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8th May 2014, 13:12
PPL skills test with a CAA examiner costs £195, is this the amount charged by most examiners for a PPL skills test or does it vary much?

What is typical?

8th May 2014, 13:27
I and several others charge £200.

Genghis the Engineer
8th May 2014, 14:11
£200 down my way.


8th May 2014, 14:13
At our Club, or any other in the area, no charge. Expenses if the examiner has to travel more than a short distance. But that is in France, land of the aeroclub.

Ditto lessons, a fixed charge to pay the instructor's travel and any other out of pocket expenses, training aids, etc. Usually about 15€ an hour.

Ditto the famous "hour with instructor"

Being a flying instructor here is not a career option unless training future CPLs.

Personally, I approve of this system.

Scott C
8th May 2014, 14:23
£150 max at our airfield.

8th May 2014, 14:55
At our Club, or any other in the area, no charge. Expenses if the examiner has to travel more than a short distance. But that is in France, land of the aeroclub.

So it is essentially done on a volunteer basis then? Presumably the examiners have day jobs then?

8th May 2014, 15:17
£135.00 where I did mine (http://www.cotswoldaeroclub.com/news/wp-content/uploads/Flying-and-Course-Fees.pdf)

3 Point
8th May 2014, 17:10
I am considering whether to become an examiner right now; the cost of training and CAA fees comes to around £2,000 for the initial approval. I'd need to have a Heck of a day job before I could justify spending that sort of sum then making myself available for free to carry out tests!

Piper.Classique; any idea what the DGAC charges to designate an examiner??

Happy landings

3 Point

8th May 2014, 18:06
We all have day jobs. I don't know what the DGAC charges, but usually the Aeroclub pays such things. Probably not much. A ppl issue costs 80 €.

8th May 2014, 20:59
Free if you belong to my members run club.But this September after 30 years examining I shall be giving up I,m no longer willing to represent the corrupt and ineffective shambles the licensing system has become.CAA fees are spiralling ever upwards making it unviable for small clubs to continue.Its been good to put something back into an activity which has provided me so much pleasure and a well paid career.Gliding(BGA) and French flying clubs have it right GA should be run on amateur basis to a high standard.The future for GA in the UK looks very bleak as long as so many "groundlings" (CAA,AFIS airfield bureaucrats etc.)seek to take good livings from what is a recreational activity.

Mach Jump
9th May 2014, 12:55
I shall be giving up I,m no longer willing to represent the corrupt and ineffective shambles the licensing system has become.

Sad to say it, but I'm sure you are far from alone there, Stampe. :*

£100 for the PPL Skill Test seems common in Yorkshire. Makes it easier for us Northerners when it comes to the adding up. ;)


Level Attitude
9th May 2014, 17:52
£100 for the PPL Skill Test seems common in Yorkshire£200 down my way£100 seems a little low to me, and £200 a little high.

Just curious: Are those charging £200 VAT Registered?
ie They are charging £166.66 plus VAT (=£200)

Also watch out for some clubs/schools who charge 'their student' way more than the Examiner charges the school - Usually best if the Candidate pays the Examiner directly.