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View Full Version : JAA PPL Conversion to EASA

24th Jul 2014, 14:58
Looking for help regarding my PPL, I want to get back in the air. I'm UK based.

My situation. I gained my PPL in August 2009, JAA licence and SEP. As I understand it, the JAA PPL is valid for 5 years, the SEP valid for 2 years.

Within weeks of getting my PPL I fell into the trap of getting my licence and not using it - I did a couple of check flight with an instructor after getting the licence, that was early 2010, not been up since.

So, I know that there have been some changes to licensing and licences are now EASA. I also know that my SEP has long expired. My JAA PPL will expire within around 4 weeks.

The urge to fly again is returning, and I know I would need to re-train etc

So, from a licensing view, can I convert my PPL to an EASA PPL in it's current state - expired SEP and nearly expired PPL? If I can, how and what do I need to do?

Hopefully someone can help, hope it all makes sense!!

Mach Jump
24th Jul 2014, 15:55
Hi Taffy.

The good news is that your JAA Licence is already deemed to be an EASA licence. You only need to visit your local ATO/RTF,(Flying School) and renew your SEP Class Rating. Your old Licence will then be valid again.

Once you have done that, straightaway apply for your Licence to be re-issued as an lifetime EASA PPL. The Flying School will have done lots of these and will help you with the forms.


24th Jul 2014, 16:29
Mach Jump - thanks for your reply.

Next stop a flying club............!

25th Jul 2014, 15:05
In case it wasn't clear, the initial step of renewing your expired SEP Rating will require you to pass a proficiency check with an examiner.