View Full Version : Role of Commercial Director in an emergency situation?

18th Mar 2013, 16:13
Hey guys,

To cut a long story short, I am an Aviation student and BSc level wondering if anyone could help me with some information I need.

In an emergency situation, what would be/are the roles of the Commercial Director of an airport where the emergency/disaster has occurred? E.g what would there responsibilities be, what would they deal with, who would they liaise with etc?

Haven't had too much luck on Google.

Any help is appreciated, thanks :)

Piltdown Man
20th Mar 2013, 15:49
Not being horrible (but I will be), short of damage limitation, he'll be about as much use as a chocolate fireguard. As for what everybody else would do would depend on what the RFF, Police and accident investigation people require. You will generally find that the people with the clipboards and squeaky clean HiViz jackets are a pain in the bum when there's any sort of emergency. Personally, we'd be better off if they were given mops and buckets so they could take the opportunity of an empty terminal to give the bogs a good wheeking.