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View Full Version : PPL Proficiency - Documents needed?..

20th Jul 2014, 21:48
Evening all!
I am planning to undertake PPL proficiency test under EASA Conditions.

For those who have completed similar or who know, what documents are required for when i arrive to the proficiency check?

Thank you in advance!

Mach Jump
20th Jul 2014, 23:25
Hi Toda.

I'm assuming that it is a Class Rating Proficiency check you are doing.

You will need your Licence, logbook, some form of official photo ID (if the examiner doesn't know you), and, if your Class Rating has run out, a Certificate stating that you have completed any required training, from the Head of Training of an ATO, or RTF.

The Examiner will print off the forms you need.


21st Jul 2014, 23:32
Your help is very much appreciated.
Kind regards