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23rd May 2013, 21:21
I am considering going self-sponsored at FTE Jerez. This obviously is a considerable amount of money.

I'm looking to hear from people that have recently graduated (within the last 4-5 years) from a self sponsored program.

Would you be able to tell me how long it took you to find work and for which airline it was for, and if it's not too personal, starting salary?

Comments regarding what your colleagues, that you studied with, are doing now would also be beneficial.

In addition, what is the general consensus these days on the the airline industry?


23rd May 2013, 23:55
Just go to a normal school...
The difference in money can later be spent to sponsor a type rating or FI course.

Just my 2 cents.

24th May 2013, 09:36
Hi Talewind, I suspect if you want to get some accounts from people who have done FTE or indeed other schools/courses you probably want to come up with a more specific thread title.

24th May 2013, 09:49
I suggest to go at OAA...
If you are distinct in the teory and flight as well you will have more opportunities, just for example, i have a friend of mine in ryanair, he can choose for jet2, wizzair,volotea,air atlanta icelandic..all in different ways, jet 2 no flying until 18 months,air atlanta as SO first..but at least he have several choices.

24th May 2013, 10:25
Further to what Fulminn said, those opportunities arose over a 7 month period. How do I know? Because I am in the pool at OAA. Wizzair required well over 250 flying hours, Volotea was flying the B717 and you had to pay €27,000 for TR for it.

Air Atlanta Icelandic's Cruise Relief FOs are not flying at the moment, and as you say Jet2, one must work in Ops for 18 months before being placed on a 734 TR course.

The problem with OAA now is that, since it was taken over by CAE, CAE have decided to add their schools into the mix. This means that job announcements don't go to the 75 cadets in the OAA pool, but to the 400 overall pilots trained at an integrated course at CAE. In essence, they have destroyed what OAA was all about unfortunately.

Prior to this, OAA was great. As is CTC. In fact, I'd go for CTC.

24th May 2013, 10:37
How do I know? Because I am in the pool at OAA.

Interesting, what is the pool looking like at the moment in terms of numbers and time to a position? How long have you been waiting?

Reason I ask is that I recently went to OAA for the easyJet MPL selection but failed, they asked if I wanted to do a regular APPFO assessment anyway so I'm curious to here what the situation really is.

24th May 2013, 10:38
yeah, of course now is falling because of too much people in the pool, but i think is still better than nothing!!

24th May 2013, 11:14
If you are going to spend 100k+ on training. Why would you choose FTE over CTC where your employment chances are much higher?

I'm genuinely curious.

24th May 2013, 14:11
The chances of your employment where you pay for your own type rating and end up in a pool with not particularly fantastic T&Cs, before moving on to employment with an actual airline *if* they want you are much higher, sure.

FTE seems slightly less sausage factory-esque. Don't get me wrong, I'm aware that they're all businesses. But to me, nothing illustrates that quite like CTC's Flexicrew deal.

25th May 2013, 20:11
I'm not really looking for reviews or comments on particular schools, there was probably no need for me to mention where I am planning on going!

It's just that on other threads I've found comments along the lines of "only go self-sponsered if you've got a 100 K to burn" etc etc...I assume that this is a gross exaggeration of actual conditions, but it has raised some doubts.

I was hoping to hear from people who have an idea of how the the job market actually is right now and how they think things look for the near future....


27th May 2013, 00:29
I suggest to go at OAA...
If you are distinct in the teory and flight as well you will have more opportunities, just for example, i have a friend of mine in ryanair, he can choose for jet2, wizzair,volotea,air atlanta icelandic..all in different ways, jet 2 no flying until 18 months,air atlanta as SO first..but at least he have several choices.

Well I have friends, all from a modular school (not modular CTC, FTE or OAA) who have all ended up at Ryanair, Wizzair (and 2 out of 3 only had 200 hours!), Jet2, WestAtlantic, Air Atlanta Icelandic, LEA and others. 2 even ended up at easyJet. All within the past 6 months.

So there goes your theory.

Why waste 100k on something where 50k can put you in the exact same place?

27th May 2013, 08:36
pudoc could you elaborate on which school you are referring to?

I was under the impression that easyJet now recruit ab-initio almost exclusively through CTC/OAA/Parc?

