View Full Version : Photos of private flying

9 lives
30th Sep 2014, 05:13
To add some colour to the posts, perhaps we need some photos. Photos of your flying/scenery, and a few of your pride and joy (the plane) are intended. To respect the rights of others, they should be amateur photos you have taken, or are taken of you. (we'd like to respect copyright privileges others may hold on their photos). Please assure that the photo size is 800 by 800 or smaller so it displays nicely.

Feel free to say a bit about the photo...

I'll start, with my theme for this post being Canadian "bush" scenery.


The calm just before sunrise camping on a small central Ontario lake


Typical rock formations in Georgian Bay of the great lakes, close to my home. Beautiful from above, treacherous if you're on the water!


Divers on one of hundreds of ship wrecks.


The beginning of the Rocky Mountains near Calgary, Alberta.


Hard into the Rocky Mountains, near Revelstoke, British Columbia. I was at 11,500' when I took this photo.


Vancouver, B.C. looking toward the south, as I'm headed west to Vancouver Island.


Following the Fraser River south, in south central British Columbia


Rock formations in the Fraser Canyon, B.C.


Fuel stop in central British Columbia, where the road side service station sells gasoline, diesel and Jet fuel! and a great lunch too! Perfect!


A gravel bar fuel stop in the Yukon Territory.


Me looking for a VFR path through the fog in northern B.C. Few alternates up there!


Mountains on the Yukon B.C. border.


The Yukon.


The "Ice Road" near Inuvik, North West Territories.

9 lives
30th Sep 2014, 05:18
And... part two, as all the photos I selected this time 'round were not accepted into one post (I learned something!)...


A glassy B.C, Mountain lake at 3500' elevation, one way in - NO missed approach, the other way out!


That same lake from above the next day - I could not believe I'd landed in there!


A B.C. mountain top, overlooking Vancouver


On the other side of the country, Halifax, Nova Scotia.


A valley in northern Quebec


Northern Labrador lake


The ghost town of Hebron, on the Labrador coast


Mountains of the Labrador coast, 2500' high.


There's a lot more ice burg under the water than above!


Very imposing coastal island


Dan going by the ice burg


The coast at Ungava Bay, northern Quebec


Blueberry picking in Northern Ontario


Tied up at the rocks of Georgian Bay


Landing at home in the autumn colours (runway just at the right side) yesterday.

30th Sep 2014, 10:08
Absolutely gorgeous, thank you :D


30th Sep 2014, 10:10
as a fellow Canadian and an aspiring PPL, thank you for sharing :)

30th Sep 2014, 10:39
Excellent pics. Explain how to submit them.

9 lives
30th Sep 2014, 13:21
I'm certainly no IT expert, but I do the following to get my photos posted here: I use the "Batch Processing" function of Adobe Photoshop Elements to resize a group of photos to 800 by 800 pixels maximum. Make sure that you constrain the ratio, so it does not stretch or compress one axis of the photo. I upload the resized photos to my Photobucket account, from which their unique "address" can by copy and pasted into the dialog box you get when you select the insert image icon in the tools above. Sometimes it can fiddly, so check what you've uploaded to see it is what you intended. Note that photos exceeding 800 pixels in any dimension will cause the PPRuNe pages to be buggered up. Photobucket can also be used to resize, but I have found this challenging, with my modest website skills....

Let's have some photos of where other PPRuNe members fly... I'll put up some more later....

30th Sep 2014, 17:39
Personally I like to look at photographs more than I do videos. Excellent start there, if there's enough interest is there any chance of making this a sticky?

1st Oct 2014, 22:23
Fantastic pics from Canada, do want to fly there!

Some of mine:

FL250, highest I've ever been in a SEP, a Cessna Corvalis. On our way home to Torp, Norway, from Cambridge after visiting Flying Legends last year.


Clouds over Denmark, same trip


On our way north to Bodø Air Show in 2012. Me in the Cub, in formation with two Tiger Moths, a PT-19 Cornell and a Bird Dog, all ex-Norwegian Army/Army Air Service kites




Further north, on our way to Andøya in the Lofoten islands the weekend after for the air show there.





https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/p180x540/396795_10151030841815673_581736990_n.jpg?oh=92be703b82b519e8 74aa503b7d8e7bba&oe=5482E8CD&__gda__=1422767517_efb42792d04ebc37a18ed4530345bbdd

Leading a formation of our three Moths on our way home from Sola Air Show 2012


Skiing in an Auster J1



Dodging bad weather in a Saab Safir




1st Oct 2014, 22:23
Cold trip to Værnes Air Show in June of this year!

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/p480x480/10462993_10152086283340933_4926536476567026507_n.jpg?oh=ad97 11595e9eb7849c8b6883a57b49c8&oe=54BED3CA&__gda__=1421971313_4c85aa2aac7547374666812a2a6c11a6

Warmer weather lower down, approaching Værnes

https://scontent-b-cdg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10509532_10152086283255933_4353749234288836488_n.jpg?oh=7cc4 eff674874965343ae3163593a729&oe=54B4C3F3

1950 locomotive meets 1953 Cub

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/1508997_10151782984516776_1870617733_n.jpg?oh=799d486dca2fa9 17bbdda56025c34561&oe=54C17555&__gda__=1422480681_0e67cd452b6b961642b44adc8d9103e6

Instructing in the Corvalis

https://scontent-a-cdg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/p180x540/1043966_10151439354752085_1641354971_n.jpg?oh=732693b7079829 a32a63203984eafce3&oe=54B0F378

Trip with students to EDXW Sylt in Germany earlier this year

https://scontent-a-cdg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10345851_10152151438403951_6702510579499646848_n.jpg?oh=b6c3 2bafcd93fc23948f083a25825128&oe=54B5B0B5

The Sognefjorden, Norway's longest fjord

https://scontent-b-cdg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10303791_10152076627353951_2233019656193417915_n.jpg?oh=32a9 817223b45841d8de2dad17a901f4&oe=54B33C96

Tupperware Pilot
5th Oct 2014, 08:00
....this is whats its about to me!

9 lives
5th Oct 2014, 13:54
Oh, excellent photos Tupperware!

Tupperware Pilot
5th Oct 2014, 18:02
Oh, excellent photos Tupperware!
Here are some from today's flying. I was not flying the CHRISTEN EAGLE, not my sort of flying but I do like to watch!

9 lives
11th Oct 2014, 03:12
A few from a flying day in Hong Kong


Approaching the airport over Tung Chung City


An ancient stone circle in west Lantau Island


The big Buddha


The foundation of an old fort at the west tip of Lantau Island


Cheung Chau Wan Island


Flying west out Hong Kong harbour


Approaching Hong Kong, and Kowloon


Hong Kong


Approaching Chek Lap Kok airport

Tupperware Pilot
12th Oct 2014, 16:31
....no need to stop flying!

Tupperware Pilot
19th Oct 2014, 19:36
...I said that 2 years ago!
But know the engine is running! Video to follow!

9 lives
30th Oct 2014, 12:48
A few more, from various places....


A rather threatening looking frontal cloud over the Florida Atlantic coast


Bahamas, with my wife and two folding bikes, it the C 150!


The Great Salt Lake in Utah


Helgoland, Germany


Windmill production in Bremerhaven, Germany


A A beach picnic stop in Georgia

And, just a few days ago, the recovery of a WW 2 training aircraft from the depths of a central Ontario lake. I landed, and taxied up for a chat with the crew, who had recovered some of the plane by that point.


4th Nov 2014, 16:33
A few pictures of me having fun. The cub features a lot, because that's what I fly the most. But you can also see the 1930s Rhonsperber glider, which I was privileged to fly at Lasham, and some of the Grunau babies I aerowed from a hill site in Poland (using the cub, which has been to many countries, rather slowly, though faster than the balloon)
It has even been to Le Bourget, for free, on International women's day, together with a Stampe, the only two taildraggers present that day.

I do fly modern gliders and aircraft as well!

Slideshow (http://s1379.photobucket.com/user/Piperpilotfrance/slideshow/)

Tupperware Pilot
8th Nov 2014, 08:57
.......catch's the sunrise!
Sometimes it's worth getting to the airfield early!!!

13th Nov 2014, 12:58
Nothing as beautiful as some of the earlier posts by you guys, but a nice one of Portsmouth, UK I feel :)


19th Nov 2014, 00:43

Hong Kong photo's are amazing, takes me back to when i use to live there in the 90's, such an enchanting, mystical and wonderful place!!

29th Nov 2014, 23:42

A bit of "straight and level" ;-)

8th Dec 2014, 01:40
Lots of really nice photos

A lot of them look like South East Alaska were I live. I'll have to post pictures of my home airport and surroundings.

Have a good one.

