View Full Version : Spaceship Two In-flight Break Up

1st Nov 2014, 09:25
Many of you will by now have heard about yesterday's tragic in-flight breakup of the Virgin/Rutan Spaceship Two and the loss of one of its pilots. Apparently it was due to some sort of rocket motor related system failure. The flight was the first using a new type of propellant consisting of plastic pellets.

Although its very sad that one pilot was killed, I regard it as a spectacular success that the other survived this supersonic very high altitude in-flight breakup, and I was wondering if anyone had any knowledge of the escape system in use on this vessel and how it operates? Surely its something a little more special than a boggo Martin Baker?

Saab Dastard
1st Nov 2014, 09:48
Thread already running in R&N:


This isn't a PF subject, so suggest you ask your question in that thread.