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View Full Version : Popham 1st June details - web site?

19th Apr 2002, 22:07
Guys 'n' Gals,

I'm not going to get to Popham, so I have not posted this into the new 'sticky' collecting details - but have you not considered collating this onto on Keith Tallent's site at aircraftbookings.co.uk?

In fact, I just started it.....

Popham (http://www.aircraftbooking.co.uk/flyin/main.php?find=26)

Steve (looking to blag a lift) R

22nd Apr 2002, 16:33
Thanks Steve, really helpful!

24th Apr 2002, 13:19
Excellent website, Steve, thanks!

Can I suggest that everyone who's going signs up, and also that everyone who wants a ride also signs up, but puts a comment in the aircraft reg column (e.g. "need ride")?


24th Apr 2002, 21:42
Excellent website, Steve, thanks!

Not mine (Keith Tallent's). I just drive some of the traffic ;-)

Steve R

6th May 2002, 13:15
I've just been through the list of people who have registered interest in the fly-in, either on the earlier thread on PPRuNe, or on suction's web-site. Loads of people - excellent!

Then I compared this to the list of people who have signed up on this web-site.

There are lots of people who have registered an interest, but haven't yet signed up. So, to help you out, I've signed you all up! The following people have been added onto the list - but all with a "?" before your name. If you are coming, please go onto the website, remove the "?" from your name, and fill in any missing details!

Ace Rimmer
Big Red ' L '
Bob Down
Dusty B
Four holer roller
Fuji Abound
Green Up Blue Down
Hersham Boy
Jetscream 32
PPRuNe Towers
Right Stuffer
Rote 8
Rotor Horn
Warped Factor

I also know of the following people who would like a lift - please reply if your name is missing!

LowTimer - from E. Anglia or E. Mids
HelenD - from Southampton
Dublinpilot - from Dublin (that one might be tricky!)

Paulo - from Redhill
SteveR - from Kent
Autofly - from E. Midlands

Hope to see you all there - should be a good day!


7th May 2002, 12:56
Unfortunately i'm not going to be able to make it down to Popham by air - I just don't have the cash at the moment. A comination of a recent Night Rating and moving house has killed my bank balance dead. I'll be able to make it if anyone wants a lift and is willing to stump up some of the cash. I'll be in a Piper Archer so there's plenty of room.

Alternatively if anyone is going from the Nottingham/Birmingham area and has a spare seat going then i'd love to share. Otherwise my attendance is looking pretty doubtful. :(


7th May 2002, 16:29

LowTimer is looking for a lift from E. Midlands - maybe you could get in touch with him and see if you can share the cost of flying down in your Archer between the two of you?

I'll leave you on the list, with a "?", until you know for certain one way or the other. I've also added you to the list of people looking for a lift. Hope we can see you there, one way or the other!


Belgian Chap
8th May 2002, 19:38
WX permitting i'll attend, i need the hours anyway...
I'm looking forward to meeting some fellow ppruners!


Belgian Chap

8th May 2002, 22:11
I was SouthernHighFlyer just diddnt ask to get my name changed back after the boards upgrade since im known as HelenD in chat

9th May 2002, 07:54

Cheers for that however it looks like I won't be able to go at all ..... i've managed to double book myself for that day which is a real pain. My apologies to everyone. Hopefully see most of you at the bash.


Rusty Cessna
9th May 2002, 13:20
I notice Stolport is flying in from Plymouth, would they be interested in cost sharing for the trip as I'm also based there? Im rated on both the Warrior and 152 so we could use whatever aircraft you prefered.

If its a possibility drop me a line on [email protected]


9th May 2002, 23:33
Sounds like a good thing you guys have got going on down at popham on the 1st.

I fly out of there frequently as a member of a syndicate, the 1st of June sounds like a good crack, so if thats ok with all of you I may well pop down to see what is going on!!

Look forward to it!
Cheers Guys


10th May 2002, 10:58
I probably won't be able to make it. :( :( :( :( :(

We're probably doing the Dawn to Dusk on either the Thursday or Friday before that (since we're last year's winners we've been told we HAVE to enter :D ). If it's Thursday I'll be going home on the Friday, but probably be too tired to safely consider flying on Saturday, as the D2D usually ends up being about an 18-20 hour day with preparation and so on. If it's Friday I'll be staying relatively close, and may drive there and say hi to you all. If by any chance we put off the D2D to the following week I'll try and grab an aircraft or a lift or a car and get there somehow!

Have a good one anyhow.

10th May 2002, 11:03
FFF - Is there still a spare seat in the Europa for a fellow aero-head? :)

10th May 2002, 12:30
paulo, would love to be able to say yes, but I can't give you a definite answer...

I'm still not checked out on the Europa. I have one session booked with the instructor for next week, but he thinks I'll probably need two. His availability is proving to be a bit of a problem, and he hasn't commited to a date for the second session yet.