8th Dec 2014, 19:22
Toronto , as taken by my first passengers


9th Dec 2014, 16:35
A nice calm day, what could be better than heading for Lundy Island?


The white dots on the runway are sheep so a few low passes to encourage them to move


Round again to land this time


Safely down, though undoubtedly the worst surface I've ever landed on (no complaints I was comprehensively warned!)


After a good lunch in the Marisco Tavern - away again doing a circuit of the island - a view back down the runway here


And away back to the mainland


Tupperware Pilot
14th Dec 2014, 08:03
Sorry I forgot to post the video here!

And here are some A2A we did last week!
And some more early sunrise flight!!

And yesterdays flying!

21st Dec 2014, 00:07
Bartonflyer, great photos and well done on the trip, that's what it's all about.

Tupperware Pilot
21st Dec 2014, 07:19
Merry Christmas....

22nd Dec 2014, 20:07
Lundy Island looks amazing,

Did you see James May toy program where he tried to glide a small model glider from the mainland uk to lundy island

24th Dec 2014, 02:41
This is South Passage Bar, between Moreton Island and North Stradbroke Island just off the coast of Brisbane, Australia. I took an extended lesson the other day, and the instructor and I flew down to the Gold Coast and back hugging the Islands of the South East Queensland Coast.





And your sexy pilot paying lots of attention to flying the plane!!!! I think its time I had a shave and a haircut!

Bonus Tangalooma (Moreton Island) Shot. Normally this place is packed with recreational boats, but its been queit lately.


You know, sometimes I have to pinch myself to remember how lucky I am to live in this part of the world. Days like this are ones I will take to the grave knowing that a very few people will experience this. I worked hard to be able to do this, but what a reward. I dont get to do it often, but when I do it takes about 6 months to wipe the smile from my face. I am so spoilt to live in such a great country, and I so often overlook this.

I got a lot more pics that day. I also have pics of Fraser Island. When I get time I will pull some more out and post them up.

24th Dec 2014, 02:56
Just decided to upload a few more piccies of the Islands of Brisbane. These islands are just under 20nm from my as the crow (or cessna 172) flies. I sailed to Moreton Island yesterday. How lucky am I?









9 lives
24th Dec 2014, 13:49
Thanks Andy, that was just what I needed on a cool Canadian winter day!

24th Dec 2014, 18:49
Some great pictures particularly Lundy and Brisbane.

Here's one a friend sent me


Tupperware Pilot
18th Jan 2015, 19:38
....all 3 of them.

18th Jan 2015, 21:18
Hey Andy, I've stayed on Moreton Island. You of course have only viewed it from above...:)

Barton flyer, great pics. We were just talking about Lundy today as a place we ought to go. How was the strip? It will be a 180hp 172 with a STOL kit if we go so interested in your views.

19th Jan 2015, 12:38
thing - the strip is undoubtedly the worst surface I've ever landed on - there is a lot of info around on t'interweb so google away!

A few low passes were needed to clear the sheep - I suspect they may have become accustomed to being buzzed by light aircraft as I ended up very low before they shifted (of course that may have just been my super quiet Rotax engine!)

Nice pub, great scenery and certainly I'm glad that I got it in my logbook

24th Jan 2015, 08:04
Ta for that.

12th Feb 2015, 05:10
Some pictures from some of my trips around Australia


Safe Flying


This was taken back in 2010. Lake Eyre was in flood. This does not happen very often. The Birdsville Track was closed by flooding of the Coopers Creek due to heavy rains in Queensland. There is a punt to transport cars, trucks etc across the "creek". My son now works at nearby William Creek as a charter pilot for Wrightsair.


12th Feb 2015, 05:18
William Creek, where my stepson now works. Population of 8, number of aeroplanes also 8!

If you visit Australia you should visit the Outback.

Not much to navigate by, much easier these days with GPS. I remember doing flights through the Kimberly area in the 1980s (outback NW Australia) with a not very accurate WAC.


Not much green up here. William Creek is the smallest town in South Australia.

12th Feb 2015, 05:22
Unique geological area in Outback South Australia, just West of Lake Eyre


12th Feb 2015, 05:26
The Red Centre - Outback South Australia


12th Feb 2015, 05:46
At my home base. Usually the most dangerous part of flying is the drive to the airport, it is, but here in Australia we also have to contend with snakes. Never had one in the plane however!


12th Feb 2015, 06:32
Enroute from Alice Springs YBAS to Whyalla YWHA, with a fuel stop at Oodnadatta YOOD.

Turned the Garmin 1000 page range out so you can get the big picture. I love having the fuel range rings as well. The solid ring is fuel exhaustion, the dotted line is 45 minute reserve. At the time of the photo 3 hours and 28 minutes to reserve fuel.


Safe flying



12th Feb 2015, 06:39
Refuelling at YOOD.

You have to get on the radio at the hut out at the strip. You could walk into town but is about a 2 km walk. There is no telephone or mobile reception for at least 600 kms around Oodnadatta. The refuelling is done by the pink road house, which is quite famous in the outback.

Watch out for the stones on the strip.


Safe flying


12th Feb 2015, 06:43
On short final into RWY 30 Alice Springs YBAS.

You can see I have been doing some bug smashing on the way upto Alice Springs.

Had to upgrade to IFR, there was no weather to speak of, but significant haze from bushfires. All clear at YBAS so no need to fly an instrument approach.



12th Feb 2015, 06:55
G'day, Jerr.
Interesting pix.

I did spend some time in western Queensland doing mineral exploration - a lot of it around the Channel Country, near the SA border.
We used C180s, PA34s and Bell 47s. A fascinating and starkly beautiful part of the world.

p.s. What kind of snakes do you have at 'Home Base'?
The Eastern Browns were our biggest problem - they seemed to like finding their way into aircraft (and anything else mechanical).

24th Feb 2015, 09:49
Nice shot there Balazs91 (http://www.pprune.org/members/439392-balazs91)!

Here is one taken out to the East coast of the UK, about a mile east of Scarbourough:


24th Feb 2015, 17:03
Are you really really sure it's Skeggy, 'cos last time I looked there weren't any cliffs there...:)

In fact it looks more like Flamborough Head to me. Just saying...

24th Feb 2015, 20:56
You are correct, thanks for pointing that out. I should have said Scarbourough :ok:

Tupperware Pilot
17th Mar 2015, 20:30
..the Hinton Boys in the air this evening. And G-BIZY is back in the air after 2.5 years of being restored.

17th Mar 2015, 20:41
Ooer, I like that pic on the top right, the Cub into the sunset. Beautiful.

Tupperware Pilot
18th Mar 2015, 18:14
Ooer, I like that pic on the top right, the Cub into the sunset. Beautiful.
Thanks Thing, been playing with a few more edits from yesterdays shoot......

19th Mar 2015, 10:05
That head-on shot of the Jodel -- which way were you going when you took it :eek:

Tupperware Pilot
19th Mar 2015, 16:49
That head-on shot of the Jodel -- which way were you going when you took it

The camera plane (cub) was flying straight....:ok:

Romeo Tango
21st Mar 2015, 10:46
Taken at RATSU, NW of Stornoway

Sorry about the quality .... I was there for the view




Tupperware Pilot
22nd Mar 2015, 20:17
...what a great day today was. I think 75 plus aircraft flew in..
The Mystery Ship got a lot of attention. :D

9 lives
29th Mar 2015, 11:38
Great photos TP, thanks!

Tupperware Pilot
27th May 2015, 04:51
..... https://www.flickr.com/photos/tupperware_pilot/sets/72157653499260911

Nice evening for it...

Pilot DAR
4th Jul 2015, 11:41
I was invited to join a good Norwegian friend on his long desired flight around Norway, in his amphibian. Months of anticipation precede my arrival to Bergen.

I picked up the plane in Halland Lake, north of Bergen on the morning of June 20, and flew it up to pick up the owner. The plane is a 1978 Cessna 182Q, C-FJBI, which has been highly modified, with Aerocet 3400 amphibious floats, a carburetted Continental 550 engine driving an
MTV 9 three blade seaplane propeller, several wing STOL mods, Garmin glass cockpit, and many other mods. Though being imported to Norway, the plane remains Canadian registered while EASA STC approval of the mods is completed.

The weather was perfect, and I was inspired by the rugged beauty of the coast of Norway. After a fifteen minute flight, during which I had to refamiliarize myself with the lake (the previous waypoint I had entered had been lost during a software upgrade), I picked it out, and saw my travel partner, Johny, waving on the dock. I tucked in between the mountains for a curving final approach into the small lake.

We departed from the lake near Slovag an hour later, all equipped for our trip. Our first stop was to catch up to a lavish birthday party, of which Johny was an invited guest. The party was on the shore of a lake Oldenvatnet, up the fjord from Loen, an hour to the northeast. The lake, a few kilometers long, and a kilometer wide at most lies between the walls of the fjord, which extend skyward more than 4000 feet. The end of the lake is the end of the fjord, atop which is the glacier Briksdalsbre. Suffice it to say the water in the lake was clear, fresh, and cold! Johny had sought and been granted special one time only permission to land in the lake. A factor in this request, was our offer to fly the birthday boy in as a treat. Though a mooring bouy had been placed for us, I was nervous, as the frequent wind direction changes could result in the plane being swung into the shore. I located a small area on the rocky shore, where with wheels extended, JBI could be gently run aground. Tied up, she sat happily for the night. We enjoyed a fine welcome, and super food.

The next morning, after a fine breakfast, and weather check, we headed north. We climbed out the fjord, circling a little to gain altitude for the direct route to Trondheim, across the mountains.
The sky was clear, making this otherwise mountainous route possible. At 7500 feet, the view was spectacular, and the occasional forced landing area (maybe) could be picked out.
Trondheim was clear and fresh, with a good breeze. As usual, the 100LL fuelling area was well removed from everything airport. Fuel: yes, toilets, a garbage can, place to sit or water fountain:
no. As the weather was so nice, we elected to continue north. Bodo was the day's destination.
After crossing a lush farming area just north of Trondheim, we caught up to the coast again, and it's incredible rugged beauty. We followed north. It was sobering to see the remoteness of some homes along the way, places apparently only accessible by ocean going vessel. It must be a lonely life there! along the way, the "Seven Sisters" island mountains were clear, as were the coastal off shore islands. Bodo appeared on the horizon, and we were fit into sequence with several other aircraft and helicopters. Bodo is the headquarter city for the Norwegian CAA, and we had a meeting the following morning to discuss approval details with the CAA staff. After landing we walked to, and toured the very nice air museum in Bodo. It was with great interest that I viewed the display about Norwegian pilot training during WW2, at two Ontario airports I know very well. I requested a hotel room facing to the north, and entertained myself at midnight, June 21, watching the sun not set.

From Bodo, we set off cross country toward Lakselv close to the north coast, a jumping off point for tourism to "Nordkapp", the most northerly point in Europe. The weather was not quite so perfect, but certainly adequate VFR. Choosing to skirt a few dense rain showers, we arrived as planned. Lakselv airport lies along the side of a fjord, at the ocean. I took the opportunity to fuel and check JBI over, while Johny took a cab ride to visit his former military service camp. During my wait, I chatted with two adventurers, who had flown a smaller Flight Design CT aircraft from London. They were not as willing as I, with the less welcoming weather to the northeast, so once airborne, I offered them real time updates, and we both made it to Nordkapp with happy

Nordkapp is also served by Honningsvag airport, though we crossed it on our way out to
Nordkapp, it was under us on Johny's side, so I did not see it. when we returned to land there after the Nordkapp overflight, I got my first glimpse at a not so common airport. Cleared to land
on 26, approaching from the north, I identified the approach lights, which marked the required curved approach to final. Final approach would only be straight, and on the runway heading and centerline for the last thousand feet to the threshold. The departure path was similarly obstructed by nearby mountains, and curved. Add to that, the 2500 long runway had an obvious downslope toward a rocky overrun, and the ocean. I asked Johny if he felt comfortable with this, and his reply was "you land...". Lots of attention, no problem. Our hotel nearby afforded a nice hiking opportunity, which we enjoyed rather than a bus ride to Nordkapp, which had looked rather busy when we overflew.

The next morning was much nicer weather. Before setting off for another, brighter, overflight of
Nordkapp, I asked Tower if we could fly a few circuits. Probably an uncommon request, but granted. After a briefing, we flew off 26, teardrop back to 06, turn around and again. With no wind, this made the best advantage of runway slope, and avoided the more tight approach to 26 again! I now have a much greater appreciation of the skill of the Wideroe pilots who fly this in
Dash 8's! Curiosity satisfied, we reflew Nordkapp, and then east along the coast toward Russia. Destination Vardo.

Arriving to the Vardo area, we overflew the island town, planning our sight seeing, then landed
at the mainland airport. The trip from the airport to town was by taxi - through a tunnel under the ocean! The island was the location of a WW2 German outpost (and I suspect a very large turret cannon), and a fort built more than 300 years ago. The fort is now a fine museum, with exhibitions from several eras, including an enigma code machine.

From Vardo, we departed for Kirkness, and most easterly city in Norway. Just airborne, the
Russian coast lay directly ahead. As we flew south to Kirkness, I think it was possible that the left wing tip just touched Russian airspace, but not so long as to attract any Migs! We were asked if we could see a fire, and indeed we could, in Russia. I thought we might be invited in, to help with initial spotting, but that request was not made. we landed in Kirkness, and were very well hosted by the tower controller -coffee, and a fresh weather report printed.

Our most wise route, weather considered, took us to Rovaniemi, Finland, with changing
weather, and a caution that it would not be the CAVU we had been enjoying all day. Indeed,
Rovaniemi was cloudy, and windy, but otherwise just fine. Based upon the information we had, we continued south. Return was possible, and Kemi, Finland was a suitable alternate - or so I thought...

Our flight was fine, and following the Finnish coast along the Baltic Sea looked good, but the ceiling began to come down, and rain was close, so my planned alternate of Kemi looked better.
The problem was that Kemi had closed shortly after my talking to them on the way south. Oulu tower answered their frequency, and let me know that Kemi was not an option. Upon my request, Oulu allowed special VFR to enter and land. I had chosen to remain at 700 feet, believing that there were no windmills that high, and indeed the terrain and obstacle warning was clear. In the well equipped aircraft, and ILS was not a problem, but happily the runway lights came into view about 3 miles back at 500 feet. The available weather suggested that an early departure the next morning would be appropriate, to “end run” the weather, around the north end of the Baltic, and down the coast of Sweden. This worked fine.

We stopped as planned in Umea, Sweden for gas. A nice welcome, other than BP credit card or cash – no other payment accepted. We did not have the card, so my last stash of Euros was accepted for less than a full refill. From there, Kalmar, Sweden would be the night stop. Again, payment for fuel was not possible with our means.

We departed west, for a planned stop on a coastal runway near Kampinge, Sweden, but with what might turn out to be a 20 knot direct crosswind, I suggested Malmo instead. Though welcomed and fueled, our visit endured all the aspects of big airport security. We continued on to Billund, following the straight between Denmark and Sweden. I considered all the people who crossed that short passage under great duress during WW2.

From Billund, and a requisite visit to Legoland (which is a quick walk from the GA parking apron), we set off the next day back to Norway. We made land at Kristiansand, and after a pleasant stop, continued to Stavanger for dinner with a friend, then home again to the lake that evening.

In total our trip was about 30 hours, with more than 2900 nautical miles flown. It was all VFR, with the emphasis on sightseeing. The flight was flown at about 60%-60% power, and average 47 LPH for economy, which gave an average cruise speed of 105 knots.


Near Loen


Evening stop


Crossing inland toward Trondheim


The flight was great, but that drive would have been interesting!


The "Seven Sisters"


A glacier near Bodo


Near Bodo...


Final approach, Honningsvag, runway 08


Morning departure, Honningsvag






Final approach to the mainland airport for Vardo. The Russian coast on the horizon.


The German outpost on Vardo Island


The base for a really big gun!

5th Jul 2015, 08:32
Great story and excellent photos.

Some memories no doubt.

5th Jul 2015, 21:07
Nice pictures! Shame we didn't have time to meet up. Next year, then :)

Flying up the coast to northern Norway is always a treat! I now get paid to do it, albeit in a 737 and at slightly higher altitudes :)

5th Jul 2015, 22:31
Some stunning photos there DAR, looks like a good trip.

4th Aug 2015, 17:10

21st Sep 2015, 01:50

This was a still-shot taken from my GoPro while I was video-taping my flight from Dunkirk NY to Erie PA. It was on February 20, 2015 (the entire month when the whole of Buffalo and Niagara area was below 0 degrees Centigrade). Sorry for the photo quality

That day in particular was about -20 degrees. I still went for the flight fully knowing that the plane may get stuck on snowy taxiways and I'm not used to the cold. Nevertheless I still took to the skies and boy was the scenery great!

21st Sep 2015, 20:49
Some great pics guys :)

23rd Sep 2015, 18:39
Nothing too fancy about my area, lots of bush here in Northern Ontario, but I love showing off the view in my CH750 STOL!!! She ain't fast by any means, but you can't beat this sight... well maybe in a Bell 47... :eek:

http://i1312.photobucket.com/albums/t533/taiser350/Flying/vlcsnap-5885-08-17-15h32m30s269_zps86hk358e.png (http://s1312.photobucket.com/user/taiser350/media/Flying/vlcsnap-5885-08-17-15h32m30s269_zps86hk358e.png.html)

Niner Lima Charlie
1st Oct 2015, 20:15
Near Phoenix, Arizona


Niner Lima Charlie
1st Oct 2015, 20:27
Taken at Marble Canyon Airport, near the Grand Canyon, Arizona.


