View Full Version : Decent Approach Radar ATM System???

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15th Feb 2014, 05:34
Does anyone out there actually have an Approach Radar ATM system that they like working on?
I've worked four different manufacturers products in 12 years as an approach controller and each of these has been a modified en-route system. Although they have each had good elements, none have been perfectly suited to the Approach radar environment.
I'm just curious to know if any Approach Radar units out there are currently working on a system that is ideally suited to the task.


17th Feb 2014, 20:57
If you really want a crappy piece of rubbish then buy the Raytheon AT3 - its absolutely useless - u would be better off looking at the planes in the sky with a faulty binoculars.

27th Feb 2014, 02:27
I won't have that! The Raytheon ASR10 has to be the worst one. It is entirely plot extracted and the MTI cannot be overridden, so you get massive permanent 'holes' where they found lots of anomalous returns when they set it up, and simply 'blanked' the area where these returns occurred. Also the threshold speed has to be set pretty high, typically 50 kts.

27th Feb 2014, 07:07
You could always try a Selex system if you like having holes in your coverage and other lovely effects

27th Feb 2014, 09:17
Come back ACRVI and a Tels man who knows how to tune it - unbeatable combination.

27th Feb 2014, 22:28
Watchman and CR62, perfect combo! :ok:

27th Feb 2014, 23:56
I have to agree. Although Watchman was processed, at least it showed proper 'blips' and the AMTI actually worked in your favour.

4th Mar 2014, 22:41
If you really want a crappy piece of rubbish then buy the Raytheon AT3 - its absolutely useless - u would be better off looking at the planes in the sky with a faulty binoculars.

Care to expand on that?
Guess you are in Dubai as there are only 2 operational systems that I know of.
We bought the 3rd and are running about 2 years late right now. :{:{:{:{:{

5th Mar 2014, 08:44
Dubai was used as a "Guinea pig" for the AT3 "enroute" system that had to be dumbed down to be used as an Approach system. It is built by engineers for engineers and what you will be getting in HK is thanks to the filtering that was done in Dubai to make it more user friendly. I cannot elaborate more as I am bound by confidentiality to the company but let me say that noone here has any faith in this bunch of cr#p.

5th Mar 2014, 10:57
Are you using the EFS/FDLs?? or paper strips still?
Just the level of adaptation for both enroute and terminal is a nightmare for us.:{

5th Mar 2014, 15:01
Still using paper strips and adaptation has been a nightmare with Raytheon for us as well - they are always wanting more money money money to do the simplest of things. He who chose the system in the first place should have been facing the firing squad a long time ago.

30th Sep 2015, 12:44
Rumour in HK is that Dubai will dump AT3 shortly.
With India giving it the flick as well, we are the bunnies now.
Guess they just hit you with another huge adaptation bill?

Sent you a PM.
Would be interested to get the official version.