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Alexander de Meerkat
24th Nov 2013, 09:41
Binder - this is not really the place to discuss internal industrial matters at easyJet. May I suggest you use the private forum where you can rant until the cows come home.

24th Nov 2013, 20:13

The strike here is in the public domain; I'm sorry you can't handle that.

I note your comment but the fact is I don't rant.

Here in France the cows have come home. Their milk at this time of year is used to make a very nice cheese called Vacherin Mont d'Or.

I can recommend it with some Hauts Cotes de Nuits.

You should try it, really.

Alexander de Meerkat
25th Nov 2013, 01:38
justagiglio77 - Ah, back in our midst again I see. Given that we are talking about France, I am reminded of the timeless words of the famous French football player, Eric Cantona. He said, 'When the seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea'. Is it not a remarkable coincidence that you and he have something in common? When he uttered those words, people sat aghast as they were completely irrelevant to the conversation in hand and utterly incomprehensible.

Binder - that French wine you are drinking may be a little past its sell-by date, but thank you for your kind advice.

25th Nov 2013, 02:43
And Mr. Meerkat, I am reminded of a great bird, The Ostrich, which when convenient to him, buries his head in the sand. Good luck!

Thad Jarvis
25th Nov 2013, 18:19
The trouble with your logic on accepting a flexi SFO contract is that you'll never get a command. You have to be employed by easy to get on the command list.
The company are in the driving seat here. They won't pay a cent more than they have to but if they run out of crew they'll just up the offer. They're not trying to placate Balpa either as the deal with them only concerned cadets/flexi.

25th Nov 2013, 19:07
This is probably worth me following up with easyJet rather than pprune but, since there's a few of us here, if recruitment was to start up again at the same time next year as it did this year then at what point is our 12 months from date of assessment still valid? Is it if we receive an offer within the 12 months or a date of joining within the 12 months? Worth knowing because it very definitely affects our chances of staying afloat in this pool.

30th Nov 2013, 21:50
It is unfair that some guys like jimmybond are offered flexi crew contract while others are offered permanent one in LGW,Berlin,MXP or Paris.
It is even more unfair for experience pilots like jimmybond as it will have consequences on time to command (6 months after permanent employment to start the process), (if you are permanent from day one, you'll be able to start the process much earlier than if you are flexi).
And it is outrageous that permanent employment are offered to external candidates before current flexi pilots.

It is a great company for many reasons as mention previously. But something needs to be done regarding contracts and employment in order to bring fairness and transparency.
Treating your children differently won't keep your family happy!

30th Nov 2013, 22:48
If you think what's on offer is better than staying at FlyBe or staying in the ME or whatever then take it. If not then don't. Try not to get emotional about the whole thing. The boot is, at this particular time, well and truly on Easy's foot.

2nd Dec 2013, 14:19
Heard that EZY swiss will start recruitment very soon.:rolleyes:

9th Feb 2014, 11:50
anyone got any feedback on what the assessment at Luton involved last year. Pretty tricky finding any sort of feedback. thanks:mad:

13th Jul 2015, 14:07
Bumping this old topic. Anyone invited for the online assessment last week? I did. Only need to finish the numerical test and then awaiting the response.

Edit: completed all the tests and unfortunately immediately received an e-mail with an rejection, despite I thought it went okay (besides the stupid verbal reasoning).

For who is interested: I have got a licence for practicing numerical and verbal reasoning tests (https://www.jobtestprep.co.uk/cut-e-practice-bundle) which are used in the online assessment. The licence is valid till November this year. You may have it for 40 euro. Paypal payment is possible.

16th Jul 2015, 19:50
Sorry to read you Xander, I finished the assessments a few days back, I think they're the same they used to be...
Is someone waiting for the next step too ?

737 Jockey
20th Jul 2015, 11:46

What positions are you applying for when doing these online tests? DEC or DEFO? Did you already pass stages 1 & 2 prior to doing these?


20th Jul 2015, 21:23
Same question- has there been a NTR FO chance advertised since summer 2013 other than in Portugal?

The Crew
21st Jul 2015, 06:55
Xander , sugest your verbal reasoning online job prep was insufficient or aligned to a different skills set/ perspective, as seems unfortunatly to have got you the PFO letter?

€40 ? Lol Try € 400 there are some real gullable types on this forum .

Anyone been recruited and done a CCQ to A320 ? Should be cheaper than the £20000 full rating guys seem happy to stum up for, right ?

22nd Jul 2015, 16:10
Does anyone know if there would be a base freeze at gatwick for non-tr decs?? If so, how long for?

26th Jul 2015, 19:41
Hi, Sorry for late answer,
Applying for NTR FO in Portugal, not much activity here though, other folks waiting for a call from Easy ?

20th Sep 2015, 14:21
I passed the online tests last month. I am invited for an interview day in Luton. Does anyone have any news on the simulator ride for NTR FO?

14th Oct 2015, 10:23
any idea for the hotel?

15th Oct 2015, 06:09
I heard the base freeze at Gatwick is 5yrs. It will take you another 2-3 years to get to another UK base.
Does anyone know if EZY are asking for cash up front for full type rating or are they just bonding for NTR DEC?

15th Oct 2015, 08:58
Cash upfront.

737 Jockey
15th Oct 2015, 11:53
With today's announcement of hundreds of new Pilot positions next year, plus attrition towards BA's 350-400 requirement, it maybe worth holding out for them to have to bond NTR Pilots. I guess it's all about timing and market conditions.

16th Oct 2015, 01:03
Base internal transfers will take much more than the stated 1-3 years after base freeze. You need to consider that people are waiting years for their transfers for internal UK bases or other popular bases. Better counting in decades....

23rd Sep 2016, 18:25
Hi all.

applications now open for non rated FOs in UK bases (if they weren't already and I didn't notice).

The job post says permanent contracts so I presume that means no flexicrew for experienced FOs. Also the salary says between c£40k and c£70k. does anyone know whether this means that depending on experience they may offer direct entry FO or SFO (as opposed to SO)?

Many thanks

23rd Sep 2016, 19:02
The only perm contract they will offer you is Second officer (what ever that means), 38k no flight pay or allowances, followed a few years later by an FO contract probably 75 percent! It makes no difference how experienced you are you will get the same S@it offer. I know from bitter experience and I was rated so god only knows what kind of deal they will offer regarding that, I would guess it will involve selling a kidney.

24th Sep 2016, 08:54
Not strictly true.

Possibly in the Uk you still join as an SO but in other countries the DE FOs joined IAW their experience and contract requirements.

24th Sep 2016, 10:25
It depends on the country, in Italy for example you would enter as SO unless you have 3000 hrs factorized, in which case you would qualify as FO.

24th Sep 2016, 12:08
Not strictly true.

Possibly in the UK you still join as an SO but in other countries the DE FOs joined IAW their experience.

Monkey tennis' question related to UK bases! I have no idea what's on offer in other European bases but if you're prepared to move country good luck to you.

24th Sep 2016, 12:17
Monkey tennis' question related to UK bases!

It did.
I also know someone who applied in the last round who was offered UK SO. He said no. He was then offered UK FO.

24th Sep 2016, 15:58
With today's announcement of hundreds of new Pilot positions next year, plus attrition towards BA's 350-400 requirement, it maybe worth holding out for them to have to bond NTR Pilots. I guess it's all about timing and market conditions.
BA won't be taking 350-400 again next year. 2017 sees a pause for breath in recruitment as there's only one new longhaul hull arriving. It will be ramping up again from 2018 onwards though.

24th Sep 2016, 17:30
What is this obsession with unrestricted medicals! Most other airlines are not that specific.

I can't imagine operating in a base the size of LGW would cause any rostering issues with OML's - they are always a small percentage of your crew population.

25th Sep 2016, 10:20
Thanks all. As was the case a few years back I am none the wiser as to the package on offer from easyjet. Perhaps they have realised they will need to offer a better package to attract 3000+ hr candidates. I'm sure this isn't the case though but it is odd they put a salary band on the advert depending on experience.

When BA, Virgin etc are recruiting similarly experienced people for £70k a year very few are going to be tempted by a £40k package and a £20k bill for the rating.

25th Sep 2016, 11:24
monkey.tennis, I would suggest applying and seeing what happens.
The big difference to a few years back is we have lost many good, command ready, FOs this year. You might find things are a little different!

25th Sep 2016, 12:19
Did they mostly go to BA?

25th Sep 2016, 13:39
What's the time to command like in the UK bases?

28th Sep 2016, 12:50
monkey.tennis, I would suggest applying and seeing what happens.
The big difference to a few years back is we have lost many good, command ready, FOs this year. You might find things are a little different!
Good advice. I've done just that.

If the level of activity on this thread compared to 2013 is anything to go by, they may not be inundated with applications.

5th Oct 2016, 09:30
Could someone advise re Scottish bases;

Is it likely to get a Scottish base straight away and/or is there much of a wait to be transferred there?

How is the time to command?

7th Oct 2016, 15:46
I had my sim check about 9 days ago and haven't heard back from them as to the outcome yet. My sim partner was unsuccessful, they already informed him, but I haven't heard anything yet? Does anyone know how long EZY take to get back to you?

8th Oct 2016, 17:51
I did the online assessment weeks ago and have heard nothing. All seems a bit odd really. Last time I got a PFO pretty damn quick. It seems a mixed bag for everyone in terms of getting answers.

9th Oct 2016, 22:00
Is it still 20 grand for the rating? Is there any chance of a bond or do we have to hope that our kickstarter goes viral?

Delta Wun-Wun
10th Oct 2016, 15:30
A bond?? Haha you will be lucky. That's not a zero cost option!

10th Oct 2016, 17:04
Does seem to take a while to get a reply for each stage, probably good news if you haven't heard anything from my experience.

11th Oct 2016, 06:58
Well DECs are bonded. I guess it's a way of preventing guys getting their 500hrs on type and hopping over to Nigel air.

11th Oct 2016, 07:34
DEC's bring a little more to the table to be fair and are only bonded if you go to Portugal or Palma....NTR DEC at LGW and every other base have to pay for the rating :/

11th Oct 2016, 18:43
All pilots are bonded regardless of base or if they are NTR.
I believe it's £20k for 2 years for NTR (on top of the £20k type rating), and £10k for 2 years if you already have an Airbus rating.
This is for DEC.

11th Oct 2016, 19:00
If you're wanting a UK regional base then you're looking at 2 years minimum for BRS/MAN, 4 years for EDI, 5-6 years for BFS/NCL/GLA. London bases quicker.

Usually you'll start at Gatwick. The only option if your preferred base has a long wait is either moving there or going 50%, two weeks on two weeks off. You'll wait a good year before you can get on this pattern.

11th Oct 2016, 22:57
Regarding the bond- I have an email from EJ confirming what I said above.

NTR Captains ONLY avoid paying for their training and are instead bonded for 2 years if you are going to LIS/OPO/PMI. Those (including myself) applying for any other base (LGW for me) are required to PAY UPFRONT the type rating cost which is between £20-25k..

jayc004 isn't correct. I even had this confirmed at the interview.

12th Oct 2016, 10:08
Regarding the bond- I have an email from EJ confirming what I said above.

NTR Captains are ONLY avoid paying for their training and are instead bonded for 2 years if you are going to LIS/OPO/PMI. Those (including myself) applying for any other base (LGW for me) are required to PAY UPFRONT the type rating cost which is between £20-25k..

jayc004 isn't correct. I even had this confirmed at the interview.

VJW- when is your confirmation from?
That's interesting, as this has clearly changed in the last 3 months. The guys going through in August and September have been told they are bonded AND have to pay for type rating unless taking a Portugal base. If this isn't correct, then easyJet HR have not been forthcoming in clearing the misunderstanding up.

The interesting thing is that a lot of the guys from August and September interviews and selections have not had a final response from easyJet.

12th Oct 2016, 11:15
My confirmation from EJ recruitment was on 1/9/16. Not to mention- when applying for NTR DEC at LGW it had a box to tick right at the start, asking me if I was 'happy' to fund my training.

Their email reply to me after the interview where I sought clarification said,

"Unfortunately we do not have the option to offer a bond for LGW, this is specific for Palma, Lisbon and Porto bases only.
The NTR training costs between 20,000-25,000 which is to be confirmed by the training provisional. We are working closely with CTC and CAE to arrange the Type Rating courses.

Thank you for booking onto the SIM on the (date hidden- but coming up very soon- I delayed it due to having a poor roster currently), a confirmation email has been sent through to you today. If you have further questions please do not hesitate to contact us."

My interview was mid/late August.

People are extremely confused here. You can't be bonded AND pay for the training. It's one or the other.... A bond is where the company pays for your training and provided you don't leave within a timeframe specified for the bond, you do not owe any money back for the training. Paying for your training, means exactly that, and you can leave any time you want without incurring a further financial penalty, subject to your notice period.

I don't think EJ need to clear anything up, it's not their fault if people misunderstood something that is very obvious. Plus, if you have a doubt, email them rather than trust someone on pprune.

12th Oct 2016, 11:35
Does anyone else feel it is becoming scarily par-for-the-course to have to pay for your TR? Even for DECs now!

I didn't apply, I wasn't happy to pay 20k out of my own savings to work for an embarrassingly profitable company whose pilots recently voted for strike action over fatigue issues.

Why are we allowing this to happen?

12th Oct 2016, 11:58
My confirmation from EJ recruitment was on 1/9/16. Not to mention- when applying for NTR DEC at LGW it had a box to tick right at the start, asking me if I was 'happy' to fund my training.

I don't think EJ need to clear anything up, it's not their fault if people misunderstood something that is very obvious.

People are extremely confused here. You can't be bonded AND pay for the training. It's one or the other.... A bond is where the company pays for your training and provided you don't leave within a timeframe specified for the bond, you do not owe any money back for the training. Paying for your training, means exactly that, and you can leave any time you want without incurring a further financial penalty, subject to your notice period
Plus, if you have a doubt, email them rather than trust someone on pprune.

Wow, that was fast!
I had an interview and went through everything in august, and am still waiting for a response.

The paying for the type rating is not being disputed if you are not taking a Portugal base.
I am however one of those people that must have misunderstood them when they specifically told me twice that NTR captains were required to pay £20,000 approx for type rating directly to the type rating school, and then would be bonded for 2 years to cover the subsequent OCC and line training at a cost of £20,000. This was in addition to the self funded type rating. When I asked why the NTR were bonded for £20,000 and the TR pilots were bonded for only £10,000 for the exact same OCC training, I was told it was because the guys doing the type rating were on payroll for 2 months at CTC prior to even getting to OCC.

So for me, what BBJ Captain is saying sounds correct. I was specifically told about bonding and self funding. There wasn't much misunderstanding.

12th Oct 2016, 12:44
I haven been told at any stage that they'll also be a bond. A question I'll ask if I pass the sim.

12th Oct 2016, 17:03
Ahh, the way you were talking was that you had completed all phases of selection and had been offered a contract of employment. You've just done the interview day.
In actual fact, you are still under the HR part of things, and still have the sim, psychometric and skype interview to go.
Everyone has to tick the little box that says you are happy to pay for the type rating on the initial online application form, but that isn't what I was talking about.

I would suggest that you do double check the bond thing, because it seems that we are all talking about different things. easyJet will not pay for ratings and bond you for any of the bases other than those already mentioned, and this is not being disputed. It's the additional post type rating training bit that is what we are talking about. This is the operator's sim and line training that takes place.
This is where the £10,000 and £20,000 2 years bonds come in to play. It was featured in the initial presentation at Luton. It detailed the process of how many sim training details and line training sectors you have to complete before being released to full flight roster.

15th Oct 2016, 20:11
Has anyone here been through the sim assessment recently with Easyjet ? If so could you describe the detail please

Thank you

15th Oct 2016, 20:16
Are you type rated or NTR?

16th Oct 2016, 07:50
I am being assessed as NTR

16th Oct 2016, 09:42
Hi everyone, i wonder if this is the right place to ask a question about the recruitment process through CAE for their ryanair program...I applied (sent a training request) over two months ago and i still have heard nothing back. is there a way of contacting anyone, cae or ryanair to see what the status of my application is?

16th Oct 2016, 09:45
This is the NTR Easyjet thread. However my advice would be never 'chase' a potential employer about your application. They probably have thousands to go through, and provided you got an automated response saying they've received it- I'd suggest waiting.

24th Oct 2016, 10:32

I still haven't heard anything about an outcome to my application. Had my sim assessment at the end of September. Just wondering if anyone else is waiting/or been informed of a result yet?

26th Oct 2016, 15:16
I think we might be the only applicants.

26th Oct 2016, 15:31
So why are they taking so long to get back? I'd have thought they would have made their mind up as to wether they want or don't want me 4 weeks after sim check now!!

27th Oct 2016, 07:57
Fair enough!

27th Oct 2016, 11:34
I was interviewed by a rather porky chap who lives in Tadcaster. What a wheeze he was. I mean he wheezed n guffawed through the whole hours questions. Embarrassing. Reminded me of my school days reading Henry IV part II, Falstaff, the lardy looser.

Anyway, this company has been advertising for 4 years now, and still need 200 guys . Enough said.

4th Nov 2016, 13:58
I've passed the sim and got the job. Now to wait for the contract and start date details. They wouldn't give me a time scale for that, does anyone know typically how long they take to get back to you on that? I'm hoping it won't be another 5 week wait to get a contract through!

4th Nov 2016, 15:57
Congratulations on getting the job. It would appear that type rating dates are being offered for the start of next year, but only in Stockholm. That's great, but apparently CAE want to get paid in Euros, so the cost for your rating just jumped by about £3000!

4th Nov 2016, 18:55

That will be 300 Swedish priced pints I won't be able to afford then !

11th Nov 2016, 01:48
I have an interview with EZY coming up (Copilot NTR UK bases) and I am looking for a little info. It looks like I will be doing the HR and sim on the same day in LGW. Is there a written or oral technical interview as well with ATPL type questions? Is it a 737 or a 320 sim?
Aside from that I never found if easyjet crews only did day trips or how many overnights outside of base they would have to do per month; do you guys have any idea?
Thank you!