14th Oct 2015, 02:45
Above Niagara Falls.



21st Oct 2015, 18:42
These were taken when we went to get the FAA ticket. Flew out of Chester County Airport Connecticut in a 152. Great memories!


3rd Nov 2015, 09:58
Love your photo semmern (http://www.pprune.org/members/190041-semmern)

4th Nov 2015, 09:42
Love all the photos. I like your photos of Canada and Hong Kong trip.

18th Nov 2015, 20:07
A recent picture of Ben Rinnes in the Scottish Highlands taken at 10,000ft from an ASK21 glider. My first experience of mountain wave.:ok:

http://i1357.photobucket.com/albums/q753/baronbombburst/12219521_960712103974339_2636561643038580945_n_zpsvfet55cg.j pg (http://s1357.photobucket.com/user/baronbombburst/media/12219521_960712103974339_2636561643038580945_n_zpsvfet55cg.j pg.html)

21st Nov 2015, 13:18

Very nice clicks!

Simon T
23rd Nov 2015, 20:11

Tupperware Pilot
29th Dec 2015, 17:17
... https://www.flickr.com/photos/tupperware_pilot/albums/72157660608446353

27th Feb 2016, 06:05
Tupperware Pilot
Comper Swift A2A..
... https://www.flickr.com/photos/tupper...57660608446353

Love it! Especially the look of worry on the pilot's face as he checked his port side.:ok:

24th Mar 2016, 21:58
I love the Niner Lima Charlie shot, and the clarity on Niagara 1 from Ryan Lee 24, allied to the framing makes for an iconic shot.

Keep them coming flyer folks!

6th Apr 2016, 16:05
Castle Stalker in Argyll from a hired cessna 152 out of Oban

9th Apr 2016, 18:16
http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j136/enid_b/small%20pic.jpg (http://s79.photobucket.com/user/enid_b/media/small%20pic.jpg.html)

24th Apr 2016, 15:24
The pictures in this slideshow aren't very professional, but the view was spectacular.

26th Feb 2017, 14:57

Ballintoy Harbour in North Antrim, Northern Ireland. Picture by the late Bob Hamilton, taken with Nikon SLR from the DV window of my Paro in 1984. The harbour hasn't changed much since then (as it hasn't for the last 100 years) but Game of Thrones enthusiasts may recognise it as Port Pyke in the Iron Islands. It has attracted a steady stream of visitors ever since.

26th Feb 2017, 15:08

Intrepid photographer Billy Craig, then 16, was strapped into the front seat kneeling backwards for this shot of Torolf Sogn being launched from Newtownards. To the south is the Ulster Flying Club's superb local flying area of Strangford Lough.

28th Aug 2017, 16:28

Dornier 27 G-BMFG over Snowdonia.

28th Aug 2017, 16:30

Dee Estuary G-BMFG

28th Aug 2017, 16:32

Lundy Island Old Light from G-BMFG

2nd May 2018, 12:31
One of the bonuses of being able to fly is taking your better half on a personal night flight around Dubai, bagging 3 international aiports at the same time was an added bonus!

16th May 2018, 11:07
Beautiful pictures guys! In contrast to Dubai's deserts...Austria's snowy maintains ;) Taken at around 11oooft.

25th May 2018, 15:32
Hi, thought I would share some pictures I took last weekend flying in Alaska. Take care Bill B, Juneau, AK

6th Jun 2018, 17:54
Was taken over Slapy dam, Czech republic

Cessna 152 OK-BKN


Doing the San Francisco Bay tour

9th Sep 2018, 00:01
Monument valley, on the AZ UT border, just south of lake Powell. Yes, I did fly right between those two posts.https://cimg5.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.gmforum.com-vbulletin/1012x660/monument_val_flt_f04846398c1432a2badde7114eef8fe749aee7ce.jp g

6th Oct 2018, 06:16
https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1920x1080/turning_final_enhanced_323e572803def0883bfb6eb54449d7c4ceba1 370.jpg

For me, this was a breathtaking view while turning final to RWY 02, Mali Losinj (LDLO), Croatia. (Screenshot from headset-mounted camera.)

24th Jul 2019, 10:52
Transition through Class B airspace directly over Tampa International en-route to Florida Gulf Shoreline

India Four Two
28th Apr 2020, 19:22
A socially-distant hangar visit at High River, Alberta (CEN4). I went to look at the new toy that I hope to be flying later this year. This will be the fifth single-seater I’ve flown, but the first one with an engine!

A lot of other expensive toys in the hangar, including my club’s ASW-19 and DG-1000S, and a Beechcraft Travelair, belonging to a club member.

A lovely Spring day too. I wish we were flying.

https://cimg1.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1504/7b444000_74d3_4709_8fda_018a1ebbff78_2f16082274d80400e93ae8a 538e16425ce84d55a.jpeg

https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1504/f54b0874_e212_4b0a_b6d2_f2d50e94cca2_75fd187c09d8212a5ae3b84 ccf6d3864baeb9db5.jpeg

https://cimg1.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1504/871e84aa_cdc6_4616_84f7_d352ae38fdbe_ff2df6f332b09f6cbbf0e2c 6fbfcd598f0aa6668.jpeg

https://cimg5.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1504/2009552d_5b3a_4327_b2f8_e932925bd472_a7c1ea38cfd5ef875747ab6 8d394481dd36c8898.jpeg

https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1504/f8635d33_37a2_418f_acb3_eda7bdfcb605_3c7711326bd68d885b70d82 531ddac9df3d90157.jpeg

https://cimg1.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1775x1229/bb3f37b7_81cf_4bed_893d_011fabbe5079_4f472bcc09d749ff8b2b4b1 daa7540c33d448c23.jpeg

India Four Two
6th Oct 2020, 23:14
On Monday, I had a great day’s flying, towing at the Alberta Fall Wave Camp at Cowley Alberta. I had forgotten how much fun it is to tow in the wave.

Elapsed time was 4.1 hours and my altitude gain was 60,000’ - 15 x 4000’ tows and I’m pleased to say everyone connected with the wave. I was particularly pleased that I launched two potential Diamond Altitude* flights. For one of them, it was his first ever wave flight and he did it in style, reaching the top of the Livingstone Block at FL280.

The day started off with blue wave and relatively light winds by Cowley standards - less than 20 kts! By the end of the day, the wind on the ground was in excess of 30 kts and clouds had developed.

The rotor turbulence also increased and at one point, I hit a -2g gust which would have bounced me off the roof, except I had fortuitously tightened my straps a minute before. However, the turbulence was mild by one of our long-time tow pilot’s standards - “The rotor is not rough unless it rolls you inverted.”

Here are some photos I took, plus one from one of the Diamond altitude flights. I’ve also include a satellite image of the area. The Livingstone Range is a 20 mile long N-S limestone ridge with a high point of 8400’, approximately 4500’ above the elevation of Cowley airfield, which is shown as the red icon on the image.

* The FAI Diamond Altitude badge requires a gain of height of 5000 m (16,400’), which means at Cowley, a peak altitude of typically 24,000’ or greater.

Mid-afternoon, looking west:
https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1280x960/ae258980_1168_458f_927c_8bea208abadb_3f0326066521264f2978dc8 1caa8b64dd785319d.jpeg

https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1280x960/38fc6b70_91fa_4526_8ab3_ce2cf3172bbc_aecb00ee401085041573fbb 924fd29d8cb26c903.jpeg

https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1280x960/54016e88_1d10_4fb1_aa27_bdb1f1405ed8_2909a70e99a4637b629cf1c 352c2a03ed460b608.jpeg

Livingstone Range, with Centre Peak (8400') at the middle right:
https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1280x960/93d65fde_64fc_473b_a69e_5bff83c2f43a_c74485f0f219f0f62592ce2 47415afbb49015069.jpeg

End of the day, looking north:
https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1280x960/3149854e_8c45_4498_a1ad_d2886b622544_f617d0877dcdd75c0e867bc 02c88dc856dcecfb7.jpeg

Photo taken during one of the Diamond Altitude flights. Altimeter reading 20,430' (about 16,000' AGL):
https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1005/bb1b992b_4545_40ca_9282_594cdfbbc650_df270247c03b39a5e903a4a d3e8a0a290b608a76.jpeg

Cowley airfield is marked by the red icon, 10 nm east (downwind) of the south end of the Livingstone Range:
https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/739x1122/76810cfe_58f7_49ca_841b_8dfb6970d890_e36a1cac36de40a64d066a0 586f979d005e93288.jpeg

For anyone who would like to learn more about wave flying in southern Alberta, I can recommend:
Stalking the Mountain Wave (http://soaring.ab.ca/Stalking%20the%20Mountain%20Wave.pdf)

Chris Wheeler
14th Dec 2020, 02:18
Amazing color!

