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View Full Version : Raft gone wrong

9 lives
10th Sep 2014, 21:14
Not my photo (sorry, I don't know who to credit), but provided for my education... 'Worth thinking about! Reported as having occurred on the ground - darn lucky!

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10703831_10152761996039048_4967780454288378882_n.jpg?oh=b837 abdbcec15a61a9dbc901f3c8d039&oe=548D53DF&__gda__=1422928010_f356c0cbf3ba581bb4cd2f35902bc7fb

10th Sep 2014, 21:39
Ouch! That's what you could call "pop up traffic"!

10th Sep 2014, 22:38
Very lucky this happened on the ground or it would have been curtains for this guy

10th Sep 2014, 23:16
This is one of the reasons military pilots carry an issue dinghy knife fastened on the leg of their flying suit. They sit on the dinghy pack under their seat.

11th Sep 2014, 06:12
I used to fly for one of Australia's civil search & rescue organisations. We'd tool around at 200' to drop liferafts. Before we'd even load the rafts we'd position knives all through the cabin. Taped to the walls, ceiling, next to each crew member position etc.

The drill was that if a raft popped then everyone except the pilot flying had to grab the nearest knife & start slashing as fast as possible.

A and C
11th Sep 2014, 07:31
The chances of getting a dingy knife past UK airport security are worse than nil ........... Make sure that you stow the knife in the aircraft before you use a big airport !