View Full Version : NATS working schedule - swapping shifts

11th Jan 2013, 11:08

It seems NATS controllers work 6 on 4 off (if I'm not mistaken). Does the management allow flexibility for mutually agreed shift swaps between colleagues?

Like swapping one of your 4 days off day for a day on with someone? Or swapping from an earlier or later shift?

11th Jan 2013, 11:36
Generally, yes. As long as safety requirements are met and staffing numbers maintained/unaltered. Although it's at management discretion.

SRATCOH (Scheme for Regulation of Air Traffic Controllers' Hours) can be relatively complicated and permission for swaps etc. is often needed just so another set of eyes can check the rules. The supervisor may also be aware of unusual staffing requirements that apply to a one off shift, to facilitate meetings, visits or examinations for example.

Like swapping one of your 4 days off day for a day on with someone?

This wouldn't usually work, since SRATCOH requires a minimum time off after working a number of shifts, your 6, or even 5 if you've swapped one (60 hours - although it can be reduced to 54 hours if 180 hours are achieved in 3 breaks in 30 days).

Or swapping from an earlier or later shift?

This is more possible, although a limiting factor may be that 12 hours are required between shifts (can be reduced to 11 hours, once in 30 days, and only with controllers permission).

Night shifts (any part of 0130 - 0529) and early starts (0530 - 0629) attract more rules.

You can find full details in CAP 670 - (part D) here: CAP 670: ATS Safety Requirements | Publications | About the CAA (http://www.caa.co.uk/application.aspx?catid=33&pagetype=65&appid=11&mode=detail&id=200)

11th Jan 2013, 11:57
Sweet, Thanks for explaining Hangten :ok: