63kts.

Willie Nelson
13th Jan 2015, 23:14

Not much is said about the performance of engine thrust from what i read on the report, if thrust reaction is fast enough this event shouldn't occur,

Fair point, notwithstanding, the crew should have been aware that thrust would sometimes be delayed and go straight to Airbus golden rule number 4 if necessary.

The thrust is sometimes slow as you say and perhaps this played a part, as fast as it might be though, no aircraft FBW or otherwise can defy the laws of physics.

14th Jan 2015, 19:27
OEB 48, condition 3, alpha prot jumping up 30kts in a manoeuvre.