View Full Version : Any Ideas on the German DLR universal aptitude tests

5th Sep 2014, 14:17
This query is on behalf of a Australian airline pilot colleague contemplating returning to live in his homeland Germany from Australia. I understand that German operators use a standard format series of aptitude tests called DLR Nationwide Tests as a precursor for applying for an airline job. Would appreciate if anyone could explain if previous papers on the test are available commercially so he can get some idea of the type of questions to expect. Is there a syllabus available?
Thanks in advance,

5th Sep 2014, 18:54
First of all, it is not a nationwide test, only certain companies use, especially all in the lufthansa family. If you apply to a company using that test you will get a link to a preparation webpage that has some sample tests, however there is a whole industry around professional preparation for it. Quite expensive too. Has been a long time since i was in that situation, if memory serves right the usual prices were around 2500€ for those prep courses.

7th Sep 2014, 12:36
Thanks, Denti. I have passed that on:ok: