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View Full Version : ICAO Mobile App Emergency Response Guidance

20th Dec 2012, 16:03
Good afternoon, I work for ICAO in product development. I spoke to a pilot friend in regards to Doc 9481 Emergency Response Guidance for Aircraft Incidents Involving Dangerous Goods. His insight was very helpful and he seemed quite excited about the possibility of having an app regarding transport of dangerous goods for an electronic flight bag.

I was hoping some members would be so kind to share their input and answer a few questions. How big of a concern is the transport of DG for you? Would you be excited about an application that helped verify and identify labels, as well as provide diagrams, videos and information relevant to the type of DG? The application would also provide an indexable version of Doc 9481 to easily search codes. Would you be interested in any other features?

This is not a commercial advertisement. I would appreciate any feedback that you could provide me with. We are looking to ultimately provide you with more value, as we digitize our offerings. Happy holidays to all!!!

20th Dec 2012, 20:19
There are already apps out there that do some stuff like that. I use UN Number which gives the ERICard and additional info for each UN number (iPhone, dunno if its available for android).

An app directly from ICAO would of couse be nice, especially if it is cheap or for free.

20th Dec 2012, 23:07
You guys should take back the maintenance and ongoing development of the CRM tool (for ILS) as per ICAO Doc 9274 and 8168 and a new tool for FAS Block generation for GLS procedures (8168). Both of these tools should have in/out links for use by other procedure design as well!

This is more in line with ICAO's charter - not doing stuff that is already being handled by many commercial developers, and not in areas that is more heavily influenced by each operator's own SMS & SOPs.

18th Jan 2013, 00:06
Of course there will be interest in such application especially as mentioned by Denti if it's going to be free or for a cheap price !
I think that now the whole industry is depending on automation and electronics for reducing weight and minimizing any paper related material so I think that ICAO and IATA should go ahead and start offering such Applications and they should be compatible for different platforms (Android, IOS, Windows,etc...)