Makes me want to buy a nice camera with a big lense!

21st Mar 2021, 10:00
Pipistrel Virus SW 121
Somewhere in Slovenia

India Four Two
26th Mar 2022, 22:07
Spring* is in the air in Alberta! It's gliding season again.

The Alberta Soaring Council's Scout PCK towing Cu Nim's ASK-21B two-seater XCN.

The town of Black Diamond is in the foreground and Turner Valley (home of the Western Canadian oil industry) is beyond the still-frozen Sheep River. The Rocky Mountain Highwood Range is 25 miles away. Black Diamond ground level is about 4000' and the peaks are about 8000'.

Extensive wave activity above 15,000'.
Credit: Ben Hornett


*For those unfamiliar with the Prairies, I should point out that although it's warm enough to spend the day on the gliding field, we won't see any green grass or flowers for two more months!

India Four Two
9th Aug 2022, 01:38
A follow up from the last post.

PCK has been sitting in a hangar, looking sad and asymmetrical, after an unfortunate incident involving rolling backward down a slope and colliding with a car.

The right aileron was destroyed and two outboard ribs were buckled. Luckily there was no spar damage. The wing and new aileron are back and we are just waiting for our AME to come over and carry out the reassembly.

I had never seen a Scout or Citabria with a wing off before and I was surprised by the tiny spar carry-through structure. Not much bigger than 1” square section tubes.
https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1504/a2f2bf5c_6107_41bb_afca_566252aa27b9_49926ff45ac87e72d7b6260 9dac0fc25430c49d5.jpeg

https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1504/d7b20497_f1ad_4415_b3ca_3a24ab33ccc0_5bdd773817449b68948a6d6 a6f5e6436b3c2b859.jpeg

https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1504/5775bfa4_3750_47ee_ad04_f0266e4cc530_c1e6ec3531bca2cb9890bbe 8fcf01c31860358f6.jpeg

1st Sep 2022, 14:56
Working the pattern at lunchtime a few weeks ago:

https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1000x750/waiex_on_base_runway_30_a87f83e67e5240aa5487e45a76fba0002bea 7b37.jpg

On the ramp before the flight:
https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1000x750/waiex_pre_flight_8_22_22_643bfbac40b10e7afd7d1f371973c75a353 027f1.jpg

7th Oct 2022, 21:38
Takeoff roll:

https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1333/waiex_takeoff_roll_54bf485eaa2dce4afed1f8d32e155b43cea46dde. jpeg

https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1000x750/waiex_airborne_smaller_f60a86fb3c3c06f5c4e595f23c1fd0ad39c7a 367.jpg

India Four Two
19th Oct 2022, 03:28
I’m visiting some friends in Nanaimo BC. We went for a stroll by the harbour. 😄

https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1504/c9114d4c_38a2_4ec3_9f09_47b6e50a7ca4_5868694b68b41bc663c184c 2da11831357928297.jpeg

https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1280x914/0efe5251_4ac0_4651_9acc_dadff393c257_5f914d79284d8796c39cc16 588e407c019d81b1b.jpeg

https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1504/42bf3566_7beb_4617_a0b2_1dd8a4a2b8e0_cf96f215b4573a4fc1c871b 810016f2d5698f653.jpeg

My kind of harbour!

20th Oct 2022, 13:21
Dawn Patrol

https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1000x750/dawn_patrol_10_20_22_smaller_0612b4ff557f1ca350505a635f0d26f 4c138b0e4.jpg

The airport owners are avid pilots. She flies a Skywagon most of the time.
https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1000x750/skywagon_landing_c77_a275ac9d1f64b1041168ebf4cf7a7dcf27ba01d f.jpg

7th Nov 2022, 14:06
https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1000x750/sunrise_over_bel_air_63589176edcaf9efb1565b819a3ee11ea44e8f2 4.jpg

7th Dec 2022, 15:55
https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1000x750/c140_overhead_small_53b3668b0bc49c68e51b88ec4c788fbc80e46b40 .jpg

19th Dec 2022, 02:22
Some very cold flying today. 2.3 hours total, brings me up to 35.0 hours on the airplane.
https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1000x750/cruising_in_the_clear_fa78b7e0038d58226d68bcefc0df2980a93ff1 67.jpg

India Four Two
19th Dec 2022, 07:31
Some very cold flying today.

Probably good performance though! :)​​​​​​​

19th Dec 2022, 14:06
Probably good performance though! :)
Indeed! The air was nearly solid. The 80hp VW bug motor felt supercharged.

21st Dec 2022, 01:40
I finished my 40 hours today. Had a little time before sunset and took my son up for the first time.

21st Dec 2022, 08:25
Nice one :ok: what sort of speed can you get out of it?

21st Dec 2022, 13:49
Nice one :ok: what sort of speed can you get out of it?
Normal cruise is 100 kts burning 4 GPH. If I turn up the wick a little it is easy to reach 110 and WOT gets me almost 120.

21st Dec 2022, 17:36
Looks a fun machine! Don't think we have any flying in the UK, just a few Sonerais.

When I was flying with a friend from Schaumberg 20 odd years ago, I'm surprised we didn't drop in at Poplar Grove, my mate was keen to land at as many airports as possible and we must have almost passed overhead enroute Rock County.

22nd Dec 2022, 02:56
Looks a fun machine! Don't think we have any flying in the UK, just a few Sonerais.

When I was flying with a friend from Schaumberg 20 odd years ago, I'm surprised we didn't drop in at Poplar Grove, my mate was keen to land at as many airports as possible and we must have almost passed overhead enroute Rock County.

From our forum there is at least 1 in the UK:
Sonex#1555 TD
Aereovee #0672
Bungay, Suffolk, England,
Poplar Grove is a great place to visit. We have a museum, an EAA chapter, a maintenance shop, engine rebuild shop, and some of the old timers recently scratch built a Curtiss Jenny.


23rd Dec 2022, 22:26
https://cimg5.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1200x900/waiex_low_takeoff_b9d34080ba42c8dabea0e50f3d86b436b1fb61e3.j pg

26th Dec 2022, 22:25
1.5 hours today. Adam did stalls, slow flight, steep turns, takeoffs, and his first landing.

India Four Two
27th Dec 2022, 00:17

How does your Sonnex handle on the ground compared to other light tail draggers? Any issues with the ruddervators?

27th Dec 2022, 00:27

How does your Sonnex handle on the ground compared to other light tail draggers? Any issues with the ruddervators?
I'd say it's pretty forgiving. It doesn't have anywhere near the rudder power of a Super Cub or any of the Piper taildragger family, so less crosswind capability. The Sonex design features a steerable tailwheel with a direct link, and there is no differential braking. Turns on the ground are wide. It's very light and simple though. No issues with the ruddervators. They work.

30th Dec 2022, 07:59
Great stuff, love the Jenny too, you must be an industrious lot there! Wish we had dropped in though it was way back in 2001 (really? :eek:)...

8th Jan 2023, 04:05
Early brainwashing of my two boys, 2008. My co-builder Adam is wearing the green hat in these pics. Same kid in my Waiex photos and videos.
https://cimg1.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1504/cotton_boys_flying_10_8ab5671de9556509d92ebb1c53f3238ab283c0 e5.jpg
https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1504/cotton_boys_flying_03_c3d64370ded5e0819c9b3a2ec59a1d04e3c64b 6c.jpg
https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1504/mkc_on_c140_wheel_82f71f55de977068881f26d476d58d8337f2b70a.j pg
https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1504/mkc_first_c140_flight_aae31e982a53d52d84df93d6b3cd690972050c c1.jpg

India Four Two
29th Jan 2023, 16:59
I'm currently a refugee from the Canadian winter, but next year I'll be home for some of the time. I'll try to go to this fly-in!

https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/960x1077/326853029_893659578754867_2766056340514515467_n_3aec780a4b9b 18127155a0ec9378aeaa460c1594.jpg

https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1500x2000/327768385_1230479081009380_3958756697904263296_n_aa441efc981 bae9cca88288ec37568082c4ab855.jpg

https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1371x1316/327917481_1134034050624088_6261849168622062128_n_85c74e887c5 ad26ff4dafee534c53b086d28f807.jpg

https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1500x2000/327902541_1255882828472469_5636264446580582726_n_e0bc37402b4 13825c33dc6d6d44a40ef3b860ee3.jpg

https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/827x515/screenshot_2023_01_30_at_00_56_39_d7a5f334be2cdc21bdf6682261 ed9a0e4e67fe7b.png

https://cimg1.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/680x406/screenshot_2023_01_30_at_00_56_57_2e5a8cedcd785aa5cc31c261a1 10c4aad87abac5.png

29th Jan 2023, 18:47
Post-maintenance ground run.