If I can schedule the second session for before 1st June, and if neither session is cancelled due to weather, etc., then I'll be able to fly the Europa. However, I'm not sure how likely this is. I've offered my spare seat to the rest of the guys in the Europa group - hopefully one of them will take me up on the offer, and will be able to act as P1 if I haven't completed the check-out in time.

If I don't get any takers from the group, you're welcome to the spare seat - but that would only be subject to me getting checked out on time. If I can't do that, I'll have to try to either take a club Warrior (the Super Cub is in for maintenance that weekend, which is a pain, because that was my original back-up plan) in which case you're still welcome to fly with me, or else I'll be looking to scrounge a lift myself.


The Nr Fairy
10th May 2002, 13:36
Myself and djk will be along in an R22 from Thruxton.

Seeing as Whirly has dropped out, this ( I think ) makes me the sole rotary presence.

See you all there - 11:30 to 11:45ish.

10th May 2002, 13:44
Maybe we should have another website for people to blag joyrides once we're at Popham.... :)

14th May 2002, 09:11
Please add me and Ground Loop to the list (Grob 109b from North Weald).

16th May 2002, 12:02
Is there a commonly agreed meeting point, or are we just supposed to wonder around asking who is a ppruner?
Might provoke some interesting replies.
Some alternative suggestions may come in handy. Hope to meet some of you there........

The Nr Fairy
16th May 2002, 13:11
Well, PPRuNe badges are a start, failing that all look nerdy.

And PP will be instantly recognisable if anyone bothers to look through past GatBash threads, although I suspect her cleavage will be under wraps on this occasion.

BTW, I now have a 3 hour slot, and because of the minimum hire requirements I may have the opportunity to take a few select people for short ( 10 - 15 minutes ) hops, but there's lots of factors involved. Best to approach me on the day and see how it's hanging. And if anyone else who's going is helicopter safety savvy can they drop me a line - ta.

[Edited to bold the bit I REALLY wanted people to read !]

16th May 2002, 13:56
Oohh.....can i go first please.? Never been in a helo before you see. :)

16th May 2002, 16:05
Flyboy, Popham isn't very big, so it shouldn't be toooo hard. I'll be giving Velvet a lift down though, and she's quite distinctive. A lot of people who are down to go know each other, so head for the loud group of people. In this case you can't head for the loud, drunk group of people... ;)

If you're really concerned we can all post our photos :eek: Either that, or I'll email you my mobile number.

See you there!

16th May 2002, 16:15
Good thought, that. How will we know each other?

I think I'm arriving with SteveR in the plane (that right?), but don't know many of the names I see on the list of those coming.

Might it be an idea to have a "meeting place", or is Popham not that big?

16th May 2002, 16:33

If the sun's out, so might be the cleavage! Remember we agreed a ride for a ride?


16th May 2002, 20:30
I was thinking of supplying some sort of sticker to be taken as you sign in. Trouble is, both fly-in lore and fly-in law state the more effort put in, the more likely 310/28G42 ++RN

(no, I'm not always a misery!)

17th May 2002, 08:44
Very good point about the wx, Irv!

I know several of the other people going, so as AerBabe says, head for the large group of people. Many of us have posted our aircraft registrations on the web-site in the first post, so print off this list and look for any of the aircraft listed, then talk to anyone hanging around any of those aircraft. Or find someone who's flying from the same field as you, and arrange to meet up before you leave and fly in together.

I've been to a couple of PPRuNe bashes where I haven't known anyone before-hand, and only once had a problem finding people - but that was a much smaller group than this fly-in is likely to be. If you want, though, drop me an e-mail, and I'll send you my mobile number.


17th May 2002, 15:14
Sorry Nr. Fairy (and everyone else).

Have been over-ruled by Mrs. Horn so rather than get some R44 time in on a long X-country, I'm being forced to go to Madeira sunbathing and possibly scuba diving (might come in handy if I ever do a water landing;) I'm gutted as you can imagine....

Can someone post lots of piccies so I can see what I've missed?

p.s. Whirly(myfavourite)Bird - what's this Dust-til-Dawn thing? Is that the length of time you have to queue for the ladies at these big fly-ins? :D

17th May 2002, 20:56
Don't worry Keef:

I know you, you know Steve R and I may be flying down in lose formation with Stik.

I'll have the Kentish Fledgling with me so at least the five of us will have a ball.



17th May 2002, 22:25

Yep, I'm hoping to leap aboard the Keef chariot when he drops in to EGTO to get me. If I ask too many of you to 'gizza job' - well, I apologise in advance.

Steve R

18th May 2002, 15:29
You can rest assured that I will be after your TENNER's for a PPRuNe Badge.

I'll show you mine if you show me yours :D Otherwise it's a TENNER!


18th May 2002, 16:33

Fine - I'll show you mine, but you might prefer I hand over a crisp tenner! ;)

18th May 2002, 17:03
Haven't I already shown you mine IFR? :D

18th May 2002, 17:24
IFR Will you have any T-shirts/caps on the day?.(Ex-Large please). :)

18th May 2002, 22:22
Caps? Someone say caps? Could do with a summer-weight titfer to keep the sun off my old eyes...

