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View Full Version : Fumes in Flight Deck 737 NG starting engines

13th Apr 2014, 07:21

I have flown the 737 for about 7 years. Just during the past year I have noticed that every time I start the engines a gush of exhaust fumes comes in to the flight deck? This is very unpleasant.

I'm not sure if it is just me not paying attention to this before, or if this is something new due to some change of some maintenance procedure, or similair?

Does anyone else have these problems? Any more information about this?

Found some documentaries:

13th Apr 2014, 07:26
I haven't actually seen any fumes, but especially when the engine oil's been topped up (a bit too generously) you can smell the typical 'wet dog' stench...

13th Apr 2014, 07:27
@STBYRUD, I can't see any fumes either, only smell them when the engine starts.

13th Apr 2014, 14:00
Ive noticed it more when we start engines with a tailwind.

13th Apr 2014, 17:52
Several months ago some of my colleagues noted in ATL smth like "severe fumes odour during engine start". Maintenance action - as usual, something like "test OK". The fumes during start-up that day almost made us cry, even business class passengers complained about some unpleasant smell. Everything went ok after APU shutdown. Our maintenance couldn't tell any possible reasons, but as a fact the a/c was grounded for more than 24 hours after we made another ATL entry. No further complaints I've heard of.

13th Apr 2014, 22:13
That smell comes from the outflow valve fully open, in certain wind conditions.

13th Apr 2014, 23:16
So we could assume its the exhaust fumes getting blown back through.

Similar to having your boot open in your car whilst driving.

14th Apr 2014, 00:31
Compressor washes give a funny smell on first start after.

14th Apr 2014, 05:57
But the strange thing is that I have this happen every single day I fly. Regardless of wind direction/speed. Strange..

Am I the only one, am I extra sensitive?

14th Apr 2014, 18:54
I've got very weird smells on engine starts after a compressor wash. I was very concerned about it the very first time that happened to me. But, It's very usual in some hubs where this type of maintenance is performed.

If it's windy, specially when you have a tailwind, we get some burned jet fuel smell. Some of those exhaust particles are pushed to the engine inlet again and therefore to the air conditioning system. Not a big deal.


15th Apr 2014, 01:19
Occasionally after de ice and Engine Out Taxi with APU providing air for left Pack we get some smell