16th Nov 2016, 17:23
If you're NTR you'll be in the 737 sim. No technical questions just experience and personality type questions.

Overnights depends on your base, you get some from LGW base and none from LTN. Not sure on other bases.

17th Nov 2016, 02:32
Thank you!

23rd Nov 2016, 00:05
Do you know conditions for an FO.Thank you so much.

8th Dec 2016, 09:20
So, have all the people who interviewed at the end of the summer heard outcomes now?
I know of a few DEC guys who have been offered type ratings, but it seems that everyone is being sent out to Stockholm to do the type rating, and is having to pay €25,000+ for the privilege.

30th Dec 2016, 17:06
Hey guys it's been almost a month for me and my interview partners and no response yet. Does it seem that all the people that have waited that long to get an answer were hired? What about you guys that have been told yes have they given you a TR date yet?

2nd Jan 2017, 11:15
Took them 2 months to get back to me. No news is good news. They are slow, if after 8 weeks no response, call them. My TR starts late Feb in Stockholm

2nd Jan 2017, 13:23
Thank you my friend good luck for the TR enjoy Stockholm!

Kim Jong Il
2nd Jan 2017, 13:59
Is Non Type Rated Recruitment expected for AMS? (FO)

9th Jan 2017, 17:58
How long does it take to get the positive or negative reply from them after doing the assessment?

Buttie Box
9th Jan 2017, 21:41
Hi folks

I was wondering if there was a way of contacting recruitment directly. I'm a pilot, 6000 hrs mostly 747-200/400 and C-130. Due to illness, I had to take a break from flying. This year saw me regain my Class 1 and I now have a CPL with ME IR (frozen ATPL). The easyJet application online was straightforward except for one aspect: are you in current flying practice? I've 3.5 hours in the past year regaining my license and without wishing to sound arrogant, the return to the cockpit was quite comfortable as if I'd never been away. I meet all the other criteria.

I notice that trainees are taken from CTC: I'm hoping that my previous experience counts for something. I'd be grateful for any thoughts the forum body have.

17th Jan 2017, 07:14

Applying for NTR DEP UK,

I notice on the "recruitment process page" it says they don't look at your application until you complete the online assessments, when should I receive a link to the online assessments? Has anybody received such a link?


17th Jan 2017, 13:55
I did my online tests yesterday and just had a positive response, so pretty quick.

I had a link in an E-Mail within a couple of days of sending my application in, which then took you to login to their recruitment page.

Whilst you wait, the LPJ website has some great practise tests on there which will help when you get your link.

Best wishes

23rd Jan 2017, 11:53
If anyone has previous experience I just want to get a feel of how long things may take in the recruitment process. Been in the FO pool couple of months now. Has anyone had to wait much longer than that? In fact, has anyone spent a whole year and not been offered anything? Thanks

23rd Jan 2017, 13:11
Sad state of affairs having to pay to work for what is basically an unsustainable long term job.10k for this ,20K for that,what has happened to aviation?At least with RYR you don't have to pay up front as NTR DEC and the type rating as a contractor is tax deductable.
What really makes me laugh about EZY is as the share price has halved in a year Caroline thingys top priority is to get more women pilots...like the men in this dogpoo industry have it easy!:O

Mike Jackson
24th Jan 2017, 19:56
Is their any possibility of applying for Easyjet if not currently operating as pilot on commercial aircraft?
Seems that even with thousands of hours of medium/heavy Boeing experience that I cannot apply as not currently employed as pilot even though only recently ceased flying commercially. Can't get past first stage of application if cannot tick box to say currently flying airline operations.
Any route open to me?

25th Jan 2017, 02:28
Sad state of affairs having to pay to work for what is basically an unsustainable long term job.10k for this ,20K for that,what has happened to aviation?At least with RYR you don't have to pay up front as NTR DEC and the type rating as a contractor is tax deductable.
What really makes me laugh about EZY is as the share price has halved in a year Caroline thingys top priority is to get more women pilots...like the men in this dogpoo industry have it easy!:O
No one has to pay when we're talking about DEC! And if you do, then you're just making a fool out of yourself, in my opinion. If we're talking about 250h cadets I can understand the urge, but not for experienced captains. Anyway, I don't know where you heard about DECs at easyJet paying anything, even the TR and especially upfront. The ones I know and that moved there recently are really well paid and paid nothing.

Ryanair isn't bad either, but when you're a DEC I'd look for better working conditions. Ryanair flies for some islands in the atlantic and it's not uncommon that pilots have to listen to HF for hours because they're not even SELCAL equipped!

This is just my point of view but from a certain monthly income upwards, I'm looking for decent working conditions and not just the one that pays better.

The AmyJohnson thing is marketing, either you understand it or you don't. EasyJet has to make millions, and if millions are made by saying what people want to hear, then that's what you do! I do support women in the cockpit and I've flown with some that were way better than some guys, and the opposite has happened too. Girls do have it easier sometimes, but not always and that doesn't mean they don't put on all the necessary effort.

I do suppose though that your nickname kinda gives it away :D

25th Jan 2017, 04:18
PFDriver you're a little out of touch. NOT ORANGE is talking about NON TYPE RATED (NTR DEC). As a NTR DEC wanting to join LGW base, I would have had to pay £20-£25,000 for the A320 type rating....I was reaffirmed this at the EJ interview. The only bases a NTR DEC doesn't have to pay for the rating is if they join a base in Portugal or PMI.

25th Jan 2017, 13:18
Alright, nevermind then. The guys I know joined portuguese bases, maybe that's why ;) In any case I find it ridiculous that someone experienced enough to join as DEC really couldn't find an airline which paid them the TR..

Fire and brimstone
29th Jan 2017, 16:22
Wow! EZY have a base in PMI!!

Sounds amazing!

FTSE100 company with a base on a stunning island in the med. Sounds to good to be true. Anyone know how good the deal is, T&C's, pension etc.

Why are they recruiting DEC's, can't they promote from within? Thought they were fully crewed, too, to ensure 2016 issues don't happen again?

Share price will be back at £19 too soon. Way too much negativity on here for my liking. EZY sounds like a great place to work.

29th Jan 2017, 16:45
4 months off in PMI, not sure if paid or not. Spanish contract far from being the best on the network...

29th Jan 2017, 16:56
Dark Soldier - Im in a similar state to yourself. Been in the hold pool since December but my sim partner has been offered a start date in May. To be honest I have no idea and even people in EZY don't seem to know. I haven't heard of anyone swimming for a year.

As far as I know from guys in the company the training dept is swamped so it will take some time I guess. They are leaving it tight if they want guys ready for the summer given that most people have 3 months notice.

29th Jan 2017, 17:02
EZY is a great place to work :-)

PMI is for sure going to be a great base - unfortunately 4 months unpaid every year.
Captain contract was improved slightly with housing allowance, but I can't say if it only for transfers or also DEC.

But for sure a great opportunity for someone who wants to relax 4 months during the wintertime

29th Jan 2017, 17:21
Flyboy, when I was at the assessment they were clear, the last induction courses for the summer will start in March/April, after that it is going to be September/October. And I am talking about type rated people, with far less training required...

29th Jan 2017, 18:06
dirk85 - not sure about that I'm afraid chap. Did the assessment in December and sim partner (Non TR) has been offered a 1st May start. Seems all a bit disorganised doesnt it!

29th Jan 2017, 18:28
I did my assessment in mid December, over a month later got the good news and am now waiting for a course but since I didn't bid for any London bases, it may be a while. I don't believe any of us have been offered a start date yet.

4th Feb 2017, 06:02
Is there any major differences in lifestyle/rosters between the London bases?
What is time to command currently looking like?


8th May 2017, 11:48
I have an assessment coming up end of May for DEFO NTR in LGW. Can anyone confirm the type for the SIM screening? Will it be for sure on the A320?

8th May 2017, 15:32
NTR assessment in recent times has nearly always been on 737 sim

8th May 2017, 15:53
do you have some more information about the screening?

8th May 2017, 16:30
As of March, it's the A320.

9th May 2017, 11:18
No more DEC uk recruitment. Brexit et al has caused a seismic shift in easy thinking.

And they dont want brits period.

9th May 2017, 12:02
Highfive Can you add some meat to the "don't want Brits comment".

9th May 2017, 15:13
And they dont want brits period.

Who said this, Stelios or McCall..?

9th May 2017, 20:18
Am I missing something here?

Why would Brexit impact U.K. Pilots being based in the U.K.?

9th May 2017, 22:24
It may be a dumb question, maybe even obvious, but are there enough british pilots to cover all the british pilot positions? including every british operator. I have no idea, that's why I ask.

Count of Monte Bisto
9th May 2017, 22:53
Guys - this is all just absolute drivel and highlights why you should never listen to PPRuNe. I have no idea what goes on at Ryanair but I am a Gatwick-based easyJet Training Captain and know exactly what goes on there. It is absolute rubbish to talk of limits on employment at easyJet based on nationality- it just is not true. I see pilots of every nation and background coming through, including numerous Brits. Where they end up in terms of base is all down to where the Company wants them and is absolutely nothing to do with their nationality. I just flew some sectors with an Italian DEC ex-Ryanair 737 captain who will be based in Venice. The flight before that was with a Brit ex-Embraer DEC from BA City Express. I see pilots of all nations all the time - anything you are hearing to the contrary is just rubbish. Brexit has not changed who we recruit one iota. Hope that helps.

10th May 2017, 06:28
Brexit didn't change anything OK, but I guess it's too early to find out/know what's gonna happen. Will the situation remain the same in 2 years or so once the Brexit is "done"?.

I live in USA but I lived in UK for a couple of years and I love it (European passport/Soon US citizen). It'd be a shame not being able to apply for any british airline in the future, although I guess that's exactly what's gonna happen.

Count of Monte Bisto
10th May 2017, 18:21
I know this is a rumour network, but occasionally some facts are quite nice too. I do not know everything about easyJet, but being now in my 14th year of working there has enabled me to get to know a lot of people, including recruiters of every level. I may be deceiving myself, but I feel I would have heard that we were no longer recruiting Brits, especially as it would be illegal and most of the recruiters are Brits themselves. Nonetheless, it is never good to let the truth get in the way of a good story.

10th May 2017, 19:23
I personally know of a number of these 'blacklisted' Brits who are currently doing TR courses, just started line training or awaiting TR start dates. A significant number of others are also in the pool. This is the current position. What happens over the next 1, 2, 3, 5 years because of Brexit is anyone's guess. I don't think anyone knows how it will affect the ability of Brits to work abroad or affect EZY's operation, as it has not even been negotiated by the Governments yet, so it is highly unlikely any decision has been made by EZY on reducing their recruitment

Count of Monte Bisto
11th May 2017, 11:48
DarkSoldier - at last, someone with common sense. Your are absolutely right, but as I said before, facts can be very boring compared to the rumour.

11th May 2017, 14:33
That is true I forgot. In this case I can officially confirm that there is indeed a ban on Brits, ugly chicks and anyone over the age of 42 or with the name Steve

11th May 2017, 18:15
@DarkSoldier ... I eat an orange a day, do I qualify?

14th May 2017, 00:56
Does anyone know when Easyjet will be recruiting NTR FOs again?

16th May 2017, 07:40
easyJet Media Centre (http://mediacentre.easyjet.com/stories/10205)


16th May 2017, 08:51
450 jobs, 300 of which are cadets the majority of the remaining 150 will be DECs nice to see EasyJet valuing experienced FOs again!!!!! Bad luck to anyone who can actually fly a plane looks like you are on the scrap heap yet again, these cadets must be super talented!! Also if you are one of lucky 2 or 3 DFOs that get selected there is no mention of which contract you will go on to, Second Officer/First or Senior, I think we all know the answer!

16th May 2017, 09:12
Right, that must be why EJ has been recruiting experienced FOs and Direct Entry Captains for the last few years then or maybe I imagined flying with all the experienced guys who joined as SFOs.

16th May 2017, 09:40
450 and 300 are cadets the numbers speak for themselves! Defend it all you like, bottom line is people are missing out, myself included. Over the years I would loved to have worked for EJ and at times would have given my right :mad: for it. For various reasons I missed the whole EJ craz for cadets and have only ever tried getting in as a DFO (rated I might add), having passed selection twice and twice been fobbed off with seconds officer position or contract positions the whole thing pisses me off. For my personal curcirnstance EJ would be a perfect fit, short haul with no seniority list and UK bases. But I have a mortgage and two children my days of working for very little are well behind me!

All I asked in the past was they value my experience offer me a job that represents my 6000 hours Airbus time and in return I would give them the rest of my working career. One way or another I have ended up working for BA and now have to sit around for the next 10 years waiting my turn for command all the while Easy Cadets of a couple of years experience are getting command and that 145k salary!

The whole industry sucks, there are many people on here for whom it has worked out and that's great feel free to be smug. Remember your job is the one I want but have been unable to get, just don't pretend Easy Value experience because they very clearly don't. I don't suppose a ten fold increase in winter losses will do much to change their feeling either.

16th May 2017, 10:13
Right, that must be why EJ has been recruiting experienced FOs and Direct Entry Captains for the last few years then or maybe I imagined flying with all the experienced guys who joined as SFOs.

Hands up all those SFO's recruited by eJ as SFO. I know of none.

16th May 2017, 10:16
Not contract and U.K. Base please!

16th May 2017, 10:30
So you now spend your time on a forum slagging them off? Oh dear.

There is much much more to EJ than just UK bases.

16th May 2017, 10:41
I did not slag them off, I simply stated they don't value experience which is painfully obvious. And if you are British with all your family here and children in school here maybe just maybe it's a very big attraction. Italian or French or Portuguese or Spanish contracts might be of interest to some but not me I am afraid.

16th May 2017, 10:50
What happens on one contract is very different to what is happening on all the other 6 contracts where experienced SFO and DEC recruitment is now much more common. While a non-UK base may not suit you, it doesn't mean that the contract practices are the same as you suggest with many of your posts. Having said that, I also know of colleagues who joined on UK SFO contracts from a number of UK airlines.

16th May 2017, 11:04
Ok I appreciate your point. But the fact remains if you want a British base as an experienced FO you are not going to have much luck as my experiences would testify. Is it that crazy that a British person might expect reasonable contract in his home country from a British based company? Anyway your probably right in my case this ship has sailed so I should not waste my time commenting. I am how ever genuinely interested in any prospect of Direct Entry SFOs in the U.K. as that might be enough for me to reapply, but I can't see it ever happening and that's what anyoys me. It seems to me you are perfectly happy to discus EasyJet providing it's all positive, you can't get snippy at someone who offers a different experience and opinion to your own. Everything I have said has been based on my onw experiences and I will be the first to admit it has left me bitter.

16th May 2017, 11:21
Trust me, I'm happy to discuss all the bad points but when people post something that just isn't true or, in your case, makes a statement which blankets the whole company whereas it's only a part and even then not 100% accurate I will comment for the sake of those looking to apply in the future.

As for the UK contracts, as I say, I know people who ended up on UK SFO contracts and I dare say this will happen again in the future as experience pools dry up.

Good luck to you with whatever comes in the future.

16th May 2017, 13:47
The company European wide is recruiting 66 percent of it pilots from flight schools! In a market packed with qualified guys and Alitalia Bankrupcy looming! Are you seriously telling me that my original statement that Easy place no value on experienced Fos is incorrect? They have a massive bias towards Cadets and this can be seen in the 66 percent, which is probably low compared to most years and it's done for the cost benefit nothing else. Defend it all you like but last year when BA recruited 400 people that figure was completely switched! Anyway you obviously don't want to see my point so we will have agree to disagree.

16th May 2017, 14:05
I joined just a few months on a permanent f/o contract. Not in the UK.

But if I want to upgrade that's where I would probably end up in not more than a couple of years. Vast majority of upgrades end up in LGW anyway, so I wouldn't see the problem in your case.

16th May 2017, 15:14
Ok. Thanks DarkSoldier. Certainly hasn't been the case and mine and Enzo's experience testify. Both over 5000 hours on type and offered :mad: contract or SO. Maybe things are changing ?

16th May 2017, 16:43
Maybe they are. At the moment it is more of a pilot's market than it has been in recent years. There is a lot of recruitment going on and a lot of movement between airlines. They have been losing guys to BA so maybe they have decided it is time to attract people who are unlikely to just up and leave if something better comes along. From what I understand I do not believe there were any selective offers - you did a matrix on your hours and depending on whether you hit the thresholds for rankings you were offered a contract based on that.

16th May 2017, 17:02
From what I understand I do not believe there were any selective offers - you did a matrix on your hours and depending on whether you hit the thresholds for rankings you were offered a contract based on that.

Maybe now. But certainly not 2015/6 and before. I know what I was offered and if it had been permanent FO or SFO I would be there now. No matrix was applied unless the matrix required over 7000 hours TT and 5000 on Airbus.

16th May 2017, 17:14
In many countries joining as SFO under easyJet contract is not possible, even if you have 20k hours on type.
But still, as an FO you would still make a more than decent salary, especially compared to the UK contract.

17th May 2017, 09:24
Most people in Ezy doesn't start up where they really want to be. They take the contract, dig their head in and do a good job while signing up to a transfer list, and once their name pops to the top, they move.

Many of us cannot be near our families as there are only bases in a few select countries, but this is the name of the game. Commuting is a option with Ezy and it is relatively easy to do, however it doesn't suit everybody.

If you are only satisfied with a job on your doorstep with excellent conditions, and where your past hard work is valued and acknowledged, then Easyjet is not a place you will enjoy. Here we are just numbers used to reach the bonus targets for those on the top, and they do not care a rats a*se how you are (they claim otherwise but this is the truth).

However, the tools are here to make it good for yourself, but it does require some flexibility and hard work.

17th May 2017, 17:34
UK base for experienced FO's are with regards to payscale, regardless of hours you have, even you have 10.000 hours and join as FO, you will be on the following payscale:

SO - 12 months
FO - 24 months

However if you have the factored hours of an SFO you will be able to call yourself a SFO and wear a uniform with 3 stripes, but you will be paid as the above mentioned scale.

