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View Full Version : BQH to MVV

Tin Pot
2nd Jan 2013, 19:33
Hi all,

This is my first post so apologies for any faux pas in advance.

I'm considering taking up flying to satisfy a particular whim; to fly from Biggin Hill to Megeve in the French Alps for a weekend of skiing. And I'd like your opinion on whether this is an achievable goal, or are there any show stoppers?

The challenges beyond achieving a private pilots license appear to me to be flying;

At night
In winter weather
In the mountains

And landing after heavy snowfall (is MVV even open during ski season?)

If there isn't anything insurmountable in this challenge, then your further aside would be appreciated(!)

Many thanks,


India Four Two
3rd Jan 2013, 05:15
Hi Tin Pot,

I'll be the first to chip in, while UK PPRuNers are still asleep. ;)

One showstopper, unless things have changed, is that you need a French rating (an Alpine Rating, I think it is called), before you can land at Megeve.

A and C
3rd Jan 2013, 09:32
You could do this ( if you have the mountain rating) but with the winter weather you are likely to get stuck on the ground, so the chances of getting the job done on time are something like this:-

PPL/IR in De iced twin 95%

PPL/IR in De iced single 85%

The above without De ice 60 %

Basic PPL in non De iced single 15% with IMC rating 20%.

Conclusion........ If you don't have an IR or De ice equipment take a Loco airline & hire a car.

3rd Jan 2013, 09:55
Also at 4800ft high and only 430m long you might struggle to get in and out with the usual run of the mill GA types. C182 would prob do it...

Even with a deiced twin though you still need good enough visual conditions to land in what, by normal airfield standards at least, is quite a tight little spot.

Don't have the French charts to hand but getting to Annecy, ie proper airport, might be more realistic and then drive an hour...

Tin Pot
3rd Jan 2013, 17:32
Thanks, google isn't helping look into that so I've emailed the flying school in Megeve as they do a mountain course.

I'll try to get a flying lesson out there when I drive over in February. :)

Thanks A and C.

PPL, IR and mountains rating it is then - easy(!)

I've tried to contact a few aircraft hire places already but got no response so far. Biggin Hill is only fifteen minutes away so I'll drop over there and ask about a driver twin for a long weekend. I might need skis on it though... :ooh:


Understood, but where would be the trepidation in that? ;)