27th May 2013, 09:24
The job market is dead at the minute and i dont see it changing for the foreseeable future,at least in europe,and its getting more and more difficult to get a visa for places like asia without hours on type,i would think long and hard before parting with any money.I have been finished 2 years and got my first call 2 weeks ago for interview after i decided to take the gamble of getting type rated,i know lots of guys ,some who did integrated,some modular,it seems to me that everyone is in the same boat,regardless where they did there training,i would go down the modular route if i was you and as wrong as it is at least you might have the cash left to do a line training program.I would rather have 500 hrs on type than just a cpl with 200-300hours from OAA or Jerez for the same money.You will still have to pay for a type rating regardless of where you train,thats not going to change.And have a back up plan!Be prepared for a wait!

27th May 2013, 17:03
Hi Talewind

Was in Jerez 2009-2010 and it was two years before I got a job with Jet2.

Out of the self sponsored people on my course:

3 - BACF
1 - Aer lingus
1 - Jet2
2 - Vueling
1- Jota airways
2 - flying instructors

12 self sponsored students on my course

Hope this helps

27th May 2013, 17:05
The job market has been dead since I finished my training 3 years ago and prob for some time before that. I have applied for hundreds of jobs, exchanged thousands of emails with airlines, agencies and recruitment people. I have spent hundreds on Skype contacting people in airlines, general aviation and charter companies begging for a chance to fly. I could not have worked any harder to find ANY flying position on ANY aircraft!

Now I'm looking into instructing, I just hope this will get me some sort of a salary until things change.

Now the EU want only one pilot in the flight deck and they are testing this at the moment. Madness!!

Would You Fly On An Airliner With Just One Pilot? - FlightWire | FlightWire (http://flight-wire.net/?p=7012)

27th May 2013, 19:12
Shifty, would you mind expanding a little on how you folks got the jobs? Was it as a result of Jerez's career service, etc? And did exam scores have an impact?

27th May 2013, 22:41
Hi Nauti. Fte helped the people at BACF and vueling get an assessment. I had an assessment at BACF before I joined jet2 but didn't get in. If you put the effort in they would reccomended you to an airline, thats if any were recruiting. When I trained it was mainly your overall flying and MCC skills.

15th Jun 2013, 11:54
Hi Chaps,

The FTE Jerez thread seems to have died down some what so was wondering if any current/recent students or instructors could shed on any light on the situation down there!

16th Aug 2013, 18:12
I plan on applying for CTC Wings, OAA and FTE Jerez. (All Integrated ATPL)

I want to get an idea of what people think of each of them and the positives and negatives, I have a good idea of what they are all like but just want to hear what others have to say about them.

17th May 2014, 13:03
does anybody know, what´s happen with FTE (Flight Training Europe) in Jerez, they are not anymore a ATO with the CAA-UK.
They are removed form the actual list of approved ATP´s, so there are only a Spanish ATO?
Does anybody know what is happen down there?

17th May 2014, 22:52
doesn't appear to be in the list.

Standards Document 31: Organisations Conducting Approved Courses of Flight and Ground Training | Publications | About the CAA (http://www.caa.co.uk/application.aspx?catid=33&pagetype=65&appid=11&mode=detail&id=2854)

18th May 2014, 07:44
Its just an easa regulation which means they have to come under the oversight of the local caa which is the Spanish caa.

18th May 2014, 12:01
I was investigating more
it is not only the oversight, it means, that the CAA-UK is not anymore the authority how is responsible for them.
It seams to be now a pure Spanish ATO and also the Spanish are the only one how do the Audit on this ATO.
As well as the management is only Spanish now.

18th May 2014, 15:46
ATOs located within the territory of the EU member states must be approved by the state in which they have their principle place of business. FTE has its principle place of business in Spain and so is approved by the Spanish authority - simples!

See ORA.GEN.105(a)(2)(ii)

31st Aug 2014, 16:53
I'm looking very intently at Jerez at the moment. They seem great, cheaper than CTC and OAA.
It seems incredibly difficult to get into contact with past or current students. As far as I can see only one has posted on this thread and this was some time ago.

