View Full Version : NATS Pension Notice August 2013

The Fat Controller
23rd Aug 2013, 07:52
For all those NATS staff considering "offers" that involve taking your pension early, make sure you read the latest Pension Notice as there are changes that come in on 1 November 2013.

Have posted here as I know not everyone is registered for the NATS private forum.

26th Aug 2013, 09:47
Moving the goalposts again, are they...

The Fat Controller
26th Aug 2013, 11:21
No goalposts are being moved by NATS.

CAAPS usually update the actuarial factors after the valuations and all I have done is pointed out that there are imminent changes.

The pensions calculator on the CAAPS website will be updated in September.

It is especially important for those that will be retiring on "normal" abatement terms that they check their figures when the the calculator is updated.

27th Aug 2013, 21:50
I can't believe that it's legal for staff pay in the same amount of money to a pension fund, but but to be paid less pension based on what sex you are. :hmm:


28th Aug 2013, 09:02
It's because us chaps statistically 'fall of the twig' before you ladies.Standard pension industry practice.