View Full Version : flying in Amsterdam

31st May 2014, 21:20

I'm a ppl who might move to Amsterdam and I would like to keep flying

I have found a place around 1:30h (public transport) from the city,Lelystad. But I would like to know if there's something else where I could rent a c172 or similar without needing a car!


31st May 2014, 21:53

Vliegveld Hilversum (EHHV) (http://www.ehhv.nl/)

1st Jun 2014, 02:38
Schiphol? Might be a bit expensive, but great public transport :)

1st Jun 2014, 03:03

1st Jun 2014, 06:40
Thanks a lot guys!
Indeed, Hilversum looks really nice!
According to Google maps it is 1h by public transport from Amsterdam which is better than lelystad

Thanks again!!

2nd Jun 2014, 05:27
The Vliegclub Schiphol is located at Schiphol-Oost, and have a really nice DA40 for hire. You pay a hefty annual membership fee, but that includes 10 flying hours and if you factor that in, the rates are quite reasonable.

Landing fees and handling fees at Schiphol are eye-watering though.

If you are going to be based at Hilversum, make sure you get a thorough checkout on your short field landings and take-offs, keep a close eye on your W&B and landing/take-off performance charts, and make sure you fly the circuit as intended. There's not a lot of margin for error at Hilversum.

Lelystad is one of the busiest GA airfields of the Netherlands, with multiple operators (both commercial and not-for-profit clubs) on site. The airspace is relatively uncluttered, with a long runway.

3rd Jun 2014, 08:24
Thanks for that info!
I am going to be based in Amsterdam really, so having somewhere near like the one you just suggested is awesome, because it is really really close :)
I have always wanted to fly a Katana so I reckon I will give it a try.

Hilversum and Lelystad are both quite away from Amsterdam but they both look like nice places and clubs to fly and do some hangar flying too and spend a Saturday or Sunday.

Thanks again for all the replies!

11th Jun 2014, 05:00
Rotterdam is a real field with instrument approaches and you get mingled with the 737s which they really nicely. Its about 35 minutes by car from amsterdam.

Hilversum is a true grassstrip field with 600m runways and a nice atmosphere. About 25 minutes from amsterdam.

Lelystad is the busiest ga field. Uncontrolled and on a nice day really very busy. So busy that I fiend it very dangerous. Its about 35 minutes as well. Landingfees are a bit more expensive than Rotterdam but at Rotterdam you pay atc charges €13. At Lelystad you do have some very cheap aircraft at rental stations and clubs

11th Jun 2014, 06:05
Thanks Ellemeet!
I am indeed taking a look at both, Lelystad and Hilversum to find out which one fits better for me from a public transport point of view (I won't have a car there).
I will probably visit both and will check out the clubs etc. I love flying clubs and I want to join one once there!

Thanks a lot everyone!