View Full Version : aircraft checks using a drone !

7th May 2014, 17:55
New technology is helping engineers to carry out safety checks on aircraft.

What can take the human eye more than a day to find, a drone can spot in a matter of hours.

The drones are able to create 3D images with millimetre accuracy.

The BBC's Richard Westcott has been to see the technology in action at Luton Airport.

BBC News - Drone technology used in aircraft safety checks (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-27314262)

7th May 2014, 19:36
The inspections they would be used for, I would assume, would mostly be things like assessing damage or inspections.
The issue I have is that to properly do these inspections you require (preferably) dry, non windy conditions and

'He added that it is safer to have drones working at height than humans having to go up on a rig'

I would argue this. It's not safer, it's cheaper. If I'm doing a crown inspection it's not an unsafe task assuming I have the correct safety equipment and PPE. I fail to see how a drone flying around the aircraft magically makes it safer, considering they are, as mentioned, susceptible to wind gusts (hence could fly into the structure) and I assume have to be operated by a human, who would need to control them and all the associated chances of accidents related to that.

To be honest whilst the technology is great, it's in its early stages and whilst they could map damage, the chances are they couldn't be used in the conditions they are needed to be used in (ramp conditions) and I bet they aren't cheap !

Or maybe I'm just bias being a human.
Safe flying

7th May 2014, 20:18
Mech, theres a major dent in the crown skin.

Boss, that drones a marvel.

Mech, Err actually we crashed the drone on it trying a loop.

Boss, F*****g I****s

Krystal n chips
8th May 2014, 04:09
Hmmm ?....the drone is only the start.

What should also be running concurrently is the development of a small robot if you think about it....

Winter / foul wx etc.....launch drone for walk round etc and then ( this is where said drone gets a shade problematic ) ...robot for oils / tyre px.....sit in crew room in the dry and drink coffee etc during whole process.....perfect !:p

Wot ?......:E

8th May 2014, 10:19
look on the bright side it will be less likely to break the aircraft than a avionics engineer with a screwdriver.

8th May 2014, 11:43
Which is a good reason for us to remain warm and dry with a coffee while you blackhander rock apes do the hard yards. Thanks!