View Full Version : A thank you from France

7th Jul 2014, 20:19
Chatting to a friend who recently made his first trip to UK in his three axis microlight, with limited English and not much flying experience, he commented on how courteous and helpful he found the English controllers, with particular reference to London information. So I thought I would pass that on in the hopes that someone currently acting as one armed paper hanger sees this and knows that we do appreciate their help.

Not that they are the only good ones. I was flying the Cub home from England recently and had the most interesting clearance ever from Brize, VFR overhead the airfield, not above 1300 feet altitude. Then Plymouth Mil on a quiet day, who called me a couple of times between IOW and Cherbourg in case I felt lonely. And the Deauville controller who, after a French pilot practicing his English had given his life history, commented «a simple yes would have sufficed»

Good guys and girls all of them. Thanks from me too.

7th Jul 2014, 20:24
Gee shucks...:). I don't think we do 'we're not bad actually' very well as a nation or a people. I've had some very helpful people on ATC who go above what they are supposed to do. If you'll excuse the pun.

8th Jul 2014, 08:04
with limited English and not much flying experience

Is he on the Airbus fleet? ;)

8th Jul 2014, 08:09
One small point. London Information is done by Air Traffic Services Assistants with FISO (Area) licences not by controllers.

8th Jul 2014, 12:37
Now then, M-ONGO, that wasn't very nice. Please take five minutes in the naughty corner until I stop laughing.

10th Jul 2014, 16:22
Crying with laughter over that!! :O

10th Jul 2014, 20:33
ChevronOne small point. London Information is done by Air Traffic Services Assistants with FISO (Area) licences not by controllers.

Does it matter what grade they are providing they are licensed to provide the service?!!