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5th Apr 2013, 15:08
New article just published by ESE Associates Ltd and CAA discussing Training and Assessment of Pilot Monitoring Skills. There have been nine fatal accidents since 2000, attributed to Loss of Control, resulting in the loss of 1128 lives. Monitoring lapses were identified as contributory factors in many fatal accidents and serious incidents and it was established that the training and assessment of monitoring skills needed to be investigated.

Read it here: Training and Assessment of Pilot Monitoring Skills | HF Safety Critical (http://www.hfsafetycritical.com/pilot-monitoring-skills/)

5th Apr 2013, 19:23
I haven't read the actual article yet (will do soon), however I don't regard some of the video scenarios as examples of bad monitoring. Take the Dash into Exeter with the strange non-normal. That to me is clearly a lack of decision making and judgement, pure and simple. The example of the high authority gradient cockpit an example of appalling leadership.

In my view, substandard monitoring can only be identified as a causal factor when the operating environment was conducive to effective monitoring in the first place.

5th Apr 2013, 19:41
Yes, but should the task not be to ensure 'effective monitoring' even if it isn't?

5th Apr 2013, 20:29
Maybe, but I say it is impossible to monitor reliably when under chronic stress or confused. Clearly the role of the crew is to remove the inhibitors and then regain situational awareness (aka resume effective monitoring).

11th Apr 2013, 14:15

I haven't read the actual article yet

Then please do, especially the definition of monitoring, then rejoin the discussion.

15th Apr 2013, 14:00
Then please do, especially the definition of monitoring, then rejoin the discussion

Got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning, did we?:rolleyes: