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View Full Version : University student needs your help!

12th Mar 2013, 13:36
I am a third year student currently studying for an Air Transport degree at Buckinghamshire New University, High Wycombe, UK. As part of my final studies, I am required to complete a research project. The subject of my research is to examine how the new EASA rules will affect Pilot Fatigue.

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has recently issued a final proposal to the European Commission on flight duty times and rest requirements. EASA's mission statement is to set up the highest common standards of safety and environmental protection in civil aviation, claiming their new rules are based on scientific evidence and risk assessment. The British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA) acknowledges many of the changes to be of detrimental effect. The following statements included in the questionnaire are BALPA's top concerns, and your opinion to agree or disagree whether they are safe would be vastly appreciated.

The link to the questionnaire (takes about 1-2 mins to complete) - Questionniare regarding pilot fatigue and the effects of EASA's new proposals. Survey (http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/RGGTKM6)

Ultimately your opinions collected through this questionnaire are important to the success of my study.

All of the information collected will remain completely confidential and only be used for the purpose of this project.

If you do have the time and fill this out I cant thank you enough. Its really worthwhile and if any of you would like to see the results from the research when its finished I would more than happily inform you.

TL; DR University student needs your opinions by filling out very short questionnaire about EASA's new rules. Thanks in advance!


Piltdown Man
13th Mar 2013, 21:51
You haven't asked the big question: Will your company do it? Mine won't! I won't be accepting them either. And any attempt to stuff this down my neck means a quick trip to the bank to transfer the funds to fund my strike action.