20th May 2002, 05:55
BRL. I only have a few items left. Mostly SMALL T-shirts and only a couple of Caps. I'll bring those along with some badges.

Danny will order some in the future but with the problems he has with his house, and doing his conversion course, I am sure it is not at the top of his huge list yet.

AerBabe I think I would have remembered ;)

See you there.


Hersham Boy
20th May 2002, 08:16

By a cruel twist of fate (combined with my getting my digit out of my backside and cracking on with exams), I am now scheduled to do my Qx/c on 1st June! Unfortunately, this will take me away from Popham and over to the IOW and Lydd...

There is a chance I might be past that milestone and revising for skills test, in which case instructor might be persuaded to do Radio Nav down to Popham. Hope so.

Alternatively, as Irv says - it may be blowing a tornado across the runway with deluges of rain in which case I can still make it... but none of you can then....

Errrrrr..... :confused:


20th May 2002, 09:04
I'm STILL hoping to get to Popham! I'd really really like to. And FlyingForFun might kill me if I don't :D

However, my co-pilot and I are aiming to do our flight for the Dawn to Dusk competition either the Thursday or Friday before. As last year's winners, we have orders to defend our position!!! We have the aircraft booked for the Thursday. If we do it then, I'll be coming home on the Friday, but if last year is anything to go by, I'll be completely knackered after a very intense 18-20 hour day, and really not safe to fly on the Saturday, even supposing I could get an aircraft at such short notice.

If that happens, could anyone please please PLEASE give me a lift. I live in North-East Wales, so could get to Sleap, Welshpool, Wolverhampton, Shobdon, Liverpool, or anywhere similar. I'm happy to share costs of course. And even if I'm tired, I ought to be a relatively good navigator by then!

If we do it on the Friday, I'll be staying overnight near Oxford, and could easily drive down to Popham, which might be easiest.

If the wx is horrible and we put it off till the following week, I'll hopefully get hold of an R22 and fly down. In that case I'd have a spare seat if anyone wants it.

If anyone can offer or wants lift and doesn't mind being totally flexible and things getting changed at short notice, please e-mail me!!!

20th May 2002, 09:18

Sorry, forgot to answer you.

The Dawn to Dusk is a fairly prestigious flying competition (among those who've heard of it anyway :D ). You set your own theme, and fly a minimum of eight hours, but are expected to use all the hours from dawn till dusk in connection with your flight. It's expensive, exhausting, frustrating, and totally addictive!

Anyway, we won it last year, and have been told by the organiser: "The Duke expects winners to defend their position". The Duke of Edinburgh is the patron, or some such title. He also donated the rather nice trophy which I finally got last week - my co-pilot had it for the first half-year.

Anyway, last year we were up at 4 am, finished flying around 8 pm, and got home about 11 pm. We're doing it in a plank-wing, in which I've flown precisely 0.9 hours since last August! My co-pilot's an instructor, so it's not really a problem, and she says she's sure I'll be fine. But it does mean that at least my first leg will involve about 300% concentration, as I'll feel like they've moved all the instruments at the very least. :eek: Oh, and I have to remember to land and THEN slow down, don't I?

So that's why I've decided already that planning to fly to Popham on the Saturday might be a Bad Idea. Of course, I've got lots more flying experience than I had last year, so if I wake up on Saturday feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed I'll be very annoyed, and probably move heaven and earth to get hold of an R22 at short notice. But a lift from someone who doesn't spend their whole life trying to invent the 28 hour day and 9 day week might be a better and safer idea. :D

21st May 2002, 09:29
We trust the Met Man ... don't we...? :)

Saturday 25 May to Friday 31 May

Low pressure will again be dominating the weather during this period, sitting very close to the country throughout the early part of the week. There are indications of brief spells of drier weather for all of us, although the emphasis is always going to be on showers or longer spells of rain.


Later in the week there some hints that the pressure will begin to rise across the south, so becoming warmer with much lighter winds over much of South Wales, The Midlands, East Anglia and all of southern England including the Channel Islands.

Saturday 1 June to Friday 7 June

This is the week when I expect pressure to build again to give some fine warmer weather. However I think that the high will be centred to the west of the country giving us west to northwest winds, so it will feel all that warm.

For ... Wales, the Midlands, East Anglia and all of southern England it will become drier and sunnier as we move through the week with the best of the sunshine in southern England, There will always be a chance of a few showers near the western coasts, and later in the week the higher temperatures inland may set of a few thunderstorms, but most places will miss them.


21st May 2002, 23:03
Flyingforfun ....... Stick me down for the Fly In.
I will be in the Cessna 180 Taildragger G-BTSM.
I will find Velvet, and she can intro me, but I will be wearing a Pinstripe suit, a Red Rose in my buttonhole, and carrying a rolled up copy of the Times. Otherwise my usual scruffy flying clothes.
I fly from our strip just up the road near Benson, so we use Popham for fuelling any way. We have a problem with a pot right now, so may drive in if it is not fixed....anyho, look forward to meeting your good selves even if it is a drive in job.
Here goes on the 26 IGS.!!