There are bases outside the UK, where you will be able to join directly as an FO or SFO, however UK is not one of them.

But if you have the hours you can call yourself an SFO, have 3 stripes, but you will be paid as SO and FO for the first 36 months. No exception, this has been discussed up and down with BALPA in the past.

This is just the way it is, and if you get passed those first few years, then I would say easyJet is a great company to work for.

And they will give you your chance of upgrade pretty fast, no reason to be upset for this, if you have chosen to go to BA or other companies where you upgrade might take longer. However I know guys who joined BA, and after 18 months got their command upgrade as late as last year.

17th May 2017, 17:56
This is completely incorrect. I was offered SFO at LGW on the full pay scale including a fixed roster pattern only a few months ago.

17th May 2017, 19:41
I am tempted to say you are talking Monkeys! :E

So you are working in the company now with this contract?

Count of Monte Bisto
18th May 2017, 04:11
Enzo999 - there appears to be some aspects of easyJet you do not understand. The first is that we are literally inundated with thousands of applicants for a relatively small number of jobs. We can afford to pick and choose our FOs in particular. The second is that the cadets who come through the flight schools have historically done very well in easyJet. The reason for that is they go through a very careful selection process and are a known product. What they lack in experience is normally made up for in raw ability and a great willingness to learn. Our type-rated pilots who come from other airlines can be very good, but that is not always the case. It is particularly tricky if someone comes with their own ideas of how they want to do things - they quickly find that easyJet is a big follower of SOPs and unashamedly expects its pilots to embrace them. So to say that easyJet does not value experience is not correct - what they want is someone who wants to embrace our culture and values and be part of a team. It would also be true to say that easyJet does not see 6000+ Airbus hours on someone's CV and feel overwhelmed - we are equally interested in the attributes of the individual. It is a bit like a marriage - love gets you to the altar but to stay happily married you have to be dedicated and willing to compromise. Finally, if you feel you are 'better' than the contract that easyJet is offering you, that is fine, but do not expect to turn up here again a year or so later demanding a job because it may not happen. No one has a divine right to employment and it is a very competitive business.

Having worked here for many years, I am only too aware that easyJet is not a perfect employer. It is, however, overall a great place to be and most people enjoy it. We are probably not as good to work for as a national carrier, but we are a better gig than most of the loco's. We have been badly let down in the past by some appalling pilot recruitment blunders - people being offered jobs and then have those offers rescinded etc. I have personally felt deeply embarrassed at such events, and they do not reflect who we are and what working for easyJet is like. Once you are out of the clutches of the pilot recruitment world, life here is actually pretty good and the promises made to you are almost invariably kept. If you come here with a reasonable attitude, there is no reason why you should not have many happy years with us. EasyJet is not for everyone, but if you can put up with our little eccentricities then it can be great fun.

18th May 2017, 06:23
According to The Scotsman, EasyJet are looking for more pilots for EDI and GLA.


As an easyJet outsider my understanding is that generally you can't get straight into these bases and the best you can hope for in the UK is LGW with a long wait on the transfer list. Could anyone shed any light in this? Personally I'm interested in DEC although I'm sure people in both seats will be reading this.

I presume that the news story actually means that whilst the Scottish bases may be getting bigger, they will be filled with transfers rather than new recruits.

18th May 2017, 07:08
No DEC into EDI or GLA... the waiting lists are too long but there are always FO positions each year in both

18th May 2017, 07:29
I am tempted to say you are talking Monkeys! :E

So you are working in the company now with this contract?

I elected to stay in the hold pool and wait for my base of choice to become available but most of my interview buddies are just finishing line training on said contract. In this instance, you are incorrect.

Nil further
18th May 2017, 09:08
I can only echo what my esteemed colleague the Count has said .
Ezy is not perfect but if you want a well paid ,stable ,pilot job in Scotland you won't beat it I don't think .

No DEC in Scotland AFAIK but there is always lots of movement for the RHS positions .

No shortage of applicants either by all accounts .

18th May 2017, 09:09
I elected to stay in the hold pool and wait for my base of choice to become available but most of my interview buddies are just finishing line training on said contract. In this instance, you are incorrect.

Isn't that a dumb move? Your mates have got their start getting experience and valuable Co-pilot time and as such making progress towards a command plus I guess they will get preference on any base vacancy over a new start, meanwhile you swim around in the hold pool going nowhere and face the possibility your base of choice won't become available.

I've seen it all before, a newbie electing to wait and then missing out, sometimes altogether when the music stops and recruitment grinds to a halt, which can happen for many reasons. SARS, GFC, etc.

18th May 2017, 09:29
Enzo999 - there appears to be some aspects of easyJet you do not understand. The first is that we are literally inundated with thousands of applicants for a relatively small number of jobs. We can afford to pick and choose our FOs in particular. The second is that the cadets who come through the flight schools have historically done very well in easyJet. The reason for that is they go through a very careful selection process and are a known product. What they lack in experience is normally made up for in raw ability and a great willingness to learn. Our type-rated pilots who come from other airlines can be very good, but that is not always the case. It is particularly tricky if someone comes with their own ideas of how they want to do things - they quickly find that easyJet is a big follower of SOPs and unashamedly expects its pilots to embrace them. So to say that easyJet does not value experience is not correct - what they want is someone who wants to embrace our culture and values and be part of a team. It would also be true to say that easyJet does not see 6000+ Airbus hours on someone's CV and feel overwhelmed - we are equally interested in the attributes of the individual. It is a bit like a marriage - love gets you to the altar but to stay happily married you have to be dedicated and willing to compromise. Finally, if you feel you are 'better' than the contract that easyJet is offering you, that is fine, but do not expect to turn up here again a year or so later demanding a job because it may not happen. No one has a divine right to employment and it is a very competitive business.

Having worked here for many years, I am only too aware that easyJet is not a perfect employer. It is, however, overall a great place to be and most people enjoy it. We are probably not as good to work for as a national carrier, but we are a better gig than most of the loco's. We have been badly let down in the past by some appalling pilot recruitment blunders - people being offered jobs and then have those offers rescinded etc. I have personally felt deeply embarrassed at such events, and they do not reflect who we are and what working for easyJet is like. Once you are out of the clutches of the pilot recruitment world, life here is actually pretty good and the promises made to you are almost invariably kept. If you come here with a reasonable attitude, there is no reason why you should not have many happy years with us. EasyJet is not for everyone, but if you can put up with our little eccentricities then it can be great fun.

With the greatest amount of respect I don't think there are many aspects of Easy I don't understand. My original point was they obviously don't value experience amoughst their FOs and nothing that has been said on here has made me change my views on that. You can give the party line all day long about cadets being full of "raw talent", follow SOPs perfectly and doing exactly as they are told Blah Blah Blah, but personally I think they are preferred because of the 9 million in revenue they will bring this year and the years of reduced pay untill they either leave to BA or make command (then the whole process starts again).

Anyway luckily for me BA did see some value in me (despit my lack of ability and talent compaired to a Cadet) so I have a good job, but there are lots who don't that will yet again miss out on an opportunity at Easy.

Anyway this could go around in circles for ever, and for the record I am not saying EasyJet are a bad place to work or a bad company, simply that they value profit more than the experience levels of FOs and maybe they are correct to (but to admit that opens up a huge can of worms for us all)!

The Mixmaster
19th May 2017, 01:27
EasyJet the epitome of corporate greed amongst airlines.

Monarch Man
19th May 2017, 09:54
I think people need a reality check here, the big Orange has always generated revenue off its prey, the events of the last 24 months or so have been the exception to the rule. The organisation would happily eat its young if it improved the stock holder value, the place is merely RYR without the mill owner Irish rules.
When GO was in existence.....that was another story entirely, that was a proper Low-cost airline.

19th May 2017, 11:36
EasyJet the epitome of corporate greed amongst airlines.

If I may be so bold that is a pointless comment as, almost by definition, all companies are greedy. For sure, once they are stock-market listed it's in their DNA. It has to be or the company will not survive.

22nd May 2017, 10:31
First of all there have been quite a few experienced pilots employed at easyjet UK bases, both type rated and non type rated, with similar if not more experience than you quoted earlier. Remember experience is not the complete package. Just as BA likes to employ a certain type of candidate so does EZ. All airlines like to employ persons who will most fit in with their company culture. This might be where there is the disconnect is. Funny thing is that there has been quite a number of very experienced pilots who have been turned down by BA because they don't fit in with speed bird's culture, plus those who resign because they don't enjoy it there.
Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't most of the BA pilot body products of their own cadet scheme?
With the greatest amount of respect I don't think there are many aspects of Easy I don't understand. My original point was they obviously don't value experience amoughst their FOs and nothing that has been said on here has made me change my views on that. You can give the party line all day long about cadets being full of "raw talent", follow SOPs perfectly and doing exactly as they are told Blah Blah Blah, but personally I think they are preferred because of the 9 million in revenue they will bring this year and the years of reduced pay untill they either leave to BA or make command (then the whole process starts again).

Anyway luckily for me BA did see some value in me (despit my lack of ability and talent compaired to a Cadet) so I have a good job, but there are lots who don't that will yet again miss out on an opportunity at Easy.

