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View Full Version : Boeing iPad app with flight ops manuals?

1st Jul 2014, 04:26
Airbus has its FlySmart with Airbus Ops Library (https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/flysmart-airbus-ops-library/id535292321) iPad application through which it makes available its operational manuals (FCOM, MEL, FCTM, AFM, CCOM etc).

Does anyone know if Boeing has an equivalent iPad application? I know it has the Electronic Flight Folder iPad app (https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/boeing-electronic-flight-folder/id599132937) but the description doesn't mention access to manuals:

Electronic Flight Folder (EFF) is developed to replace today’s day-*of-*flight paper briefing processes. EFF helps reduce pilot workloads and provides efficiencies in data delivery, pilot workflow, flight progress monitoring and logging, air‐ground communications, and record keeping. EFF guides the pilots through the whole mission, from briefing to post-*flight. Supported content type includes: Flight Plan, Weather, NOTAM, Loadsheet and NOTOC information. EFF supports the ARINC 633 specification for data format and content.

1st Jul 2014, 15:56
It's called Electronic Documents and part of the Boeing Edge Suite of products.

Brochure (http://www.boeing.com/assets/pdf/commercial/aviationservices/brochures/EFB_ElectronicDocuments.pdf)

Boeing EDGE (http://www.boeing.com/boeing/commercial/aviationservices/index.page?)

1st Jul 2014, 19:16
Thanks for that Skyjob, I hadn't come across that brochure. It seems to me though that this is advertising a feature of their Class 3 EFB.

Even their Boeing Edge page for documents management points to the Jeppesen Document Management Service:

Boeing: Flight Services (http://www.boeing.com/boeing/commercial/aviationservices/flight-services/navigation/tailoredchartdocumentservices.page)

Document Management Service - Jeppesen (http://ww1.jeppesen.com/industry-solutions/aviation/commercial/document-management-service.jsp)

So it appears that while Boeing have released an iPad apps that offer access to the 737 QRH and also maintenance ops manuals, there's no an app yet that provides a one-stop shop for direct access and automatic update of flight ops manuals:

Boeing Launches New Maintenance Apps for iPad - Sep 24, 2013 (http://boeing.mediaroom.com/2013-09-24-Boeing-Launches-New-Maintenance-Apps-for-iPad)


So does this mean that the only way for a Boeing pilot to access manuals on an iPad today is to download them via MyBoeingFleet (or I guess leave it to the airline to figure out a way to "push" updates to people's iPads)?

I've also come across the Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro iPad app but again that enables company documents to be inserted in a "pull" rather than "push" manner:

Articles - Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro EFB Solution for Apple iPad Now Available for Airlines and Other Large Operators (http://ww1.jeppesen.com/company/newsroom/articles.jsp?newsURL=news/newsroom/2012/FliteDeckPro_iOS_NR.jsp)

The whole reason I find this strange is that Boeing broke ground on the iPad apps scene with their Interactive Quick Reference Handbook iPad app for which they have received FAA approval:



So you would have expected that they would have followed up with a more comprehensive flight ops manual suite vis-a-vis the FlySmart with Airbus Ops Library. However, it seems that there's no such iPad app to be seen yet! Surprising... If anyone knows any different then please enlighten us!

1st Jul 2014, 19:32
Try searching "Boeing OPT" in the App store.....performance tool, with other areas as well....might be of use.

FWIW, I think the Airbus FlySmart product is far superior at this moment in time.....although I am biased possibly, in as much as it was FlySmart that we used to get our EFB approval, and they (Airbus) have so much help with documents etc.

1st Jul 2014, 21:59
When a company uses a distributed OPT installation, they can configure it to distribute a folder in its installation for the manuals accessible throughout the application, at least it is possible to do so on the Windows version (not tried iPad version [yet])...