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View Full Version : Leeds and Bradford to Amsterdam

21st Mar 2014, 17:45

I was just wondering if anyone has done the above route in a Pa28 or Cessna? Doesnt have to be the exact same route just im interested on where you stopped for fuel on route also what route itself you took? Are there any airfields in the locality of Amsterdam easier to get in to?

Ive done many trips into France but a first for the above. Was hopin for a bit of advice as stated above before I went into full fledge planning mode..

Jan Olieslagers
21st Mar 2014, 18:04
Are there any airfields in the locality of Amsterdam easier to get in to?

Possible alternates are EHLE Lelystad (less expensive, but poor transportation to Amsterdam) and EHRD Rotterdam.

Generally speaking, the Netherlands has a reputation for being little friendly to general aviation.