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26th Mar 2013, 13:09
http://http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-21939795 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-21939795)

Eventually the message will get there :ugh:

green granite
26th Mar 2013, 13:23
Don't hold your breath for that to happen in the UK, if a pleb that covers an autistic person in suntan oil and then sets fire to him killing him only gets 3 years what hope is there of sending a 'laserer' to prison?

26th Mar 2013, 13:27
That was a fun read - especially the part where bright spark there had the unbelievable temerity/stupidity to point it at the police chopper looking for him. But I suppose that act in particular shows the kind of mentality that commits this crime in the first place.

clear to land
26th Mar 2013, 16:02
I have been lasered twice in the last couple of months-once in CAI and once in BKK. As far as I am concerned the morons should be charged with attempted murder. :mad:

The Beerhunter
26th Mar 2013, 16:23
this muppet was picked up a year or two ago because he targeted the police helicopter from his own back garden.

I was blinded by laser, helicopter pilot tells court - Herald.ie (http://www.herald.ie/news/courts/i-was-blinded-by-laser-helicopter-pilot-tells-court-27983982.html)

i'm pretty sure he got off with a slap on the wrist after his "sorry, i really didn't know it was bothering people" defence. :ugh:

26th Mar 2013, 23:55
I think you may find that a judge who sometimes posts on PPRuNe has already sent two laser offenders to prison for 6 months each.

Bueno Hombre
27th Mar 2013, 07:44
There are those who might say I hung up my goggles.
There are times when I think I might wear my goggles again.
Now when I read this thread I am happy to let my goggles hang where they are.
This diabolical laser thing needs to be solved first. Draconian measures might be applicable.
Or perhaps soon there might be produced new goggles that protect, not against the propeller slipstream, but against lasers.

27th Mar 2013, 08:13
I don't think this happens in Dubai/Singapore/Moscow etc

29th Mar 2013, 07:08
Excellent news. :ok:

29th Mar 2013, 09:12
this may help, but I'm afraid it won't fully solve the safety issue. Certain law enforcement and other government-employed pilot are equipped with protective glasses. Why not extend this to all civilian airlines...

30th Mar 2013, 10:07
Aalborg, Denmark, March 27: A 26 year old Romanian who pointed a laser at a helicopter during a SAR mission in February, 2013, was sentenced to 50 days in prison and expelled from Denmark with a 6-year entry ban.

11th Jan 2015, 23:42
FBI ? Fresno Laser Striker Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison (http://www.fbi.gov/sacramento/press-releases/2014/fresno-laser-striker-sentenced-to-14-years-in-prison)

Desert Dawg
12th Jan 2015, 06:01

This happens in Dubai...

12th Jan 2015, 11:27

This happens in Singapore...

Idiots out there using lasers on planes - SQTalk (http://www.sqtalk.com/forum/showthread.php?p=185331)

Lancelot de boyles
12th Jan 2015, 12:08
UK oriented, here. Adjust penalty labour as appropriate to your country.
When identified, round 'em all up. Chain them together in stripy pj's. Give them litter sticks. Send them out to tidy up the roads. let them experience the inconvenience of putting their lives on the line (plenty of messages on uk motorways about how people are at risk to pick up litter), or generally having their lives disrupted.
10 days labour, irrespective of the weather for Offence 1. Escalate sentence as appropriate.

whippings optional

Aluminium shuffler
12th Jan 2015, 18:00
Really? Work gangs or a few months in prison? This is terrorism or attempted mass murder. Execution, no exceptions - even if they don't realise the consequences of what they're doing, they're too stupid to be allowed to live.

de facto
28th Jan 2015, 09:48
There is an idiot doing so in Algers..reported two times..cant wait till they catch this retard and give him a taste of his own medecine.:}

28th Jan 2015, 12:58
how do laser guided bombs work? couldn't we simply lob some back down?

9th Feb 2015, 22:24
Bad one from AvHerald.

Accident: Fedex A306 at Albuquerque on Feb 8th 2015, laser sends pilots to hospital (http://avherald.com/h?article=48189254&opt=0)

Accident: Fedex A306 at Albuquerque on Feb 8th 2015, laser sends pilots to hospital.

A Fedex Federal Express Airbus A300-600, registration N691FE performing flight FX-386 from Memphis,TN to Albuquerque,NM (USA), was on approach to Albuquerque's runway 03 when a laser beam illuminated the cockpit causing eye injuries to both of the pilots. The crew managed a safe landing on runway 03 nonetheless.

The FAA reported both pilots were taken to hospital with eye injuries..

There are some morons in the world,I hope the injuries are not serious,all the best to them.



11th Feb 2015, 23:16
this muppet was picked up a year or two ago because he targeted the police helicopter from his own back garden.

I was blinded by l@ser, helicopter pilot tells court - Herald.ie

i'm pretty sure he got off with a slap on the wrist after his "sorry, i really didn't know it was bothering people" defence.

He got off, but only because he was charged under the "Non fatal offences against the person Act." There was no specific laser legislation. This law is for assault cases but was the only one they could use at the time. It is very difficult to prove the intent to injure the individual from 1,000ft away.

There is now a new law since July 2014 to cover these offences in Ireland. http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/pdf/2014/en.act.2014.0027.pdf.

The Act was to provide for the separation of the main state airports in Ireland (Dublin, Cork, Shannon) and enable the necessary management structures. However they squeezed in this law regarding laser targeting of individuals. The law no longer requires the intent to injure, but merely that it dazzles, distracts or confuses the victim.

Section 44 states:

Prohibition on dazzling aircraft
44. (1) A person who deliberately or recklessly directs or shines a light at or in the direction of—
(a) a pilot or co-pilot of an aircraft,
(b) a person involved in the operation of the flight of an aircraft, or
(c) a person carrying out air traffic control services, so that the light may dazzle, distract or confuse the pilot or person in the performance of his or her duties commits an offence.

(2) A person who commits an offence under this section is liable—

(a) on summary conviction to a class A fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both, or
(b) on conviction on indictment—
(i) where the person is an individual – to a fine not exceeding €50,000, or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years or to both, or
(ii) where the person is a body corporate – to a fine not exceeding €250,000.

edit: Anybody know why I cannot type the word laser without the @ symbol being inserted automatically?

22nd May 2015, 08:26
VIDEO: Carnaby laser pair sentenced - Bridlington Free Press (http://www.bridlingtonfreepress.co.uk/news/local/video-carnaby-laser-pair-sentenced-1-7272266)


The pair each pleaded guilty to the charge of directing or shining a light at an aircraft so as to dazzle or distract the pilot.

They were each given a 12-month conditional discharge with £85 costs and a £15 victim surcharge.