Saab Dastard
29th Jan 2023, 19:05
Wow, without the cowling it looked like you'd had a prang! Pleased to read your caption that it's maintenance!

6th Feb 2023, 02:38
Took my younger son for his first ride today. I haven't flown with him since he was 9, back in 2013.

https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1920x1080/vlcsnap_2023_02_05_20h50m57s549_135c8d3ce0bc304b84442a05c2f4 574b1c4377a8.png

12th Feb 2023, 23:14

Sunset flight

17th Feb 2023, 09:24
wow! I love these, Beautiful!

26th Feb 2023, 03:33
We did a little XC practice today. C77, overflew RPJ and onto SQI. A couple of T&Gs and we headed back. I'm teaching my kid pilotage and dead reckoning. We will leave the electronic gizmos for later.

Tomorrow the weather looks better and we are going to fly up to Oshkosh.


26th Feb 2023, 22:48
Weather today was spectacular. Clear, smooth, low surface winds. We made it to Oshkosh. Trip was 101nm. Last time the airplane was here it was in parts at the Sonex factory. True for the engine also.

In two weeks we are launching on a 450nm trip to visit my parents in eastern Tennessee. Plus one of the goals is to take my 87 year old father for a ride. He was a pilot and is the reason I'm into building and flying.

Funny story, when I was 12 or so he brought home an info pack for a Pitts Special kit. He was going to build one with our chief pilot at Sikorsky. Then the Blackhawk program hit and he dropped that dream. I was wildly disappointed. I'm all better now.

India Four Two
3rd Mar 2023, 21:04
I’m visiting my son in Comox BC and I popped down to Courteney Airpark (CAH3) to see what was going on.

https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1076x1029/251a6dff_c72d_401f_9e28_934ca5dc4ea7_6136e4976b846b64f205f49 342f21085fb9dbaff.jpeg

Nothing happening, but “Aaaah de Havilland!”

https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1504/853d6cb4_df6f_4bcf_8f0b_5b2fa3ae9a08_d7fdd093eafafef2ca9188c a36c52cf7b39cb120.jpeg

Courteney Airpark is the epitome of a “downtown airport”. The runway is 100 metres from Courteney’s main street.

15th Mar 2023, 01:36
Was going to fly to Tennessee today to visit my parents. Mom ended up with a bad cold and they waved us off yesterday. Today we flew to the halfway point (KBMG) and back. 4.5 hours of cross country practice for my son.
https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x540/screenshot_20230314_182431_2_1d0fd130654c2b9fb91b055656ec660 6445a685c.png

India Four Two
5th Apr 2023, 02:18
Last October, I migrated to Saigon to get away from the Prairie winter. Originally, I was due to return last week, but I changed my plans and returned a month early, in order to spend some time with my kids on Vancouver Island and then return to Calgary for the start of the gliding season.

This time last year, we were already flying. This year it will be at least another three weeks!

This was our first movement of the year. The immaculate C185 had a hydraulic failure, which meant the skis could not be lifted in order to allow a wheel-landing at their home base of Springbank, just west of Calgary.


After an overnight stop and repair the next day. I videoed the departure. I was asked to move back, since ski planes are not very maneuverable on the ground. Clearly I should have been much further back!


Click Quote to see the video link.

A few days later, when it was warmer and the runway had been snowploughed, our Chief Tow Pilot and I got our Pawnee out of the hangar and he took off for the fifteen minute flight to High River to have the annual done.

https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1024x769/tty_oustide_the_hangr_7f688251a459f9ad69b63141fa8622e058ee01 7b.jpeg

It's a good job that there are fenders/mudguards on the mainwheels!


Click Quote to see the video link.

5th Apr 2023, 03:06
Very nice. I miss flying the Pawnee. More time in a pawnee than any other single type in my logbook but it has been over 10 years.

India Four Two
5th Apr 2023, 06:14
More time in a pawnee than any other single type in my logbook but it has been over 10 years.

I'm working on that. In my logbook, the Chipmunk is still ahead of the Pawnee. :)​​​​​​​

Saab Dastard
5th Apr 2023, 09:52
The First video is Private, and cannot be viewed.

India Four Two
5th Apr 2023, 16:23
Sorry about that SD. Fixed.

Worth watching. The guy pushing on the wing strut had already got me to move back, but clearly it wasn't far enough. One of my friends said "There are easier ways to get a haircut!"

7th Apr 2023, 01:43
I have been down for some unplanned maintenance as well as some horrible weather we have had in the midwest. But today everything aligned and we were airborne again.

https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1000x750/matthew_looking_at_lake_geneva_8bfc9084a24e214669b28a38cef7e fb73216f04d.jpg
https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1000x750/waiex_flying_4_6_23_b77c3fa80993219e576426f13565a37d212c10eb .jpg

India Four Two
9th Apr 2023, 22:17

Where is that lake?

Saab Dastard
9th Apr 2023, 23:48
Looks like Geneva Lake, with Lake Como to the left. If so, it's about 7.5 miles due South of Elkhorn, Wisconsin.


10th Apr 2023, 00:16
Correct SD, we were west of Lake Geneva. We launch catamarans out of Williams Bay there.

Saab Dastard
10th Apr 2023, 00:28
That reminds me of the time I was sailing a Hobie Cat around Cardigan bay in Wales one Easter back in the early '90s, and I lost one of the boots off my wetsuit. My left foot still feels the pain! The Irish Sea in April is still bloody cold.

India Four Two
10th Apr 2023, 02:13
Looks like Geneva Lake

I had never heard of Geneva Lake, but when I looked it up on Google earth, I see it is home to the famous Yerkes Observatory. Unfortunately it is missing in the photograph, because it is under the canopy arch.

The 40" Yerkes refractor, the biggest telescope in the world when it was inaugurated in 1897:

https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/361x436/yerkes_40_inch_refractor_telescope_1897_96fe7dbe603b87489512 d65300542c24eefd0046.jpg

10th Apr 2023, 02:46
Here is a picture and you can see Yerkes in it - draw a line between the tip of Williams Bay and the corner of my white CO detector.

https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1000x750/yerkes_observatory_4220cf5d6afedccf2988ed8dcf0973764fdf4c0e. jpg

Not the greatest picture. We took the kids there when they were small. The observatory was closed for a while and has recently reopened. We were talking about going back.

India Four Two
10th Apr 2023, 02:51
Got it.


When I was young, I remember being impressed by the picture of the telescope I posted, which I saw in an encyclopedia.

10th Apr 2023, 03:00
Here are a couple of stills from my first aeros in the Waiex. The inverted picture is deceiving as the polished skins reflect the ground.


10th Apr 2023, 03:03
https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/960x540/pointed_down_half_size_08106a704f2e12e0e9367ce8ff678096780a7 37e.png

11th May 2023, 01:42
It's very flat here.
https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x540/sunset_pic_small_e50f3fd8178a98fc487627f2cbedb41105ae6c7a.pn g

23rd May 2023, 22:01
https://cimg1.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x528/screenshot_20230522_201410_412_c5517b9c26602931a9088c8e83179 0114305ce58.png

28th May 2023, 02:15

Saab Dastard
28th May 2023, 10:26
Great photo - deserves to be on a book cover!

28th May 2023, 16:50
Thanks SD. We had landed at sunset and were taxiing to the pumps, and I grabbed a bunch of pics. That one turned out the best.

Picture below was at the pumps this morning.

https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x541/screenshot_20230528_105731_786_c30fa5e3538ba8e7478917de1cfb8 a34c36dce9c.png

Saab Dastard
28th May 2023, 17:29
The picture of the biplanes and your previous sunset remind me very strongly of Richard Bach's books!

28th May 2023, 18:59
We live at a fly-in community. Lots of Wacos here. Cubs like mosquitoes, a stash of Stearmans, and so on. Something like 450 airplanes based here. One Waiex.