Anyway this could go around in circles for ever, and for the record I am not saying EasyJet are a bad place to work or a bad company, simply that they value profit more than the experience levels of FOs and maybe they are correct to (but to admit that opens up a huge can of worms for us all)!

drag king
22nd May 2017, 11:14
Our type-rated pilots who come from other airlines can be very good, but that is not always the case. It is particularly tricky if someone comes with their own ideas of how they want to do things - they quickly find that easyJet is a big follower of SOPs and unashamedly expects its pilots to embrace them.

So how have those coming from the likes of Vueling, Livingston, Windjet, Vistajet, etc (to name few but all...) managed to survive your grueling and flawless screening process?

You can give the party line all day long about cadets being full of "raw talent", follow SOPs perfectly and doing exactly as they are told Blah Blah Blah, but personally I think they are preferred because of the 9 million in revenue they will bring this year and the years of reduced pay untill they either leave to BA or make command (then the whole process starts again).

I think Enzo hit the nail on the head here, despite whatever your great leaders tell you to say. A notorious former DFO from a eJ-like TP operator in the UK once told me that his management was knocking his door every other day to implement this business model...pardon...TALENT-scouting procedure within their operation.

It looks like there is method in the madness...

22nd May 2017, 12:35
Kgn6.... Both I and Enzo were offered positions in eJ, Enzo twice. It is what we were offered that was the issue.

6th Jun 2017, 09:25
Can anyone tell me if the DEC pay for Lisbon has changed at all in the the last few years? Still 95-105 k Euro? Their current add suggests more...approximately 130k Euro.

Also wondering about any specifics about roster, base changes, and general terms.
I am trying to get all the facts before applying for a NTR DEC in Lisbon. If there are any current pilots at EZ who can help me I would really appreciate it.


6th Jun 2017, 09:46
Portugal contract improved quite a lot in the last years.

6th Jun 2017, 13:24
Could anyone shed some light on the DEFO for Gatwick and Luton? On the ad the SFO position is advertised to be 70000 pounds, should I be expecting to make that amount, or is that an optimistic figure? Also, what are the requirements for a SFO position vs a FO position?

Also, how is command upgrade looking for FOs in these bases? Am not expecting there to be a queue since they are hiring DECs at the same time, but just want to get an estimate as to when I could expect my upgrade after joining.

Thanks guys.

6th Jun 2017, 19:21
I don't know the details of the UK contract, but for the upgrade, Luton or Gatwick are in general the most likely assigned bases. People from all the other base are sent there for the command. Always in demand of pilots there, and big turnover, with the european guys usually desperate to go back to the continent.

The command process is very long in easyJet, with the first steps starting six month after the employment start, assuming you have the required hours and your performance is up to standard. Some other stages can be completed only after one year and two sim events in the company.
I would not plan on less than 1,5 years from date of joining to the start of the line training of the command course, and that's already pushing it.

11th Jun 2017, 10:42
Hi ladies and gents,

I don't know if it has been discussed already or not but I didn't find the information.
Does Easyjet pay for your type rating if they hire you as NTR FO?
You already get payed during training, provided with accommodation etc?
Do you have a fixed roster pattern?
Any info is highly appreciated.

11th Jun 2017, 20:07
You pay up front.
You are salaried from day 1 of TR, accommodation is essentially part of the TR cost.
If it is Second Officer contract then it is a flat salary for Year 1 of something around £40k.
No fixed roster until Year 3 of permanent employment.

11th Jun 2017, 21:26
That's valid for the uk, but every contract is different.

11th Jun 2017, 22:27
Thanks for the reply.
As I heard from some people the company pays for the TR if you are based in Portugal or Palma. Is that true?
I have a few thousand hours on jet aircraft already.
In this case what salary can I expect? It is not second officer contract I assume.

14th Jun 2017, 16:27
Does anyone know what the schedules are expected to be in the Lisbon base? i.e. 5 on 4 off etc...

14th Jun 2017, 17:41
Last numbers I have found .....Lisbon FO 37.000 pounds. In PMI only part-time available 8 months working 4 months off.

16th Jun 2017, 10:21
@ King6

easyJet has excellent, highly skilled and good attitude FOs from outside who are also becoming excellent Captains. Our easyJet success in the past is built on the experience level from other airlines, which most of us tend to forget.
I agree, that our recruitment should consider a more broad spectrum, as it used to be. On the other hand, you probably would not have a job in BA now without your experience with us.

17th Jun 2017, 10:47
Hello gents
What is the cpt sallary after tax based in luton or gatwick?

18th Jun 2017, 08:50
Highly subjective.

Depends what you pay into the pension, share schemes etc and how hard you flew the previous month for sector pay

18th Jun 2017, 14:42
Thank you very much for the answer.
Is it possible to have an average picture?

18th Jun 2017, 15:10
Going by PPJN - basic gross is roughly £99k. Conservative estimate for sector pay would be £10k. So let's say £110k gross = £5800 net after U.K. tax and NI.

19th Jun 2017, 06:00
Thank you very much

19th Jun 2017, 09:38
Passed the assessment in the beginning of the year as a non-rated FO, still waiting for a starting date! anyone else in the same situation?

19th Jun 2017, 19:37
TR courses have stopped for the summer and will start again Sept time. Those on the first dates have only recently been made offers so your time will hopefully come sooner or later They will be running courses throughout the winter so there should be plenty of spaces to get on eventually

24th Jun 2017, 20:41
Hello gents
Did somebody attend the assesment for ntr dec?

28th Jun 2017, 06:39
There seems to be some confusion. I agree with you about the diversity of EZ recruits over the years. I however am not the one who was complaining about it as I am still an EZ pilot. It was another forum member who had been turned down by EZ. [quote=a350pilots;9803759]@ King6

taxi light on
29th Jun 2017, 21:52
HI everyone,
I will attend the assessment soon for NTR F/O, could anyone give me some hints about how the day will be? I still haven't received the briefing form Easy.
Thanks a lot in advance.

6th Jul 2017, 09:43
Thinking about applying to Easyjet, does anyone know how many experienced pilot they need, have around 4500 hours, but on 737. I know most places will be filled with cadets, but thinking a more financially stable company is better in the long run.

6th Jul 2017, 12:20
If it's anything like this year, when around 400/450 pilots were hired, about 50 were DEC, 100 DEFO and the rest cadets. How many of these DEFO were rated I have no idea, but a fair amount I guess.

7th Jul 2017, 00:34
Which base would you choose between gtw and Ltn and why? Any idea of pros and cons of these bases? Thanks...

7th Jul 2017, 09:28
Does anyone know if you joined Easy as a DEC at LGW or LTN how long it would take to be offered part time, and what the part time options (75%, 50% etc) are?

Thanks for any info.

7th Jul 2017, 19:58
Both available.
Depends on the circumstances, but PT is quite popular and difficult to get.

8th Jul 2017, 09:00
Thanks A350. In what way is it difficult? First come first served / long waiting list / need to have young kids?

10th Jul 2017, 21:37
What does the EasyJet Selfsponsered TR program means?

Is it cash up front?

A training bond, where each month money (cash up front) will be paid back to the employe, for eg. 2 or 3 years?

A training bond where the costs of the TR, will be deducted from the pay slip each month for eg. 2 or 3 years?

A training bond, for eg. 2 or 3 years, where you will have to pay back some money, if you decide to leave before the bonding expires?

Sorry for my ignorance....

10th Jul 2017, 23:42
Just a quick question. Has anybody commenced employment with EasyJet without a EASA licence, meaning on a validation of another ICAO licence ?
Thanks Guys !

Count of Monte Bisto
11th Jul 2017, 09:44
volare 737 - An EASA licence is a condition of employment at easyJet. Without it their TREs cannot sign your licence.

11th Jul 2017, 11:10
A UK easa license, I would add.
To be arranged by the first day of the induction course.
Painful and long to get, also coming from another easa country.

12th Jul 2017, 06:13
Thanks for that! I think there is no way around writing the exams! Well - I better start !

12th Jul 2017, 17:44
Hi All,

It seems one of those threads in which many are asking questions but very few are getting answers so since I've recently completed the NTR assessment in LGW I will happily give my contribution.
During the company presentation they have asked us not to share any specific details regarding the interview with other possible candidates, and I intend to follow that instruction so please don't ask and don't be mad at me for that.

- I applied and after a day or two I received an email instructing me to complete an online assessment. Several excercises such as verbal reasoning, multitasking, spatial orientation and personality test. I'd say no preparation is needed and it's not as hard as a compass test but you still need to be fully concentrated so make sure you are alone and undisturbed for about 30/40 minutes.

- I received an email right after completion stating that I passed and my profile would have been reviewed.

- after a week I received a new email saying that my application had been review and that I was invited to the assessment. I then logged onto the Easyjet careers portal and booked myself in. I could choose between LGW and LTN.