22nd May 2002, 08:37
Please help me out!!!

When I posted a couple of weeks ago, I'd updated the website with all of the details I had available.

Since then, loads of people have posted about their change of plans - mostly people wanting to come along (excellent!), and a few people who have had to drop out (pity, we'll miss you, but there will be other fly-ins).

I want to keep the web-site up to date, as a quick reference of who's going, so that people can try to find a lift if they need one, or take the list along to help them recognise some of us when they get there if they don't know anyone.

I was also hoping to have a go at matching people wanting a lift with people offering lifts - although it seems that most people are happy to sort that out amongst themselves.

Problem is, I simply don't have time! Could some nice volunteer please go through all of the posts on this thread, and ensure the website in the top post is up to date with all the details???



22nd May 2002, 08:50
Sure :)

Just not right now - I'm off flying... :D

22nd May 2002, 08:56
So whats happening when we get there? Will there be a BBQ on site or should we buy some of those disposable ones and bring our own steaks.?

22nd May 2002, 10:14
B*gg*r - winds 18030G40KT RASH :(

22nd May 2002, 10:45
The "website" is the one linked from the first post on this thread... hope to see you there, with anyone you can pick up on the way!


22nd May 2002, 12:13
Congrats to FFF for getting checked out in the Europa, however it's nowhere near as much an achievement as offering me seat. Well done. :D

Ummm. Monowheel. I'm trying not to show any concerns about being in an aircraft for landing that's missing a couple of wheels. :)

22nd May 2002, 12:42
Quick reminder:
I've had Popham on BBQ alert for the 1st June for many weeks, so there should be plenty of burgers and sausages.
Also, first timers, I have 'circuit tips' somewhere on (Link edited out)
but main things are:
No 'straight-in' (runway aligned) approaches on 08 or 26
Always be 'even readier' (?) than usual for a self initiated go-around

Sorry IRV. I had to dispose of the link in this thread. I have had a bit of advice from above to drop the link R.E. advertising guidelines etc. If you disagree with this decision, please e-mail me. Paul.

23rd May 2002, 11:04
OK, given it a quick refresh. There seems to be no way to actually delete entries, so they've become blank. If I've deleted you unfairly, let me know.

I'll give the many ???'s a few more days :)

23rd May 2002, 13:58
Looks like I may be able to go after all! :) :) :)

Can helicopters approach low level out of the way of all you lot?

Might be able to offer quick trips in an R22 if I do make it.

23rd May 2002, 13:59
Good thing I didn't delete you then :)

23rd May 2002, 16:44
Thats brill news Whirly Look forward to seeing you there.. :)
Good luck with the Dawn-to-Dusk.....

White Shadow
23rd May 2002, 19:00
If you haven't already, folks, take a look at -

23rd May 2002, 19:11
Thanks White Shadow Spitfire Flying Club Are there any Spits at Popham then? :eek:

24th May 2002, 09:11
Spitfires at Popham: sad story actually - tell you on the 1st :(

24th May 2002, 22:36

You still on for a lose formation to Popham?

I'm picking up the fledgling from Rochester and then on to Popham.

Lost your e mail address since you un s*bbed from elsewhere.

If you've got my address e mail me : or I'll take a reply here.


25th May 2002, 13:03
I'm not able to take the Cherokee any more... long convulted story! I WILL still be coming in a C152 though :) I've changed my details on the list... hope the weather calms down in time :(

25th May 2002, 14:04
Cusco - affirm. Permit renewal tomorrow and 25 hour oil change - so wx permitting will be good to go.

Can either meet you on the ground at yours or mine, alternatively can meet you overhead something like Mendlesham mast BUT would want to have a 'phone chat first about lead, frequencies and route! ;)

my bat-phone is 07808 176623

give me a call sometime Sunday/Monday/Tuesday to decide on the above!


25th May 2002, 15:22
Weather is still supposed to be improving towards the end of next week, but no-one seems to know quite when.

Which is why I still don't know when we're doing the Dawn to Dusk, still don't know if I'll be flying in from Wolverhampton or from Gloucester, or driving, still don't know...

25th May 2002, 17:26
Cusco et Al ...

Might see you at Rochester - I'll be stopping in there around 10am to pick up SteveR and JohnL.

3-ship formation to Popham?

I suspect we might have another seat between us if there's anyone else at EGTO wants a lift?

Have put in request for good weather, but not sure if I've much credit left at the moment...

25th May 2002, 19:50
Well weather shouldn't be a problem... I'm flying with Velvet, and she provides good weather to order! :)

25th May 2002, 20:05
What does she cost for a week - got me the better part of 10 hours of PPL (and a trip to Popham) coming right up... :)

25th May 2002, 20:28

Please could I have good Wx for my long journey? ;)

Seriously though, I think it will be fine on the Sat - I think there's a high pressure zone moving in, towards the end of the week.

Out of interest are you still thinking about an IMC?