31st May 2023, 00:27
We flew 430 NM today mostly in one direction. Then I gave my 87 year old father a ride in the Waiex.
https://cimg1.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x533/screenshot_20230530_175215_633_92ed4afb82c7e1015825c3483e743 260497be5bf.png

Words to separate pics

https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/640x480/img_20230530_180904_8528db15253e55c177a2fece2362973d39596e2d .jpg

1st Jun 2023, 17:10
We flew a total of 11 hours on our trip. Made it home today. Picture from yesterday:
https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x527/screenshot_20230531_105822_786_52a04682cecac4b8576012a814451 cbd5c03516b.png

Today we took off at sunrise for density altitude and bad weather forecasted at home in the afternoon. Made it back.
https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x538/screenshot_20230601_060457_628_ac5c32460b8112b6ddca6eee41f52 410f6af8527.png

18th Jun 2023, 19:56
Father's day fly in breakfast at Palmyra, WI this morning.
https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x536/screenshot_20230618_095947_402_81c13721ed10f692f097801cd7e99 0ff67cbc390.png
https://cimg1.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x533/screenshot_20230618_094338_603_e95c974d5d9202bf2fdfa52e58bca cf90757b948.png
https://cimg5.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x532/screenshot_20230618_094308_272_10c6c2cf1f04914401907b24a1f33 bb236d10893.png
https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x532/screenshot_20230618_075645_647_990fdc95f5789f025e19f0b92da69 306feb4ed67.png

18th Jun 2023, 21:31
Yours is one sharp-looking aircraft, IFMU! :ok:

- Ed

18th Jun 2023, 21:47
I’m visiting my son in Comox BC and I popped down to Courteney Airpark (CAH3) to see what was going on.

https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1076x1029/251a6dff_c72d_401f_9e28_934ca5dc4ea7_6136e4976b846b64f205f49 342f21085fb9dbaff.jpeg

Nothing happening, but “Aaaah de Havilland!”

https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1504/853d6cb4_df6f_4bcf_8f0b_5b2fa3ae9a08_d7fdd093eafafef2ca9188c a36c52cf7b39cb120.jpeg

Courteney Airpark is the epitome of a “downtown airport”. The runway is 100 metres from Courteney’s main street.

The old sewage lagoon in Courtney next to the runway looks a lot cleaner than it used to. When the Runway was gravel and some logging company would take their King Air in their 1800 feet of gravel . Not for the feint of heart . Minimum ground run take offs into ground effect over the water below Vmc will turn your hair as grey as the guy who flew out of there . The Duke was his nom de plume on some pilot sites .
Saw a Cessna 172 up side down in that pond after a brain fart by the guy flying it . It was C-FLAY one of the nicest planes at the Comox flying club .
Landed there when Comox Cape Lazo was calling seventy knots . Good times .

18th Jun 2023, 21:51
Yours is one sharp-looking aircraft, IFMU! :ok:

- Ed
Thanks Ed! I should probably post a closeup of mine. Two Waiex there today! Plus one heathen straight tail Sonex.
https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x543/screenshot_20230618_075722_187_1309da86ddaa19a30c5d9e563f2ae 89c02952c60.png

23rd Jun 2023, 03:50
With a homebuilt it is not all flying. As we roll into our first summer we have had some oil temperature issues. I did a few experiments and am no longer baffled on what to do next - so I took off the baffles and have a modification coming.


15th Jul 2023, 23:46
Here is my son at the threshold. He is solo and working towards his FAA private rating. Picture taken from the Waiex.


23rd Jul 2023, 17:31
https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x536/screenshot_20230723_094552_265_98849f00c922764d1c76d882d2a22 b39d422bd56.png
https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x396/screenshot_20230723_103019_904_1d4899f054790764e421f32337c30 b8537bf84ca.png

24th Jul 2023, 20:16
On the Oshkosh flightline.
https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x538/screenshot_20230724_151313_043_7cb1fc2ed97cf30b79f4578d548af 1d911f4a38a.png

30th Jul 2023, 19:08
https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x542/screenshot_20230730_125956_143_971d9bdb76f8f9e90bcd71bc31cea 14276286ef3.png

31st Jul 2023, 00:56
"The Sun serves to warm me, the Earth to walk upon." - Montagne.

"Yet I have wings!" - IFMU

- Ed

31st Jul 2023, 14:26
Some random pics from Oshkosh 23. I know the B29 might be out of the private flying category, but it was beautiful.

https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x534/super_baby_lakes_74f0284a3ba68125c0cbdf30324dac5400ccd268.pn g

9th Aug 2023, 01:07
Tonight's EAA Chapter meeting at my home airport was about the Fleet biplane. The red one is a 1932 American model, and the yellow one is a 1941 Canadian one.

https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x538/screenshot_20230808_181802_183_8adbe247c8f5a70e237c2ce85ff3d 484c2430dd8.png
https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x534/screenshot_20230808_181828_810_c3e737ff17a3af98cd88b35c7d86a 0a8af9ce362.png

18th Aug 2023, 01:47

https://cimg1.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x536/screenshot_20230817_203737_853_066f77a152add07bc9a8302710a31 a2de2b214a8.png

19th Aug 2023, 18:21
https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x537/right_hand_orbit_2b4162aa3dce80aa0bcf42fa473f73aab0616de8.pn g

20th Aug 2023, 01:04
Outdoor movie night in our airport community. Tomorrow is our annual fly-in and the weather is going to be good. I'll have more pictures.
https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x520/screenshot_20230819_195643_193_694a34b053d538c556b12a0de0edb 355706aee4d.png

Saab Dastard
20th Aug 2023, 19:04
Now that's what I call air-minded!

21st Aug 2023, 02:17
Here are a bunch of pics. Mods, if this is too much please ban me, as I should be doing something productive.

Airport owner's Staggerwing:

A retired but back as a contractor co-worker, call him RJ, has this Waco Taperwing and Buehl Pup. That's his racecar too, he drives it on the street. The rest of the RJ aircraft show up later.
https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x538/waco_and_buehl_pup_204ff48d38a58bdde9dde9f4d8393facb65b9486. png

A Decathlon and a PA12 with a non-standard top hinged door. I learned to fly in a PA12 a long time ago.

PA12 closeup, again because you never forget your first. Unless it was a C152 or something.

Bush caddy on floats.
https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x530/bush_caddy_on_floats_334b204a6ae1572ace00b8761a6565008f24b88 e.png

Gull wing Stinson. Nice looking airplane.
https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x533/gull_wing_stinson_1e11997e61e99582749cd046ae2efdf41305ed11.p ng

Not sure if we have more Stearmans or J3s on the field, but they are both definitely a scourge.

Another retired coworker's C170.

Very nice Hatz Classic.

Here are coworker RJ's other airplanes. A GB and the PT22 in the front. He also has lots of motorcycles and other cars.

J3 and a Kitfox.

Nicely restored Aeronca C2 with a 4-banger continental.


Another coworker has the Fly Baby that was parked next to the Waiex. He's not retired. He also lives in the neighborhood and has a PA20 as his company jet.
https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x527/waiex_and_fly_baby_75ac2b0e749561641cd8f97892296dc5a9cec957. png

One of the instructors here flies this RV8.

22nd Aug 2023, 02:45
Finished my cockpit lighting. Time to get my night currency and proficiency.
https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x532/mfd_and_panel_lighting_dd45a2682320520b18598a5d51ea338ff3af2 7af.png

27th Aug 2023, 16:44
Flew down to Rochelle, KPRJ, to pick up my chute. Spectacular day.
https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x367/screenshot_20230827_113326_602_078a5dddf07c7778847268be2cdfd 0057b6b7f65.png

https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/394x310/screenshot_20230827_113151_422_5e48e8bb7c0e1f40b834fe421be7a cb4c2e28e42.png

https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x534/screenshot_20230827_113125_309_cc0f207636f3e6930f6a90cd9229c 49409e9d6c1.png

https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x542/screenshot_20230827_113247_023_e88ce8984f82f207fef1ce3568ddd afd0942b65a.png

https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x799/screenshot_20230827_113226_736_f1653dd1c64b370253023d8632aa0 6edc5d7b8dc.png

2nd Sep 2023, 19:05
My son passed his US private pilot checkride today. Waiex solo up next!
https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1080x810/adam_private_checkride_d2838e4948f18e2d0443d195b8b290d6d2e58 841.jpg

Saab Dastard
2nd Sep 2023, 21:10
Congratulations! What a proud pair. :ok:

2nd Sep 2023, 21:36
Congratulations! What a proud pair. :ok:
The guy in yellow is the examiner!

4th Sep 2023, 16:05
First solo in the Waiex!

https://cimg1.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1218x606/adam_post_waiex_solo_2d09adbc818aa619f4a7acd64295a26f5ae5a4f 5.png

30th Sep 2023, 23:46
Much easier to fly into KOSH late September!
https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x537/screenshot_20230930_142212_178_b862370684ebca99bcd95ecb2dd2c 5faf2c420c1.png

4th Oct 2023, 03:33
https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1504/pxl_20231004_014922401_e9e60a9d29ff7c476c8ca206c479581fde634 3c2.jpg

28th Oct 2023, 20:02
Monroe, WI KEFT
https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1600x720/screenshot_20231028_135341_eaedf071de22df82dce55de8eefb48d23 599fefc.png

5th Nov 2023, 13:55
I keep replying to this dead thread, I should probably abstain.