- on the day of the assessment you show up either in the morning or in the afternoon depending on the slot you selected. It's a one day assessment so if you choose morning you do the sim before the interview. It works the other way around for the afternoon which was the slot I went for.
Everyone was extremely cool. Most of the recruiters were pilots and there was one HR recruiter. There may be two. After taking care of our paperwork in a one-to-one with a recruiter we all went up in a room for a company presentation. At the end of it you can ask questions if you have any. Afterwards we completed a group excercise. Remember to focus on the objective and to talk to each other. Good CRM is what they want to see.
After a little break we did the one-to-one non-technical interview. Not much I can say, just be yourself. They will send you a briefing that will give you an idea. Just follow their suggestions and guidelines.
At the end of it, we were taken to the sim center. The guys who completed the sim in the morning were free to go home.

- the sim was a simple ride. As we were non rated there were no failures. They just want to see how you fly and behave in the cockpit and how good your CRM is. You won't receive a sim briefing before the assessment, but the assessor will give you the charts and you'll have plenty of time to brief. He will be your sim buddy and will do what you ask him to do but remember that you are the PF so you make decisions. The only advise I would give is not to over control. It may happen if you are not used to a FBW/side stick aircraft. Be gentle, it's very sensitive but very easy to fly.
The whole ride will be without AP, FD and AT. You'll just fly as you did on a Cessna. You won't be de-briefed.

- after a week or so I received the good news and now I'm in the holding pool awaiting for a start date.
No idea when that phone call will come through to be honest. The first types will start from October on, so it could be next week or maybe in a few months.

I have been as thorough as I could. There isn't much else I know.
I wish you the best of luck. I had an extremely good impression. The recruiters are professionals and the process is one you would expect for a pilot position, unlike other employers that focus just on HR.
Ciao ciao

12th Jul 2017, 22:52
If anyone who has recently completed the type rating in Stockholm is able to give me some information I would really appreciate a PM. Thanks.

18th Jul 2017, 12:37
Can anyone tell me if the DEC pay for Lisbon has changed at all in the the last few years? Still 95-105 k Euro? Their current add suggests more...approximately 130k Euro.

Also wondering about any specifics about roster, base changes, and general terms.
I am trying to get all the facts before applying for a NTR DEC in Lisbon. If there are any current pilots at EZ who can help me I would really appreciate it.


This has been updated recently for the new Portugal contract

easyJet (New Improved Portuguese Contract pilot jobs news for airline pilots and aviation schools (http://www.pilotjobsnetwork.com/jobs/easyJet_(New_Improved_Portuguese_Contract))

19th Jul 2017, 14:23
Any news? FO waiting for bases and terms.

22nd Jul 2017, 03:36
Ay fellow would shed some lights on this assessment?
Many thanks in advance.

3rd Aug 2017, 23:48
Hi I was wondering whether anyone at Easy could help with a query.
I'm looking for more info on the criteria for qualifying for an SFO contract vs FO contract, I understand that it depends on factored easyJet hours, but has anyone come across number of landings being part of the criteria?? Thanks

4th Aug 2017, 08:33
Again, totally country dependant. There are country where it is not even possible to join as SFO, countries where you need 2500 hours factorized and others where you need maybe 2000.

Pork chop express
4th Aug 2017, 09:24
So for a UK SFO contract is it 2500 factored hours?


4th Aug 2017, 09:40
Thanks, I'm wondering about UK contracts for the SFO criteria

4th Aug 2017, 14:26
For UK contracts:

SFO- >2500 factored hours and full ATPL

(0.8 x your total hours for short haul jet FO)
(0.9x your total hours for short jet CPT)

(0.6x your total hours for long haul FO)
(0.7 x total hours for long haul CPT)

(0.7 x your total hours for Airline turbine FO)
(0.8 x your total hours for airline turbine CPT)

FO- >1250 factored hours

Upgrade to FO after a minimum of 24 months operating as FO.

No mention of number of landings in the calculation just whether you were P1 or P2. Hope that answers your question.

4th Aug 2017, 14:31
Have you got an official source for these figures? I can't seem to find it.
Thanks in advance

7th Aug 2017, 08:40
Hi to everybody ,

How long did you wait to get a final result after the sim assessment for NTR SFO UK contract?

At this moment +/- 5 weeks have gone and no news


Count of Monte Bisto
7th Aug 2017, 10:51
Forks one is indeed correct. Those figures are written in internal company manuals, that is what we use. I'm sure they're written down somewhere else as well, but they are accurate.

7th Aug 2017, 11:27
Thank you CMB. I presume one with above criteria would join directly as SFO then? I had heard (a while back I admit), that a SFO was a time based promotion.

president doc
7th Aug 2017, 17:12
Guys, finished the online tests and application back on the 23rd July, just wondering if anyone else reading this has applied/waited this long/longer to hear back about going to the next phase or not?
Tapping my fingers over here.

7th Aug 2017, 20:58
Thanks Fox and Count for the info...much appreciated!

That's odd. Factored hours is definitely the only criteria? In that case have you ever heard of anyone being told they don't have sufficient landings, despite meeting the minimum factored hours, for a SFO contract?


Count of Monte Bisto
8th Aug 2017, 05:18
Vwon - the slight problem you are up against here is that it can take some time to appear before a real live pilot who can make a sensible decision. Due to the sheer number of applications (thousands I am told), they use a fancy matrix and that does not always fit each case accurately. As we all know, individual aviation backgrounds can be wide and varied and it is often only a fellow pilot who can apply the necessary judgement and discretion in assessing what each individual's background means in a practical sense. There is no one being ill-intended here, but there can be some frustrations dealing with pilot recruitment. We are all the most important person in our own world and that is quite natural! When you are one of thousands of applicants you are unfortunately not the most important person in the recruiters' world! Anyway, usually it all sorts itself out in the end.

8th Aug 2017, 08:54
Hi all. I'm wanting to apply for DEC but am slightly short of the 1000 hours over 30T. Do I apply and say I have 1000 hours over 30T because by the time the potential start date is given and notice period etc, I will have the hours. Or is it better just to wait until I have the hours and then apply. Thanks

8th Aug 2017, 10:49
You wait. The very first thing they do when you arrive at their test centre is show them your logbook and licence. I can't imagine the look on their face if you didn't have the minimum hours.

8th Aug 2017, 15:38
Called me today for PMI offer... I'm going to have a look at terms. Some one with some info? Or advice?

9th Aug 2017, 15:05
So I imagine they don't give you a choice at all? Take it or leave it?

9th Aug 2017, 15:59
Give you a choice? You apply for a specific base- person above obviously applied for PMI- he just doesn't know the T&C's exactly so is hoping for a heads up before the contract actually arrives (I'm guessing).

9th Aug 2017, 16:15
Called me today for PMI offer... I'm going to have a look at terms. Some one with some info? Or advice?

Did you get an offer as Captain or F/O?

17th Aug 2017, 14:37
Hello dear aviators!

I applied for a NTR FO Portugal position and passed the online assessment the 3rd of July.
My application has then been under review.

The 10th of August I received a message on my applicant's portal :"We have sent you an email, please check your inbox".
I didn't receive anything on my inbox one week later.

Is that a bug or a normal automatic timeline?
Is anybody in the same situation?
Would you send an email to the pilot recruitment team?

Thanks for advice.

18th Aug 2017, 22:49
Does anybody know what is cpt sallary at Amsterdam after tax?
Thanks in advance

Globally Challenged
19th Aug 2017, 16:03
I've been through this thread from the beginning and I'm a little confused about the factoring of hours and would rather get this straight before I potentially take time out from work to attend assessment.

I am currently on £63k basic as a BizJet FO with 2500 hours (only the last 400 > 20T) with world-wide operations.

I live close to LTN and this is where I am applying to.

1. Is it likely / possible that I will be able to join as SFO as I can't easily stomach a significant salary drop for a prolonged period.

2. I gather from this thread that it is likely to be 3-5 years before getting near an upgrade course?


Pork chop express
19th Aug 2017, 19:48
My understanding from reading this thread is you need +2500hrs factored to get SFO in the UK. Your hours would be factored as Non Airline at 0.7 per hour making your 2,500 = 1,750 factored hours (could be wrong) as far as Easyjet are concerned. Fox one posted accurate factored hours a few posts ago.

Hope that helps.

19th Aug 2017, 22:17
6500 net
On top of that pension, LoL, etc

20th Aug 2017, 05:16
Can someone please post a few salary tables?

PMI maybe?

Or provide a link to an accurate source?


20th Aug 2017, 08:36
Cedrico, I also did the assessment back in July and my application has been "under review" for a long time as well. I too got the same message like you did but never received an email. I didn't wait and just gave recruitment a call as sending them an email is pointless, they never (or almost never) reply to emails. The lady I spoke with was super friendly and in my case it was basically a mistake, I was put in the wrong pool.
So my advice is: just give them a call! :-)
Good luck.

20th Aug 2017, 09:02
In AMS I heard a figure of 5800 euro net - 6200 if you own property there. If 6500 is accurate then maybe AMS is worth considering

20th Aug 2017, 10:06
Could anyone tell me the average gross salary of a U.K. Year 1 SFO, including sector pay etc? Also, I gather a pay rise is due in October, what will the basic/sector pay be after that?

21st Aug 2017, 08:25
Because it's based on Septembers RPI figure (which is published in October), no one can answer this part until October!

