View Full Version : How does your country find and recruit ATC's?

17th Mar 2014, 07:55

I am a controller from Australia, finishing a Uni course, and I am specifically looking at how different countries attract and recruit ATC.
It would be really appreciated if people could give me a precis on what there country does to advertise and attraction, then recruit potential controllers.

Here is an example of what I am looking for:

Country: Australia
Advertisement: No financial outlay, some social media e.g Twitter
Attraction: Limited Career expos and some work experience
Applications: Open continuously
Recruitment: Online application only. Online qualifying testing. One day assessment centre.

Any help would be most appreciated!

17th Mar 2014, 09:00
Country: India

Advertisement: newspapers

Attraction: none

Applications: accepted online

Recruitment: written tests & interview

19th Mar 2014, 06:14
Country: USA

Advertisement: USAJOBS.GOV

Applications: Open whenever it is that they open. Currently closed as they're still processing the last batch.

Attraction: It seems they prefer if you have 0 knowledge of aviation, and/or experience. If you can flip burgers at a McDonalds then you're qualified.

Recruitment: Online application only. Online qualifying testing. One time biographical questionnaire assessment, which only the least qualified can pass.

27th Apr 2014, 02:49
Thanks to those that have posted a reply and also PM'd me.
Much appreciated!

27th Apr 2014, 13:58
Countries: Serbia/, Montenegro
Advertisement: Supposedly ANSP's web site and some newspaper advertising(the types that only come out on the 31st February).
Attraction: Something like 10-15X the average national income.
Applications: Knowing/having friends, lovers, cousins, godfathers/mothers, etc, in the business already.
Recruitment: See above and disregard what's supposedly claimed about fair, EUROCONTROL-run applications...even people deep within the ANSP will say that ;)

28th Apr 2014, 16:22
KB....What are you going to do Next year?

Rule3......Don't know.:confused:

KB....There is an ATC course coming up soon. Think about it.

As they say....The rest is History.:ok:

28th Apr 2014, 16:44
No recruitment since 2006.

There's only private training, and of course sponsoring yourself. But no job at the end of it.

We have no idea of what AENA is thinking about, great management :eek::ugh::ugh:!

1st May 2014, 09:42
Country: Moldova
Advertisement: Local media , and website
Attraction: None
Applications: Filed personally at HR
Recruitment: FEAST + ELPAC