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View Full Version : Expired UK-JAR-PPL -> UK-EASA-PPL / FRTOL required?

22nd Oct 2013, 15:52
My UK JAR PPL (A) expired earlier this year. While being grounded long enough I am now looking to renew the license and obtaining an EASA-PPL. I don't have a CAA FRTOL, instead have a German Flight Radio Telephony Operator's License, allowing me to communicate on VFR flights in German and English language.
I have received different views by a flight school and the CAA hotline on whether I need to take the CAA FRTOL or not; the latter asked me to send my request by eMail to get more proof on this (I will share their response should others be interested in).
I went through CAP804 to get some insight; however, as far as I found out, the only requirement to get the EASA license seems to have passed the language proficiency test but not to have a CAA FRTOL.

Long story short: Does the CAA issue an EASA PPL while the applicant does have a foreign FRTOL and NOT a CAA FRTOL?