21st Aug 2017, 12:11
Easyjet is accepting pilots with english level 5, but they say, they need to achieve level 6 whitin the 6 months.
What happens if they don't?

21st Aug 2017, 14:35
I still have to see a case like that.

Level 6 under UK CAA is just a matter of paperwork, to be done on your induction course by an easyJet TRE.
Unless your english is really really bad.

president doc
21st Aug 2017, 20:17
Cedrico, I also did the assessment back in July and my application has been "under review" for a long time as well. I too got the same message like you did but never received an email. I didn't wait and just gave recruitment a call as sending them an email is pointless, they never (or almost never) reply to emails. The lady I spoke with was super friendly and in my case it was basically a mistake, I was put in the wrong pool.
So my advice is: just give them a call! :-)
Good luck.

Urrrm, any pointers in a particular potential direction where such a number may be found? It's a month now with them "reviewing" my application having done the online test :ugh:

22nd Aug 2017, 09:16
Hi, I've also been waiting almost a month after having completed the online assessment. Does anyone have the recruitment phone number? There's no contact details (other than by email) provided on the website.

Many thanks and good luck to everyone

24th Aug 2017, 08:08
Do you have to pay for the rating for DEC? Gatwick or Luton base. Sorry if it's already in this thread but I can only find reference to the FO TR. thanks.

24th Aug 2017, 12:47
Yes you do. 20-30k depending on your experience

25th Aug 2017, 11:48
Really? Even for a very experienced DEC, still £20k?

25th Aug 2017, 11:58
Yes, although you may be able to claim the tax back

26th Aug 2017, 07:29
How do you claim the tax back?
Is the company helping you fir this?

30th Aug 2017, 08:08
Hello ,

At this moment 2 months have gone and no news since my sim evaluation about my status for NTR SFO UK contract? "3900HTT no A320"

I am wondering if there are some new candidates in a similar situation.

Do you realy think a direct call to the Pilot Recruitment department is the right way how to get any update? I am somewhat divided over this issue.

3 months of notice periode means to start not before 2018 , September is knocking the door and I don't know if we can expect a Type rating course in January.

Thanks for you feedback

30th Aug 2017, 08:38
EasyJet are always friendly when I've called. Call them and say you're not after a start date, you're just wondering if you've missed an email with the outcome of your sim assessment. You should have heard by now...

8th Sep 2017, 17:56
Have they just closed the recruitment?
I checked 2 days ago and was still on...

10th Sep 2017, 11:15
All the positions are still open as far as I can see...

18th Sep 2017, 21:05
Hi. I Know a lot has been put up already, but grateful if someone can indicate what aircraft is currently being used, airbus or 737....I hear it's now done exclusively on the A320.

23rd Sep 2017, 19:37
Hi all,

I'm trying to get an idea of net pay for Captain in OPO, I've been told varying amounts and the Portuguese tax calculator gives roughly 7k / month from 144,000 gross.

Is this accurate or can you expect a bit more?


23rd Sep 2017, 20:45
There was a thread about it no more than a few weeks ago, look it up, but from memory you can expect less than that, around 5500/6000 net. Not a good contract.

24th Sep 2017, 05:05
In Portugal you can expect 5600 after tax as a captain * 14 months. ~ 6500 after tax for 12 months. Excluding bonuses, shares, flexible benefits.

24th Sep 2017, 07:00
Thanks, seems very low, is this working from the increased pay? I'm reading 144 gross from the company website and up to 152 in 2021.


27th Sep 2017, 14:00
Could anyone give a quick overview of the annual leave allocation process at EZY (UK Captains specifically)? Is it realistic to expect a block off in the summer/easter/half terms?

28th Sep 2017, 08:21
It's a points based system.

Each day is signed a set number of points, which is then multiplied depending on whether you bid for it, it's assigned or you take it in the open phase.

Then every year around November the bid opens for the following year, where you are in the priority depends on the points you have.
For normal captains, summer, Christmas and half terms etc are high points (busy periods for the company).

So, the theory is you will get summer/christmas etc every other year.

But it depends heavily on how you bid. It's quite a good fair system that a lot of people don't like.

However, if you want school holiday leave the best bet is to take parental leave!

28th Sep 2017, 12:02
Hello everyone, just curious about FO ntr for Palma de Maiorca base advertisement...any info about it? could be interesting


6th Oct 2017, 17:31
Can anyone describe the interview process

Starting from online test for DEC

9th Oct 2017, 07:34
All NTR and TR First Officers positions are now closed and there is only one position open named "Monarch Co-Pilots". Having such a big pool of TR guys available it may delay start dates for NTR guys I guess... Especially those looking for UK bases

9th Oct 2017, 10:18
Does anyone know long approximately it would take to get a French base? I'd ideally like to join as SFO with 8000 hours TT.

If that were to happen, how long roughly for a command and then again getting a French base?

Thank you for any help.


9th Oct 2017, 12:33
People have joined straight to France in recent years, it totally depends on the needs of the moment, new bases openings, etc.

For the upgrade, the process itself is very long, and you can start it after 6 months in the company. Plan on at least 1,5/2 years after date of joining to the end of command course line training, and that's in ideal conditions.

For France after upgrade, again, it depends on the moment. Last year some positions were available in FR for newly upgraded Captains, but be ready to move to LGW or LTN initially and join a transfer list, if you desperately want the left seat.

9th Oct 2017, 18:16
Lucky header
SFO unlikely as I know of one pilot with 7000 hours, of which 2500 were A320 command was only offered a second officer contract.

9th Oct 2017, 19:21
In france you get a SFO contract if you have more than 3000 hours factorized and EASA ATPL. There is no room for negotiation, they cant offer what they want. It's a contractual clause.

I am not familiar with the uk contract.

What people have to realize is that easyJet contracts across Europe are very different in terms of money, roster, pension, part time options, base freeze, taxes, etc.
It's almost like working for different companies.

19th Oct 2017, 16:43
Thanks, seems very low, is this working from the increased pay? I'm reading 144 gross from the company website and up to 152 in 2021.


If you're paying Portuguese tax you can reckon on €75-80k net in year 1. Tax rates depend on whether you're single or married and if you have kids or not.

Those numbers don't include the annual performance bonus (maximum 20% basic salary for captains), obviously you can't plan on the full amount of that every year.

There's talk of the government decreasing tax for higher earners by 3% next year which would be a nice extra 3-4K take home.

After 5 years in the company with the loyalty bonus and pay increases you can expect €85-93k net per year.

29th Oct 2017, 04:46

Any news on EasyJet ntr FO Recruitment ?
Are still interviews taking place?

30th Oct 2017, 13:01
They have just re-opened the recruitment for easyJet Switzerland, type rated and not.
I don't expect big numbers, as far as I know there is already a decent number of people in the holding pool waiting to be called for the next summer season, plus all the Monarch guys, and now Air Berlin, for which assessments are being already scheduled.

31st Oct 2017, 22:32
Thanks a lot for info....by holding pool You mean people scheduled for Assesment or just after waiting to start training?

1st Nov 2017, 06:49
Holding or in Easyjet’s case Talent Pool is where you ‘go’ once you’ve passed their recruitment process and you’re waiting to be offered a start date.

2nd Nov 2017, 15:48
Do Easyjet give an reply, whether positive or negative, after the online assessment?... (Apart from: "You have successfully completed the online assessment...")
Two months, and stil nothing....

2nd Nov 2017, 18:06
Yes they do, in my experience. You can still check on the website to confirm your application status...

7th Nov 2017, 12:05
Hi ,

I was wondering if any of you in the pool, had received a start date as experience NTR F/O base in Gatwick or Luton for the TR course.

I would be grateful if you know what is their intentions. "like how many NTR F/O do they need and when?

Thanks to all of you:ok:

7th Nov 2017, 12:24
The situation right now is very dynamic, between Air Berlin and Monarch.

Before all this happened the needs were for about 450 pilots, same as last year. To give you an idea last roughly 300 were cadets, 100 direct entry F/O and thr rest DEC.
Now it's everybody's guess, with so many rated and experienced pilots on the market.

7th Nov 2017, 14:15
Phenix007, when did You have Your Assesment and how long You've waited for feedback?

8th Nov 2017, 08:37
I have done my assessment 6 months ago and got the positive feedback to be in the pool 4months later.
I have no clue about their intentions( due to Monarch and Air berlin) , even worst I can not apply to EZY switzerland because I am in the pool.
Someone wrote somewhere on Pprune, Ezy switzerland are looking for 40 pilots ( true or not I don't know) but if it is the case why they don't offer us this possibility mostly if Gatwick and LUTON are full house.

8th Nov 2017, 09:51
The selection process is separate between the two AOC, with a tech part in the swiss one.
I have heard of people being offered Switzerland but it was unconfirmed and I don't know it it went through...

8th Nov 2017, 13:40
Hi all,
I received the offer today as NTR FO. I will start the type at the end of January.
My base will be Venice which was my 3rd choice and I am very happy with it.
I suggest you hang tough and eventually they will contact you.
Best of luck

10th Nov 2017, 10:32

Could I ask you when you did your screening, and if you had applied as Direct Entry FO with another Airbus TR ?