Fujiflyer :) :) :)

26th May 2002, 08:11

Yes, there's supposed to be high pressure moving in, but no-one knows quite when. And I desperately need it on Thursday for the Dawn to Dusk, as I don't think we can have the aircraft on Friday!
:( Please, Velvet, Aerbabe, Mr Weather Man, anyone, make it hurry up a bit!

But by Saturday it ought to be OK. :)

Hersham Boy
26th May 2002, 08:43
Bwwwwaaaaaaaah! :(

I was supposed to be Qx/c-ing this weekend but the near-typhoons have scuppered it... looks like i'll be missing Popham after all...

Velvet - come fly with ME, please! I need some sunshine!


26th May 2002, 16:21
Pheeeewee....!!!!!!!!! :)

(Edited for being a bit sloooooooooooooooooow off the mark..... :rolleyes:

26th May 2002, 16:29
That was last Friday: 24th May.

The 120 hour chart at http://www.phd.nl/aviation/wx/ shows a good gap between fronts, and high pressure to the west of the British isles.

26th May 2002, 17:03
Relief :)

I'm not much of a Met man, but I'd agree with FNG - looks OK at the moment. The long range precipitation forecast shows the whole of England as being rain-free, and I've found that to be a reasonable guide in the past :D

26th May 2002, 17:37
Keef, Cusco

Inspection passed - first fill with W100 (detergent) so assuming I can find an hour or two to put all the bits back where they were this morning when I took it apart AND the weather is fine, I'll do a comprehensive flight test and a 3-ship it shall be.

Keef, apart from God's Chariot not quite sure what you fly these days! Assuming that Cusco and yourself can find a common cruise speed between 90 - 145kts then I'll be able to slot in! 125kts works really well for me erect or inverted!

We'll have a good chat on the ground at Rochester! Best i bring my digi camera for its annual outing! (I'll probably give it to Ed/Steve for the day!)

Gotta go - got a sick cow to medicate.

Stik (and udder!)

26th May 2002, 19:22
Hokeydoke. Still flying the Arrow, so can just about keep up with Cusco. I've only got 2/3 the number of prop blades he has, you see. 125k sounds ideal.

What route do folks fancy? My first inclination was to go the "straight line" via Biggin, Ockham, and Blackbushe/Farnborough. But I know how boring straight lines are, so maybe we offer SteveR or JohnL or Ed the nav bit?

26th May 2002, 21:45
Yup Fugi, I'm still intending to do an IMC asap! I want to get a few more long trips in first though, and some landaways to new places. Obviously I'm a bit strapped for cash and time over the next few months though.

Sorry Evo, I don't think Velvet does long stretches of good weather at once. She's great at the occasional day though - provided nicely for my GFT ;)

26th May 2002, 21:57
AB, is Velvet coming down with you?

26th May 2002, 23:07
Stik , Keef


I'll give you a bell on batphone Monday eve. Keef ditto.

John L is in the market for an Arrer and may blag a ride one way or the other in my a/c (spoke to him on the phone today)

125 kt should be OK but unlike keef's chariot my elderly Arrer has a coupla red arcs where it shakes itself to bits.

I'll try a trial run next week, though I'd kinda prefer 130kts if poss.

Looking forward to it: Juicy big high on its way in from the Atlantic.....

BIG-OCK- Farnborough sounds good to me: as a novice to formation flying the fewer wobbles in the line the better.

Off to dig out the article on formation flying in Pilot IIRC last year: if anyone can remember exact issue It'll save a lot of rummaging.

Still not certain how PPRuNers are going to identify each other: my guess is head for the noise and you won't go far wrong.

safe flying


27th May 2002, 09:03
Doesnt look like I am going to be able to come along. Aircraft gone tech unlikely to be available til next week earliest.


27th May 2002, 12:57
ACE RIMMER........Check your e-mail....... :)

Ace Rimmer
27th May 2002, 14:19
I have now... (it's a bit bolloxed at the moment new system being installed) and a reply is even now on it's way.

27th May 2002, 16:55
Swanwick Visit...

I have a visit arranged, and may be able to get permission for a few people to join me.

If there is anyone coming along to Popham that would like to visit as a guest of one of the ATCOs there, please find me and let me know.

If my seat scrounge with FFF is still on, then you'll find me getting out of a Europa. :)

27th May 2002, 23:24
I went last week (to LACC that is) and very impressive it is too...enjoy your visit.

Hope to see you all on Saturday - Wx is looking good

28th May 2002, 07:06

I'd certainly be interested - will buy you a suitable bribe at Popham... :)

28th May 2002, 11:02
Your lift is most certainly still on, paulo - and does that mean I get priority for Swanick? ;) Definitely interested, depending on the date/time of course...


28th May 2002, 13:57
All bribes willingly accepted :)

28th May 2002, 15:08
I would be interested in Swanick...but being poor I can't really offer bribes... :D Also depends on time etc... But count me out if you get any better offers of bribes ;)


28th May 2002, 15:48

I'm definitely interested, but can't offer you a helicopter ride as it now looks as though I'm driving to Popham :(

28th May 2002, 17:58
I am very interested in Swanwick its just up the road from me too.
See you all on sat

28th May 2002, 19:06
I'd be interested in a nose round Swanwick too :)
Can't give a financial bribe though ;) :D

28th May 2002, 19:23
I will ban you if i don't go on your list..... ;) :D

28th May 2002, 21:31
I know it'll be obvious that the vast horde of eager chatting folks at Popham is the PPRUNE gathering, but anyway ... I'll wear my hi-viz jacket with "Keef" on the back.

You can all congregate round me. I'm used to that.

Particularly looking forward to meeting quite a few people I've exchanged e-mails with over several years and never clapped eyes on.

29th May 2002, 08:04
Sorry folks, having to cry off Saturday.

The Luton sprang an oil leak (when another syndicate member took it to Popham funnily enough, for the microlight rally) and it's only just been fixed. It needs testing before I'll take it on a long trip, and I can only do that on Saturday morning (cos I'm nowhere near Barton in the week). By the time I've finished, it's just not enough to get there and back in the day (at 60kts).

...but I plan on going to the Flyer get-together at Sywell on 9th June (with Mrs Poet in a C152).

29th May 2002, 08:18
OK, the list of Captains looks like this. Get the Epaulettes ready...

Ace Rimmer/Big Red L
Kevin Head
Belgian Chap
Fuji Abound / Fujiflyer
Ground Loop + *********
long fina
New Bloke
Paul Robinson
Piperpilot, Ben A-Brown
SimJock / CarbHeatCold
SlipSlider (+Evo7)
SouthXross and Bigsplash
The Nr Fairy
White Shadow

The website is here (http://www.aircraftbooking.co.uk/flyin/main.php?find=26) :)

Met is looking better and better too :D

29th May 2002, 08:45
Excellent Keef.

Anyone else dressing up as a member of the Prodigy? :D

29th May 2002, 09:21
I guess you're all tired of Whirly's flying/Whirly's driving posts, but the latest and I hope final change of plan is that we're doing the Dawn to Dusk on Friday, so if I manage to wake up I'll be driving to Popham on Saturday. You'll all recognise me by the dark circles under my eyes and the body permanently fixed in the position used for flying a C172 - which I haven't flown for two years, but will get lots of practice in on Friday.:eek: :eek: :eek:

That is, unless anyone can give me a lift from Kidlington? Please e-mail me today if you can; I'm leaving tomorrow, and won't have e-mail access.

If I remember, I'll wear my PPRuNe t-shirt.

Cya all soon.

The Nr Fairy
29th May 2002, 10:01
Evo :

djk will be accompanying me, if wx and everything else is right, from Thruxton.

Mrs Nrf and Nrf junior will be driving along, as we're not too far away, and if wx is crap I'll accompany them leaving dj to work out how to fly an R22 in 10 minutes then battle the foul skies :D

And, in case anyone wants to know how to recognise me a) I'll be arriving in a helicopter and b) my son will be wearing a bright shirt with helicopters on it. And I might wear my shirt with helicopters on it as well.

Looking forward to it !

30th May 2002, 10:30
yep, I'll be there. should be meeting NrF at 0930ish at Pewsey station.
Saw the piccies of the last fly-in at Popham, gives me reassurance that there will be plenty of room for every to park their A/C :D

Dkosky- aka djk

The Nr Fairy
30th May 2002, 13:23
And to check the weather for the area, see the following links :

Whole of England (http://www.met-office.gov.uk/weather/europe/uk/ukforecast.html)

West of England (http://www.met-office.gov.uk/datafiles/RDPMS.html)

South Central England (http://www.met-office.gov.uk/datafiles/RBPMS.html)

These will be updated on a daily basis. Looking good at the moment !

30th May 2002, 16:17
So are we all going to wear badges with our pprune names on or what?....I vote yes, how else are we going to get the conversations started?

30th May 2002, 16:32
Don't worry Flyboy... I know at least 6 of the people going... and most other people will know a few. Don't remember conversation ever being a problem at a PPRuNe event :D

I'll still wear my wings though ;)

30th May 2002, 17:04
Go up to different people and make outrageous comments about some aspect of flying - the NPPL or the controls of a Cessna should do. The group of people arguing over a completely different topic 20 minutes later are the PPRuNers... ;) :)

30th May 2002, 18:11
See you all Saturday... I shall be in the Dragger G-BTSM, a cessna 180A. Please come up and feel free to press refreshments in my hand.
Popham is an airfield I know well, so please heed the earlier caveats re approaches into 08 and 26.
08 is a fairly slight angle due to some houses, approach over the grain silos. 26 is a much more angled approach and requires a turn on to the runway almost when you are actually on it. Do NOT approach over the garage and little chef on the threshold of 26. There is an arrow placed on the approach to guide you.
It is not like an instructor of one of the attendees who wont fly in due what he considers safety grounds describes.
It is safe but slightly challenging if you haven't been on 26 before. 03 requires an approach over woods and a main road, which finish right on the end of 03. It requires a fairly rapid loss of heights after clearing the woods, but remember,....the runway slopes away from you. Take your time however, and dont be tempted to stuff it on the ground because you think that 03 aint long enough...it has 900 metres, but the float factor is more pronounced because of the slope.
Above all, enjoy the experience of this delightful grass airfield, with the friendliest people imaginable.
See you Saturday.
Le Dragger

