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8th Aug 2013, 15:40
To all you currently flying multi crew airline opps with 500 hours or 100 sectors; this might appeal to you. Bonded E170 rating, London base.

Could be of interest to TP pilots wanting to move on to jets.

Good luck.

8th Aug 2013, 18:04
BA Cityflyer pilots are leaving.

Good luck though.

1. Join BALPA

2. Sooner or later, you'll be glad you did.

Who are leaving Captains/Fo's/both?

Why are they leaving?

Is it that bad?

I have the experience to apply and a bonded type rating isn't something that you find everywhere.

Plus, it cant be any worse then where I am working right now :}

8th Aug 2013, 19:50
Something about them interests me but I don't know much about the company, not one you hear too much about! What's it like? Noticed on the application they talk about multiple over nights or words to that effect is there really that much over nights in what is a short to medium haul European airline? Lets just say I've had my share of hotels

12th Aug 2013, 14:31
I completed the application last night.
I wonder if I'll get a response this time around!! Hope can be dangerous!

13th Aug 2013, 09:34
Could current BA Cityjet guys confirm whether or not this salary information is relatively correct??...

BA Cityflyer pilot jobs, payscales and entry requirements. (http://www.pilotjobsnetwork.com/jobs/BA_Cityflyer)

13th Aug 2013, 21:33
Can anyone give any advice as to what the interview and verbal/numerical tests are like? Apparently the same format as mainline.... so what's that like?


13th Aug 2013, 23:01
They're different from mainline. I would actually go as far as to say they are harder. Lots of detailed maths questions that involve several different stages of calculation, they'll also try and catch you out on the wording. The verbal reasoning is not too dissimilar to that used by Aer Lingus and easyJet recently. Prepare well.

13th Aug 2013, 23:27
Oh god another hr jumping through hoops exercise, they have 14 planes and the start pay is less than 40 grand basic I mean is it really necessary? What happened to a chat especially as a lot of applicants I presume will be from Flybe so will have hours on type. Looks like hr has ruled me out of applying not going through all that for this job.....

Jet Set Willie
14th Aug 2013, 08:25
Stelios, add at least 4.5% to all those as pay rise just happened. Not industry leading, but you have to remember LCY is shut half the weekend, and the charters are summer only.

14th Aug 2013, 13:00
It's their train set!

I'm amazed personally that you'd consider a 40k a year job to be below the threshold for a proper application and interview procedure. The Government will be dishing out minimum wages jobs to anyone who asks for one next!

15th Aug 2013, 13:45
It is indeed their train set that is true. I think it should be a proper application and interview process I agree however equivalent to BA mainline I don't think is necessary. I just feel sorry for anybody going to be let go by Flybe. To fly the same plane from the same country to probably similar destination you must go through the BA mainline assessment process? Think it's over kill I'm sure they are a nice little company so I'm sure a nice little chat with a nice little sim would do the job.

16th Aug 2013, 11:03
Superpilot I agree 100% this is the point I was trying to make although not as well said as yourself

16th Aug 2013, 15:37
Hi guys, does anybody know why people is leaving from the company? Rosters,salary, company enviroment... what's going on there??

20th Aug 2013, 04:56
Good friend of mine who has been there for some time told me it's the money for the Captains, and almost no movement to BA main line for the FOs.:*

21st Aug 2013, 15:00
It's the same a friend of mine from the UK told me... I found a payscale at BA Cityflyer pilot jobs, payscales and entry requirements. (http://www.pilotjobsnetwork.com/jobs/BA_Cityflyer) . Before or after tax? I think before, otherwise it wouldn't be so bad...

28th Aug 2013, 14:52
It's before Tax unfortunately.


London is expensive as well.

28th Aug 2013, 15:13
The verbal reasoning paper at BACF is exactly the same one used by mainline at Cranebank (statements followed by true, false, cannot tell).

BACF don't have any computer or psychometric testing like mainline. It's just 2:1 interview, group ex, verbal paper and maths paper. Day 2 sim.

I understand the airline has asked CTC to provide 8 candidates for selection over the next two weeks.

29th Aug 2013, 09:25
How can a company recruit directly from one school if they are not on a "tagged scheme"? Is this legal?
Thought they required 500hrs commercial experience?

1st Sep 2013, 17:15
Has anyone been called up for this one at all?....or has CTC taken the slots?

2nd Sep 2013, 14:00
There are 8 people being sent to the airline from FTE and CTC.

Just for the sake of clarity are you saying that 8 individuals from FTE/CTC have secured employment with BACF or simply that they are going for interview?


3rd Sep 2013, 06:51
I am from none of these schools, but I applied also. So basically chance is 0,000001%, because they will first look into pools of CTC or Jerez?

Well Atleast have tried there. Good Luck to the ones who got atleast invited ;) .
It is a nice oppertunity to fly for an very nice airline who treats its employees with respect, which is not common anymore now a these days.

Business Class
9th Sep 2013, 19:14
I got a PFO today :mad:

9th Sep 2013, 20:53
Same here today. Message that they wont take me in consideration for an Interview :( .
It is a pitty. But I always say. What happened, happened. You cannot change that . See whats next :D .

10th Sep 2013, 10:20
P40Warhawk and Business Class, i'm intrigued as to what level of experience you guys have?

10th Sep 2013, 11:33
Not much.
Received my licenses last Friday. That might be also one of the reasons I did not receive invitation. Because I could not supply them with my License number.
I have 223 hours. 103PIC .

10th Sep 2013, 11:54
Did you receive an email or letter in the post saying that you were unsuccessful?

City or Jet
10th Sep 2013, 15:01
Also received PFO email. Somewhat annoyed I wasted so much time and effort writing ridiculous essay answers for their questions, clearly they were never even glanced at.

10th Sep 2013, 16:52
PFO e-mail as well, 700 hour part time instructor, at least I got told to :mad: off this time, most just don't bother responding at all!

10th Sep 2013, 20:55
Unfortunately in this instance , your application has not been succesful.

Thank you for your interest, and BACF wish you luck with your Job Search.

It could have been worse ;) . Now past chapter for me. NEXT. I don't cry, It is just not meant to be. Maybe in the future again, when I have some more experience.

11th Sep 2013, 07:25
To be fair to BACF it did state quite clearly the min requirements for this round - i.e. MPA experience of 500hrs / 100 sectors so it's hardly surprising you have been sent a PFO in your case.

11th Sep 2013, 10:33
You are absolutely right. But I have already a No, and MAYBE,,,, MAYBE get a yes.
I did not expect anything.

The thing is. How to get experience If you never get the chance to get experience? Experienced pilots got their experience from somewhere. So I just tried it. You never know :D . Otherwise I can never apply on something. :D .

I Except it and continue. Who knows. Maybe in the future. I am positive.

Business Class
11th Sep 2013, 16:38

Im ATR42/72 rated and have more than 140 sectors on type and increasing...
Spend almost an entire day filling in the application form! I got the exact same email as P40Warhawk.


12th Sep 2013, 00:20
So far the only emails sent are PFO's?
Or has anyone received an invitation for an interview?
I haven't received any of the two yet...

12th Sep 2013, 06:26
I haven't received either yet. However there is a post on another thread from a guy who says he has over 6000TT. Turboprop and jet experience. I live in Central London and have 1600hrs (jet) and don't think I will get through. I think they know the exact candidate they are after and the rest of us never stood a chance. I hope I'm proven wrong.

12th Sep 2013, 07:35
There's a lot of talk of CTC and cadets being recruited but I have heard from the inside that the reason they have the hours/sectors limit is to stop cadets from applying.

Still nothing here but not holding my breath. It seems that luck plays a vital role in the current job market but someone has to get through!

NTR, ex mil, TT 3500

12th Sep 2013, 07:41
Yeah well the uggliest word there is : EXPERIENCE :.

Good luck to you all guys.
Well some of you have atleast now a job, where they can obtain experience hours. But I agree that BA Cityflyer is a great step up on the pilots social ladder.

So it would have been a nice way for all of us to go.

18th Sep 2013, 19:48
Got this today...

Thank you for your recent application for the position of First Officer based at London City Airport as posted on Careers with BA CityFlyer (http://www.bacityflyerjobs.com)

We are conscious that a number of weeks have now passed since this vacancy closed and your application is awaiting pre-screening. Due to the large amount of applications we received for this position the short listing process is taking longer than anticipated.

Once all applications have been reviewed we will contact candidates via email in due course.

Yours sincerely
BA CityFlyer Recruitment Team

19th Sep 2013, 20:10
Had the same email on Tuesday. Oh well, it's not a PFO...yet!

22nd Sep 2013, 22:52
Make it 3!

As said before, at least not a PFO (yet)

23rd Sep 2013, 08:56
Interesting!!! I've not had either a PFO or the above email.