I have heard the pitch over the phone from OAA, CTC and Jerez. I was least impressed by OAA who mentioned "teething problems" when I brought up CAE. When I inquired as what kind of dental issues Oxford had, the answer was "general stuff"...
OAA is also the most expensive school at £92k (inc. accomodation) and £84k without but as I understand it, it's hard, rare and distracting to attempt to get a better deal than that.
They also offered no concession from the price for having a PPL - I have a PPL and was duly informed that I'd have to do the whole thing all over again. No thank you.
95% employment rate with self-sponsored cadets (they quoted)

CTC was a while ago but they boasted a 98% post-graduation employment rate. However, I do need to check with them if this includes their dubious flexicrew course. As far as I can tell, this basically means being hired by an airline (sort of) without much job security, having a limited term contract that can be terminated abruptly. However, this is my interpretation of what they've said on their website, I do not have the solid facts. But everyone in the industry who I've talked to repeats the same "once you're in, you're in" attitude so once you've gotten a position with one of these temporary contracts (if that is indeed what they are), it shouldn't be too hard to find subsequent employment. On the website, the intergrated cost is, near as makes no difference £90k. I also did a bit of checking and their incredible figure of 98% does include MPL students. If you don't know what an MPL means, under my understanding, an airline has practically already guaranteed a cadet a job prior to starting at the school as the training will be tailored to their own airline. So it would appear that CTC cannot take full credit for its 98% mark, but all this means is it's worth trying to apply for this mentored scheme.

FTE Jerez has, according their training adviser, an 80% employment rate not including their MPL students, I believe this is only the self-sponsored pupils but do not take my word for it, I still need to double-check. They also said that they were not in contact with all of their graduates so the statistic could well be higher.
If it sounds less than encouraging, I don't blame you. However, the man I spoke to seemed to be the most honest. The fact that it looks like, at the very least, CTC has included its mentored students into its statistic, Jerez has not.
The other thing is the cost. Around 112k EU = £87k (rounded up). This includes room and board, making it by far, the cheapest FTO out of the three.
The class sizes are apparently no more than 14, making it the smallest school out of the three. You can decide for yourself if this is an advantage or not.

OAA and Jerez train on PA-28s and Senecas; CTC uses the more modern Twin-stars and gives you more multi-engine hours. This is a point in CTC's favour.

However, with every training adviser I have spoken to and practically everyone who I've met, they have all encouraged me to visit the schools and to do my homework on them. The other thing they have all said is that there is no huge difference between the schools - at the end of it you end up as a graduate of an integrated course at one of the big three schools, which is the key thing. It's not a case of Indiana Jones, picking the right cup - you live, the wrong one - you die. What it does seem to be about is picking the school that you most approve of, that you feel is best for you. For me, that is Jerez: I like the small class size, the lower cost, their honesty, the location, the campus, the fact that I won't have to train on the other side of the world. However, this could easily be different for you. There is an expo of different schools on 1st November at Heathrow, if you want to hear them tell you why you should sign up for them, you could try that but if you want an unbiased opinion, try to ask around at an airfield for any CPLs, ex-airline pilots, current airline pilots or even people studying for their frozen ATPL, desperate for a job.
In my experience, you have to take everything that a school tells you with a pinch of salt, you have to find out their disadvantages and then ask them about them, challenge them.

1st Sep 2014, 12:04
The school isn't important: where your first job comes from is. Put bluntly, unless you start on a mentored scheme with an airline you will more than likely not see airline employment. This is what you need to think about...

2nd Sep 2014, 14:50
Hey guys! I am going to the Flight Deck Open Day event later this month and was wondering what package you would recommend for me to prepare for the tests?

3rd Sep 2014, 22:01
Thanks for that, I'll be sure to look out for you at the social bar :p

Regarding the interview, how far should I go with regards to interview prep? Also, how do the tests differ from the ones on the latestpilotjobs.com site?

6th Sep 2014, 16:21
Can I just UNDERLINE to EVERYONE. DO NOT self sponsor your training, you could be part of the 1% who find work, or you could be part of the 99% sitting at home or flying for some outfit that pays €900 a month.

If someone starts talking about a pilot shortage, turn around and walk away. It's not happening right now.

I don't mean to be a pessimist, I'm just telling you the truth. Find yourself a cadet scheme and keep applying till you get there. Trust me, the job is more than worth it.

And that's from someone who attended FTE and couldn't imagine going anywhere else.

9th Sep 2014, 18:40
I'm interested in why choose FTE over CTC wing?

25th Sep 2014, 19:50
In the physics test, were there any questions that they asked that wasn't based on the pre-guidance material? I am more than comfortable with the material in the pack, but when I use the info on the website "latestpilotjobs.com" , it paints a totally different picture.

25th Sep 2014, 20:39
Anyone with a fairly basic high school level of Physics will not find the tests difficult. They even give you some of the formulas. :) However, it would still be a good idea to revise the stuff, particularly that contained within the pre-test guidance materials (although a look over of the latestpilotjobs stuff won't hurt either).