30th May 2002, 18:12
Do people want a recognition badge?
If so, as it's a bit late to organise baseball caps, t-shirts, etc, I'll leave a roll of those 'stick-on' pilots wings near the signing in book. They're like RAF wings but say 'future pilot' on them, but I certainly hope to be a pilot in the future too!.
If you don't want your Breitling jacket or designer t-shirts subject to cheap sticky badges, put one on the bag or chart or whatever it is you're carrying.

30th May 2002, 18:20
Evo7 You mean 20 seconds ...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great idea IRV :)

long final
30th May 2002, 18:47
Seeing as you mentioned it Evo, that pesky nppl ........:p

Hope to be there by Lunch - have we got BBQ confirmed? and if so, is it a bring your own food type or organised??

Best Regards,

30th May 2002, 19:41
I've spent today in meaningful chat with the weather fairies who assure me that the weather might be okay on Saturday ;) . They also assure me it might be okay for Friday, which could alarmingly mean there will be two days in a row I can go flying!!!

Me and Mrs. Courtman will see you all Saturday morning. We'll be in the one painted like an airliner - you'll get it when you see it!

:) :D :p ;) :)

30th May 2002, 20:48
I will have sufficent PPRuNe badges for everyone at £10 a time. A good way to identify fellow PPRuNers. I will wear one of our caps but sad to say there are none left. That will be put right when our esteemed leader gets back to a normal life.

Looking forward to seeing you all.


30th May 2002, 22:06
He has a 'Normal Life'? How dissappointing :(

PPRuNe wings added to my check list. Not sure where I'll wear them yet - that will depend on the weather ;)

30th May 2002, 22:11
Long Final makes a good point!

I will need feeding, as I suspect will some other arriving vultures...

Is there good gronf on site, or should I get Mrs Keef to build me a couple of sarnies?

30th May 2002, 22:41
Food: Dick (the Popham manager) knows about the visit, and earlier this week I made an estimate (not knowing the weather) of 60 -80 extra people to feed in good weather, but about 12 - 15 in bad weather (by car). He is checking weather and will fire up a sausage/burger bar if the weather looks good on the day. I'll check the other list of who has registered to come with 24 hours to go to give him an update. However, once he's fired the BBQ up, extra become easier anyway.

If anyone is selling £10 badges, I'll be selling ones which look remarkably like a £5 note with a safety pin through it and they will undercut the £10 badges by about a quid.

ps: The 'wings' I mentioned are free - can't think of much else in aviation you can say that about!

30th May 2002, 23:08

Despite amazing game of 'phone-tag and fewer equines/bereaving Mrs Stik than on Monday - I'd still like to come out to play Saturday.

Rigging altered, air-test complete and flick-rolls to the left are an even bigger WOW!!

Would it be easier if I met you on the gnd at yours Cusco at crack of sparrows or meet both of you at a leisurely hour at Roch? Cusco you can drop into mine if you want. Alternatively let's try and spk tomorrow - will have my batphone with me all day and apart from new tyres on the tracor have nothing very pressing (save ironing my flt-suit:D )


30th May 2002, 23:28

Not going to be able to drop into yours:only got 4 hours free Friday pm before evening p*ss up in Cambridge.

Early meet at mine at quarter to sparrow-f*rt on Sat sounds cool: all depends on how much fuel is in the A/c.

I'll give you a bell 4.30 pm ish Friday on bat phone.

Like the idea of a practise formation run to Roch so's we can show up the other amateurs on way to Popham.

Keef's concocted a plog which requires a DME which is a slight prob as my DME is currently in USA being FM immuned.

May well decide to go straight to Pop via BIG-OCK- Farnborough and hope the D areas are cold. They're only small arms ranges.

Bring the video cam: the fledgling is keen to take some air to air movies.

Commiserations on Mrs Stik's Equine

Safe flying


31st May 2002, 08:19
One day to go, and the Met Office forecast for the South East is "Dry with sunny spells. A little warmer still." Looking good :cool:

If anyone else is planning on leaving White Waltham at about 9.30am and wants to fly down in formation (it'll be a lose formation if there's lots of us, or if anyone doesn't feel up to getting too close), e-mail me at [email protected] - otherwise, I'll see you all there when you arrive!

Paulo, check your e-mail mate!

AerBabe, I'm sure you don't want suggestions on where you can pin your badge ;)

Irv, I'm sure Dick will be looking forward to our visit - lots of hungry mouths to feed, mine included! :D

IFR, I'll be buying a badge from you - and I'll also take a free one from Irv, coz I don't want him being offended that we're ignoring his free badges!


