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View Full Version : Questionnaire 'human interaction on the flight deck''

19th Nov 2013, 09:11
Dear Sir or Madam,

For my research about ''automation surprise in the cockpit''. I am looking for candidates who want to fill in a questionnaire related to this subject.

This questionnaire is aimed at pilots with experience in commercial aviation. If this is applicable to you, we would like to ask you to answer this questionnaire.

The questionnaire consists of 20 questions and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. The research subject is 'automation surprise' for the research program 'Aviation' at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

Automation surprise is a phenomenon in which pilots are subject to surprise or confusion regarding the automation in on-board aircraft systems; for example the FMS or autopilot. Often, in these situations pilots exclaim: "What is it doing now?", "How did it get into this mode?" or "How do I stop this machine from doing this?".
The confusion and surprises related to automation can have many different causes.

With the help of this questionnaire, we expect to gain knowledge on the frequency of occurrence and possible causes of automation surprise in aviation.

Your personal details and answers will remain confidential and will only be used for this particular research. We would be glad to hear your experience concerning this phenomenon.

We hope we can count on your cooperation in answering this questionnaire.

link to the questionnaire: Survey + Questionnaire + Research + Panel = thesistools.com (http://www.thesistools.com/web/?id=375345)

If you have any questions or inquiries concerning this research, you may contact me by email: [email protected]

Survey approved by the Towers

19th Nov 2013, 20:49
Good luck with the research, but don’t overlook alternative views.
There is no such thing as automation surprise, only an individual emotion where a situation is not as expected – incorrect mental model.
Wrong questions; not ‘what is it doing now’ but ‘what did I ask it to do for the anticipated situation’; was the situation anticipated, what is the difference between the expected automatic activity and that planned.
Will pilots’ recollections be biased by hindsight?

With time, you may wish to review the lengthy exchange and references in the forum Autopilot Automation: Friend or Foe, (www.linkedin.com/groups/Autopilot-Automation-Friend-Foe-1080877.S.5797727079516622851?qid=921032a0-59b4-4f1b-8ef8-ab5cb826383d&trk=groups_guest_most_popular-0-b-ttl&goback=.gde_1080877_member_5797727079516622851.gmp_1080877) and Monitoring Skills for Pilots.
Also watch out for the soon to be released FAA Study on Automation – this week.

And with LinkedIn membership (free)
“Is flight mode awareness still an issue in the 21st Century?” (FSF Forum)

21st Nov 2013, 19:55
Thanks for your reply and suggestions about the research. In about the 3 months the project should be fineshed. If you want I can give you a pm, when the report is published.