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View Full Version : Thrust Reverser Deflector Door - Boeing tolerances

Burger Thing
20th May 2002, 17:36
Hello, is there any competent B737-200 engineer out there who could help me and some of my collegues? One of our aircraft's thrust reversers (Engine No.1) is making problems. During the walkaround someone can clearly see, that the reverser deflector door on our JT-8's doesn't close properly. That is at least my and some of my collegues humble personal opinion. It seems to have a gap, which is definately larger than on the other side, E-No.2.

And true enough, last week the 'Reverser Unlocked' light came on during decent. Our Engineers then made then the whole reverser inoperative. :eek: But that of course didn't solve the problem, because the Thrust Reverser was working fine! On the next flight: Reverser Unlock light again. And with the Thrust Reverser itself in/op you can't now even follow the QRH drills.

Our engineering department is now claiming having solved the problem, which I don't quite believe. The gap seems to be still there and I suspect, that they just adjusted the proximity switch, in order to keep the light out.

Here comes my question: What are the tolerances in inches or cm which Boeing alllowes for the a proper closing / fitting of the Thrust reverser deflector doors? Any competent help highly appriciated!

P.S: Any question to our engineering department was answered with: Don't worry! It is withing the Boeing tolerances. The question: What are the tolerances then? Was not answered! :eek:

22nd May 2002, 08:29
The next time you snag a friendly engineer why don't you ask him to give you a copy of the MM. It'll be chapter 78. I can't remember the tolerance but the lads (or lassies) will have no problem giving you the paperwork. It's not that unusual for a pilot to request little oddities like this anyway. Most of them are just frustrated engineers..!!:rolleyes:

22nd May 2002, 23:00
inches or cm? If I remember right the MM quotes millimeters! Burger if your realy from KL theres no guesses as to which damn engineers your talking about. I did a Subang charter a couple of years ago and arrived with a rattling slat (#1). Those dopes never "Transit the full Mile" if maintenence is needed. One twit told me its ok to fly all the way back to HAN with the rattley slat as long as the lights dont come on with slats up. Didnt even bother with a ground check and guess what? He wanted to remove the bloodey yellow xsit light bulbs to make sure they didnt come on! Whered do these dorks get there LAME tickets Burger? Out of bloodey Weeties packets? Then he had the cheek to say to use the alternate system for flap retract and thatll cure it enough to get us home! It wasnt till I threatened to report him to Malaysian and Nam DCAs that he got off his butt and actualy fixed it!

Its amazing your still alive pal. With the configuration you described it wont be long till that door lets go.

Burger Thing
23rd May 2002, 05:46
Thanks for the replies, LEM and Slasher.

A miracle happened. Our engineers actually really fixed the problem after one of my collegues made noise and put his foot down and refused to fly. The situation here is sometimes frustrating. Defects are referred to the MR2 which are easily fixable, or stated as: INDICATION PROBLEM...

Slasher, if you are in KL, let's go for some beers, mate. For sure we have some stories to share... ;)

Cheers, BT

24th May 2002, 08:14
ASFKAP the slat was physicaly rattling pal! The lower the airspeed the worse it was.

Yeh Burger must do that mate! Hmmm.... btw wonder who it was who had the balls to put his foot down? A no-nonsence local no doubt! ;)

Burger Thing
25th May 2002, 02:42
Slasher, yes, he is... :D He 'boomerangs' the techlog back to the Engineers, when he's not happy. I am VERY glad, that he is working in this company. :)

Burger Thing
25th May 2002, 02:44
Hey, ASFKAP, thank you very much for the info. It seems like, that our defelector door is meeting the requirements. :cool: