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View Full Version : Virgin 747 "Tubular Belle" has a crack in it

13th Dec 2012, 13:17
A Virgin B747-400 G-VHOT is still stuck at the gate at LHR whilst engineers try to repair a cracked window in the cockpit. A Virgin official apparently said the window had cracked when the 747 landed at LHR.

The aircraft was due to take off for San Francisco at 11:00 am this morning but passengers are having to kick their heels waiting to get on board. The 747 is a 1994-vintage model named "Tubular Belle". Is the Virgin fleet getting a bit long in the tooth I wonder?

Ballywalter Flyer
13th Dec 2012, 13:21
Windows crack. It could have happened to a factory fresh 747.
Better it is found and repaired on the ground than failing at FL320

13th Dec 2012, 13:29
This Virgin's crack is not in the tooth.

13th Dec 2012, 18:05
Engineers are replacing a windscreen ...is that it?????

13th Dec 2012, 18:47
Engineers are replacing a windscreen ...is that it?????

Yes - excellent grasp of the subject matter, Walter.

13th Dec 2012, 19:51
Thanks for that thought perhaps i was missing something...however lets hope this does not start a trend of all tech delays being chronicled on the spotters forum.....

14th Dec 2012, 04:40
One would suggest the title of the post is a little misleading. G-VHOT hasn't got a crack in it.....only a window!!!!

14th Dec 2012, 05:52
One would suggest the title of the post is a little misleading

Wait till the DM gets hold of the story :

Thousands of panic stricken passengers on an Atlantic's Virgin jet belonging to the millionaire serial enterpruner Richard Branston, of the pickle family, narrowly missed death or worse yesterday as their Airbus jumbo jet hurtled down the runway at close to the speed of sound with a shattered windscreen. The heroic captain aborted the takeoff just in time for the packed aircraft to avoid a primary school and a shopping centre full of people doing their Christmas shopping in time for Ramadan ...............

14th Dec 2012, 07:05


14th Dec 2012, 08:01
Tableview...you forgot "traumatised passengers currently under stress counseling stated that the aircraft would have plunged thousands of feet in a death dive if not for the lucky fact that it was still on the ground..."

14th Dec 2012, 08:39
firstly you don`t repair cracked windscreens!:ugh:

depending on the type fitted you can fly with them cracked.

TRIPLEX (.118”) and PPG
One No. 1 window outer glass ply may be cracked provided:
a. Visibility through affected windshield is acceptable to the commander and vision
is not impaired on the remaining windshield.
b. Operations Manual window heat limitations are observed.
c. The aircraft is operated for one take-off ONLY to an airport where a replacement can be made.

TRIPLEX (.050”)
One No. 1 window outer thin glass pane may be damaged provided:
a. Entire outer glass layer is removed from the affected window.
b. Visibility through affected window is not impaired.
c. Operations Manual window heat limitations are observed.

14th Dec 2012, 08:41
I just hope that all the passengers are getting counselling after this traumatic, upsetting event. Definitely a few cases of post traumatic stress disorder i think will be coming up. Lets be thankful that the crack was found in time to save them all.

14th Dec 2012, 10:13
Thanks spannersatck nice to hear from someone on here who actually knows what he is talking about ....in stark contrast to the OP

14th Dec 2012, 14:00
My god in heaven. Aircraft requires windshield change. Why is this not on the BBC world service.:ugh:

14th Dec 2012, 14:31
This is the spotters forum jetmech they tend to get very overexcited at this sort of thing:rolleyes:

DX Wombat
14th Dec 2012, 14:33
Could it possibly be that the replacement has to be fetched from elsewhere which has contributed to the delay? :confused:
I was delayed at the garage yesterday as the part required wasn't in stock there but at their other branch so needed to be fetched over. Should I have created a stink about it after all, it was having to be brought a whole 4.2 miles? :rolleyes:

14th Dec 2012, 14:40
I have not changed a windshield in a long time but I do remember a cracked windshield on a classic 747 and knocking out the exterior plate with a rubber mallet as prescribed by the MEL!

14th Dec 2012, 15:00
...As long as I remember, when I was in the Classic, QRH regarding a cracked windshield was suggesting the use of the wipers to remove part of the external debris to improve pilot's visibility.
Great Classic!

14th Dec 2012, 20:43

Here are a few more should the Daily Mail want any more stories...or any other forum users would like to start any other threads.

16th Dec 2012, 23:44
Naughty but nice, nah, hilarious!

DX Wombat
17th Dec 2012, 10:41
I was going to make a remark about a cracked bell not ringing but thought better of it. :oh:

19th Dec 2012, 15:05
how much does such an item cost,?:* unless it is out of Kemble