31st May 2002, 08:56
I've got this cheesy 'Avon Pilots Do It Upside Down' baseball cap. Never worn it, but it sounds like tomorrow will be the debut. :)

(FFF - Email checked, reply sent, 0915 EGLM affirm.)

31st May 2002, 10:03

I think the usual question of "who the hell are you"? works just as well to get conversations started :D

31st May 2002, 11:58
Baseball cap, thats a good idea for id. I will wear my blue New York Yankees cap..... :)

The Nr Fairy
31st May 2002, 13:09

Why don't you go in uniform ? I've heard the girlies like that.

31st May 2002, 15:12
For those thinking of routing via Biggin, there is of course the Air Fair on tomorrow...

See and avoid ?

Ace Rimmer
31st May 2002, 15:59
Big Red L CHECK YOUR EMAIL very slight plan change.

As for ID I 'll be the bloke with the bloke in the Yankees hat

31st May 2002, 16:19
Stik: commiserations on Mrs Stik's horse. Painful to lose a friend like that.

Cusco: don't need DME for the Keef route - just fly OCK R 249 till you intercept MID R 295. Fly that till you see Popham.

There's an air fair at Big Gin Hill, I hear, so overflight might be unpopular. I think Stik is PFA rather than C of A so the route BIG-OCK over some built up bits might not be ideal anyway.

M26 - M25 to OCK should avoid any built-up areas - it's rural "outside" the M25, innit. ;)

31st May 2002, 16:36
Stik/Cusco/anyone else from East of Biggin:

I called Biggin Ops, and they recommended strongly that we avoid their airspace on Sat cos there will be various lively aircraft practising for displays.

Advice was to route round the M25, and to talk to Thames Radar, who will coordinate with or transfer us to Biggin Approach as appropriate.

31st May 2002, 16:59
I've had the aeroplane booked for 3 months. Last weeked changed to another aircraft type so that Mrs. Courtman would be more familiar with it (she's learning in it). Weather fairies still seem to think it might be ok-ish.

Now, 1700 the night before I'm due to do something I've looked forward to for months and I get a phone call from the engineers. Aircraft stuck in Compton Abbas, starter motor u/s. Might get home, but will then be tech - all weekend. GRRRRRRR! :mad: :mad: :mad: Only available aircraft at Luton is the Mooney, can't operate onto grass (club rules). Just my luck, the only flying I've done in the last 6 weeks was to LGW in the Mooney and that ain't fun - that's for sure. This was going to be a good day out.

So, I'm praying the engineers can fix the aeroplane. Otherwise I'm stuck in the pub watching the World Cup.

Anyway, you all have a great time and if we can make it, we will!!

31st May 2002, 17:27
Biggin to-morrow?.............

I thought the Biggin days were 2nd and 3rd - i.e. Sunday and Monday. Could be wrong! :)

31st May 2002, 17:38
Ace Rimmer E-mail checked, no probs. :) (by the way, i just replied to your Gidz address and it bounced.........) Tommorow ok, shall we meet in the sky office.?

NR If i put my uniform on i would have to be late...It's tradition.!! :D :D

White Shadow
31st May 2002, 18:37
Quote from the Popham Airfield web site -
"Extensive microlight traffic ... tends to fly a tight circuit"...

31st May 2002, 20:15
IFR, it's Biggin's bring 'em in day tomorrow and I bet they also allow them to play.

I shall be wearing an orange baseball cap so that should narrow it down unless orange is the current in colour!!!

See ya all tomorrow and save me a badge.


31st May 2002, 21:00
It's Sarfen's "bring 'em in day" too. Similar NOTAM for both. So I rang both (Sarfen' is home base, so need to be able to get out).

EGMC: "No problem; we'll just expect you to roll inverted on the climbout."

EGKB: "Stay well clear of the ATZ; there will be fast jets practising aerobatics".

Sounds like we might lose Stik's attention for a bit there...

I'll keep my promise to wear the dayglo jacket with "Keef" on the back (as required for being airside at certain smaller airfields with delusions of grandeur). Congregate on me...

I'll have a badge, too, if there are any left!

31st May 2002, 22:10
Sorry everyone, myself and Fuji Abound cannot make it. As some of you know I have to get down to Menorca - this was meant to be on Sunday however the Wx is likely to be a problem so I'm having to go Saturday instead.

I'm naturally disappointed as I had been looking foward to it for some weeks now. :( :( :(

Hope you all have a great time,


The Nr Fairy
1st Jun 2002, 05:19
All TAFs for southern England this am show CAVOk, with the exception of one which shows 9999 and some cloud below 5000'.

I reckon the weather's up for it, and that's BEFORE I've looked out the window !

1st Jun 2002, 07:17
Yep, CAVOK or Few 3000. Winds 10 knots or below. No excuse not to go.

See you all there!

Captain Airclues
1st Jun 2002, 09:31
Sorry that I can't make it but I have a heavy cold (?flu) so don't want to infect you all. Hope it went well.