23rd Sep 2013, 09:16
Neither have I - nothing heard or seen here yet.

23rd Sep 2013, 09:34
I received the PFO a few weeks ago... :sad:

23rd Sep 2013, 13:49
No contact on this end either. But I remember applying a few yrs ago and I didn't received anything so not surprised with silence!

WX Man
23rd Sep 2013, 14:33
Same email as above; i.e., be patient.

Sorry to hear that CTC cadets are being considered. Rant about CTC withheld!

23rd Sep 2013, 20:23
No pfo letter, no patient letter so far.

24th Sep 2013, 09:59
I just received the "be patient" email this morning.

24th Sep 2013, 10:23
just received the B.P email this morning :}...

24th Sep 2013, 13:47
Dito.. I don't feel left out now :)

25th Sep 2013, 12:48
Me 2 now. Well better than the PFO i guess.

25th Sep 2013, 23:59
I'm just curious, those who haven't received a pfo, what kind of experience level is everyone at?
Just wondering if everyone is around the same level, then what are they looking for to interview apart from what they advertised.

26th Sep 2013, 05:43
1350TT, vast majority as P2 on 7-8t turboprop.

27th Sep 2013, 05:50
BP email 2 days ago. Ex-mil FJ 4000hrs, NTR

27th Sep 2013, 10:55
I received the same "be patient" email one week ago. 1.000 TT 800 turboprop experience <5.7 tns. NTR.

27th Sep 2013, 23:39
Received 2 BP emails last week

2400 TT jet

28th Sep 2013, 11:24
All good to know.
I have 2300TT 1000 jet
Lets hope they don't keep us all in suspense much longer!

2nd Oct 2013, 00:04
Also received a B.P email a few days ago... 3600 TT, 400 turbo prop and 2900 jet... I wonder... :hmm:

2nd Oct 2013, 16:54
I got the BP email the other week TT 1450 1250 TP 8-11 t

2nd Oct 2013, 20:10
Have had 2 BP also... 2000TT (1300 t prop/400 jet)

8th Oct 2013, 19:47
Did anybody NOT get the be patient email? (1100TT 700TProp)

9th Oct 2013, 08:04
It's taking a long time to process the applications. I had the BP email about two weeks ago and have heard nothing since. Hopefully hear something soon.

Does anybody have any idea how many positions they are looking to fill?

TT 2000, 1750 Corporate Jet.

10th Oct 2013, 13:41
I spoke to a BA Flyer pilot very briefly last week and he told me a friend of his was called for an assessment. Like a lot of you, I've received two BP emails a few weeks back.

14th Oct 2013, 20:33
Your source being correct, it looks like they have already picked their cards, and everyone who received the BP email will receive an invitation only if someone fails at the interview...

18th Oct 2013, 13:25
I'm starting to wonder if we will ever hear anything.:ugh:
However if BACF had started assessments then I am sure more information would have come to light! After all everyone enjoys making announcements on Prune.

31st Oct 2013, 19:25
I received the 'Be Patient' email a while back along with others on this thread, Still no news for me since. Has anyone any reliable information to suggest that recruitment is over, and we've not been selected?

1st Nov 2013, 19:12
Hello folks,

Just wondering if anyone has heard anything recently, I've been reliably informed there are assessment days planned?

Also any info on the group ex, interview and tests would be appreciated feeling lucky! :ok:

If you prefer to pm please feel free... :O


5th Nov 2013, 08:51
Got just the PFO letter.

5th Nov 2013, 09:03
Did you get the be patient email earlier, or was this after an interview?

Good luck!

5th Nov 2013, 09:08
Got the BP letter earlier. Got 2500h on jet to give you an idea.

Good luck anyway.

6th Nov 2013, 18:24
The 40k annual pay stated in PJN is before or after taxes?
How much do we have to pay to the Government? 30%?

9th Nov 2013, 12:01
Anyone know what to expect more detailed at the assesmentday? What type of verbal and numerical reasoningtest and group exercise?
If someone knows also what type of question you can get on the interview?

21st Nov 2013, 09:04
PFO this morning

5500TT 2000 Jet

21st Nov 2013, 10:19
I think the Flybe situation means all bets are off now for non type rated. The website has a new FO vacancy for type rated only now so read into that what you will.

21st Dec 2013, 12:10
And another person interested in that recruitment email address - I've heard nothing for a bit too long now...