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation has a program to encourage GA pilots to visit all of the airports in the state. Every 40 airports you get a prize - t shirt, flight bag, leather jacket. It's a cool program and gives an excuse to fly. Also helps answer the question "where should we fly to?"

We started yesterday and got the first 4 stamps in our passport book. Sauk Prairie, Portage, Baraboo, and Reedsburg. About 3 hours flying total.

One of the C77 residents leaving in front of us:


Enroute to Sauk Prairie:
https://cimg1.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x533/day_1_passport_trip_38e35a78b1c1177bc1c4560f303376dc5cf01b00 .png

First stamp collected:

At Portage we saw these airplanes and walked over to check them out. The "All New" Mael twin - a failed new airplane from the '70s.

Baraboo/Wisconsin Dells. We got gas here.


Spectacular day to fly. Much like today! Time to go.

Saab Dastard
5th Nov 2023, 15:05
I can assure you that it's not moribund! Even if there aren't many posts, the thread gets an average of 50 page views per day. Maybe not many people are taking the trouble to post pictures as you do, but your photos are appreciated by many.


8th Nov 2023, 15:28
https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x532/screenshot_20231105_123732_762_30ecd8b0e8a10fc45952e9e525702 0e5f1688c32.png

9th Nov 2023, 07:56
I keep replying to this dead thread, I should probably abstain.
</quiet mode>
Unlike most threads which are full of opinions which invite more opinions from readers, this is a display of photos lots of us can appreciate despite not having anything to offer in return.
<quiet mode>

9th Nov 2023, 09:18
I keep replying to this dead thread, I should probably abstain.
Please keep posting! I don't get a chance to do much flying these days so it is good to get these much valued reminders of what the view out of the window could be.

9th Nov 2023, 13:27
Thanks for the replies guys!

19th Nov 2023, 02:05
Four hours of flying today, landing at 5 different airports (plus home).

Passing KSBM on the way north. We came back and landed here on the way home. That's Lake Michigan in the background.
https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x534/passing_sheboygan_ad5fcea64f63329e5ee670c9ba08a6f153f55418.p ng

Approaching KMTW.
https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x541/approaching_manitowoc_adb0b4c102eeef6f1a6443e0cbb923941b76f3 61.png

Searay at KMTW.

Parked at KMTW.
https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x538/parked_at_manitowoc_8ba56985981622746cc08a0c3dc84c1b3ee10d20 .png

Parked at KSBM.
https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x524/parked_at_sheboygan_6965bad87de59eaec7338d557edf88f80cd57540 .png

Cool static displays at the museum at KSBM.
https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x533/static_displays_at_sheboygan_3b016acd9accdbadaa08096be00ad1d 4e4c0a367.png

We also landed at KETB, KHFX, and KUNU on the way home.

22nd Nov 2023, 12:27
With lots of flying comes maintenance. Oil change, valve adjustment, new tyres, grease wheel bearings. I also bought and installed the newer version of the Sonex spinner. It is hollow and saves 1.6 lbs. We have flown over 180 hours in 16 months.
https://cimg5.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/533x720/screenshot_20231121_222144_506_21e895219485e0f0a241272588f4f 95c72ce967b.png

28th Nov 2023, 02:54
Winter is here. Oil temperature was only 145F on the last couple of flights. Time to adjust the cooling air inlet.
https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x530/screenshot_20231127_200802_547_a4db2b5bc2fcda157e3c26bec12c0 03991f563d9.png

My last flight was to Camp Lake, 49C. 2100' of grass with obstacles. Made possible by cold weather. We each flew there solo.
https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x532/screenshot_20231127_215738_288_9b6f494b2aba43fe61f65005a8dd9 c77fb1f1cba.png

12th Dec 2023, 03:52
https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x533/screenshot_20231211_224701_847_150dba672a6faa52b092892a00861 e24afebbb30.png
words to separate pictures
https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x537/screenshot_20231211_224646_091_caa0385f9045318fb4e36d6385b61 a1dafccbb66.png

12th Dec 2023, 12:29
https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1600x720/screenshot_20231212_072728_b62031ca0a5686bb2cedac54c8889ac87 530d0c1.png

21st Dec 2023, 04:00
One year ago today, I finished the 40 hour phase 1 flight test program of Waiex 191. That meant I was able to take my first passenger, my son and co-builder Adam. One year later we have flown another 155 hours. Tonight we flew from home to Dixon (C73), then DeKalb (KDKB), then home to Poplar Grove (C77). The photo is of the NIU campus where Adam recently earned his masters of mechanical engineering degree.
https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/2000x1504/niu_at_night_smaller_50bc31e61ad9b2130bd2e451659e095e2ea5a61 8.jpg

25th Feb 2024, 22:30
Sailing into the sun on a sea of cloud.

29th Feb 2024, 14:28
Sailing into the sun on a sea of cloud.
Very cool picture! What aircraft is that? Any other details to share?

3rd Mar 2024, 22:26
Thanks, 5000 feet over Lancashire in a 35 year old Mainair Flash2 alpha flexwing, 2021.

4th Mar 2024, 00:37
2015 - Chased the wind and did it in 4 days

https://cimg5.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1620x1215/normal_cruise_copy_f26032ad8d8894a93d7a8a8eb4785042c7bcd472. jpg
Normal cruise with tail wind
https://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1224x1632/normal_leg_240_nm_15c498e423e1b6bdc0770028711b024d085d68b6.j pg
Normal leg usually about 4 hours
https://cimg1.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1080x810/not_much_to_see_after_90_mins_f3f1173e5f1ebd2f708cbb89a8cb62 fab99ca108.jpg
Nothing to see a lot of the time

13th Mar 2024, 14:04
https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x532/screenshot_20240310_195910_271_b18dc530f519dacb5e79e10a5a306 813bf390fef.png
https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x538/screenshot_20240310_122005_405_f72b60121258074494734f0bcad1c a775b41aac4.png
https://cimg5.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x534/screenshot_20240310_121935_307_ec4899736a79abc7a8a75dc96e22f fdb7bc77b6f.png
https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x528/screenshot_20240310_195933_462_d50c8b675c23f82854dd64348fbee aa03c4401be.png

17th Mar 2024, 14:51
From this morning's test flight. After adding fresh air induction my mixture was too lean. I went to a richer needle (Sonex Aeroinjector) and now it is too rich. Got it close on the ground but need another 1/4 turn lean.
https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x536/screenshot_20240317_080749_383_19b7154633f17f5dd97feb92bd774 f361b247f76.png

23rd Mar 2024, 22:04
https://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1600x720/screenshot_20240323_163300_afbd1bc535ba6241b7194285993a20ff6 bd029d0.png
https://cimg0.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x530/screenshot_20240323_162635_455_5b537fbb33703816ce1600f7e18bd 4765d90c3b0.png

5th Apr 2024, 13:08
I do hope film cost as well as the expense of developing film comes down soon. Would be nice to see more photographs posted here.

5th Apr 2024, 15:43
Not to mention the cost of fuel getting to and from the Camera Shop, and parking whilst there! Unfortunately, I was only a very Junior Birdman (back when there actually were those costs), and so have none to post.

6th Apr 2024, 19:32
https://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1600x720/screenshot_20240405_233821_01b144fa5e2b49a7be552e6d4f2a105f4 44bdb1e.png
https://cimg3.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/720x532/screenshot_20240406_141637_467_1e3b7df7c922923bc326dc9d57b90 023c73e97b2.png
https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/587x400/screenshot_20240406_141702_043_e34ba4fc8c77478733e10f0b90b51 d8d6a84c232.png

13th Apr 2024, 22:28
They are everywhere. I really need something unique to stand out from the crowd.

20th Apr 2024, 23:58
We flew into Oshkosh today and went to the museum.
https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1080x595/screenshot_20240420_101142_76e8b53bba629f7904d7866aefb3361f1 9689195.png
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https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1080x610/screenshot_20240420_151906_3a6a7f0f258d88773c9ef6255b11597e5 aa702f4.png
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https://cimg6.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1080x595/screenshot_20240420_110752_96595bac6842fdb38711a9cd4ff05fdee fd5bdd4.png
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5th May 2024, 11:26
https://cimg1.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1080x610/screenshot_20240504_111141_9321062d51419f2b07d1958bbc7a2e050 947a01e.png

https://cimg8.ibsrv.net/gimg/pprune.org-vbulletin/1080x600/screenshot_20240504_111212_955fd3c456f64e6c6f80c5c333e4e5a5e 89bf656.png