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View Full Version : Can Cardiff Airport count?

8th Sep 2014, 09:07
That is the question? recently completed a landing there in a single (2 POB) and paid the landing fee of £20.40 by debit card only for my flying school to also get a bill for an unpaid landing fee related to my visit. I still had a copy of my receipt and a copy scanned through to the airport. A simple administrative error or pure incompetence? If there was to be a next time, I would take an abacus with me. Perhaps it could help them with their mental arithmetic! beware!:ugh:

8th Sep 2014, 09:49
Did you bounce?

8th Sep 2014, 11:43
Theirs was a simple administrative error, your post was pure incompetence! :ok:

8th Sep 2014, 13:39
Now let me get this right:

Was fireballx banned on the strength of his original post?

Or was he already banned?

In which case how did he get to post in the first place?

There is another post on here about posts mysteriously disappearing for no apparent reason: It's happened to me a few times in the past.

I'd be interested to see how long this post lasts.....


Saab Dastard
8th Sep 2014, 17:28
24 hour ban was for posting in an inappropriate forum - very likely R&N, the mods there are strict.


8th Sep 2014, 17:49
Blimey. Was that all.

Sir George Cayley
8th Sep 2014, 20:41
ooooo! I love when the Mods are….. well not moderate:\

Hit me, hit with your joy stick:ok:

8th Sep 2014, 21:31
I think that the little "Banned" icon is placed by the person themselves and not the mod.

I suppose it's like the people who wear trousers with waists around their bums to show that "Their belts were removed in prison"

Street cred?

8th Sep 2014, 21:37
I had a posting deleted once when I accused the USA of re-inventing Barnes Wallis' 'earthquake bomb' concept and claiming it was their idea.

cockney steve
8th Sep 2014, 23:28
I suppose it's like the people who wear trousers with waists around their bums to show that "Their belts were removed in prison"

WELL! I never knew that! The wonder of PPrune never fails to inform, amuse and educate.

I've had a ban and AFAIK the jobswirth with the placard comes up automatically.

A and C
9th Sep 2014, 18:12
Back to the subject..........

I had this problem with a well known engineering company ( now gone ), I paid up front for a Mag overhaul and they insisted on sending me invoices, each time I got one of these I called their accounts people and told them I had paid...... they then looked at the records and agreed I had paid the bill in full.

this went on for about a year or so until I said to them that they had better take me to court to get the money they think I had not paid....... after that they gave up.

My guess it that once the accounts people handed it over to the legal people and the case was being prepared by the solicitors they found it necessary to check their records for the evidence to present to the court....... and found I had paid !

Quite an expensive way to sort out a minor accounting error....may be that's why they went bust ! ... a lot of cock ups like this .