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View Full Version : US sorts out bird hazards!

6th Nov 2013, 15:44
I wasn't sure where to put this. Maybe Jet Blast, I thought, but aviation content is frowned upon there. But we don't seem to have a category for threads about re-hashing a bit of existing knowledge into a lightweight news story! Still, at least we can learn from the way the US does things.

10 ways to prevent plane bird strikes (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-24751208)

PS - in the picture under the first item on pyrotechnics, is he really firing a pyrotechnic?

6th Nov 2013, 17:46
in the picture under the first item on pyrotechnics, is he really firing a pyrotechnic?

well it seems to have a red barrel so I expect it's more for noise than killing.

Still, at least we can learn from the way the US does things.

There's nothing here that that's not used outside the US

The problem is the birds accustom themselves to any and all varrying by breed age and time of year and the bird's latest memory.

Couple that with a 24 hour day seven days a week and no holidays and some critical gaps in employing these strategies by the airport workforce give the birds a chance to avoid the security.

It always seem that when a severe bird strike has occurred that 100% coverage by any oif these methods was not employed.

Kind of like delivering the postal service in rain-sleet and snow 24 hours a day without expecting to stuff a few down a sewer grate.

6th Nov 2013, 21:52
It looks like a blank firer.

Bird Scaring Cartridges are normally 12 guage shotgun type shells (or at least the ones commonly in use in the UK are)