View Full Version : A330 abnormal S/F landing table in QRH

16th Aug 2013, 16:22
Hi all,

I just did a sim session for abnormal slat/flap configuration for landing and got confused with the usage of the landing conf/speed correction/landing dist table.

For example, slat fault at 0. When I looked into the table there are two conditions that seem applicable.

( 1) SLAT FAULT -> there are three sub-conditions

0<= slat < 1
1<= slat < 2
slat >= 2

For our case, there is no doubt that we will use 0<= slat < 1 and the
correction will be: CONF 2/Vref +30/LDG dist factor 1.6 or 1.5

BUT, there is another condition below the SLAT FAULT where those three sub-conditions are splitted in combination with flaps positions. Therefore, another applicable condition will be:

(2) 0<= SLAT< 1 -> five sub-conditions for flaps position.

0<= flaps < 1+f
1+f<= flaps < 2
2 <= flaps < 3
Flaps = 3
Flaps > 3

Each combination gives different landing CONF, vref corection and landing
factor depending on different flap position but under same slat fault at 0.

My question is, if there are combination of slat/flap position and there is a possibility of flaps being operative eventhough the slat fault, why do we even have to consider using (1) SLAT FAULT condition?

I don't think if the slat fault at 0, we will just jump to (1)SLAT FAULT condition and use CONF2 for landing without trying to extend the flaps first. And if that is the case, why are there both SLAT FAULT and S/F combination for approach correction? Will this mislead the pilot to just go ahead with case (1) without looking further down for (2)?

Not sure if my post makes any sense.
